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открытый урок по теме: Спорт
Урок по теме "Спорт – мой девиз"
Цели урока:
• Активизировать имеющиеся в опыте учащихся знания, полученные на уроках английского языка, или на уроках по другим предметам, а так же из литературы, газет, телепередач и т.д. по теме “Спорт” через знание -незнание.
• Формирование навыка употребления активной лексики раздела, формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников, развитие культуры устных высказываний.
• Развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать; развитие способности к логическому изложению, к формированию выводов.
• Воспитание положительного, уважительного отношения к истории и культуре стран.
Сопутствующие задачи:
1. Формировать навык чтения с извлечением необходимой информации,
2. Развивать навык аудирования (понимание на слух диалогическую речь носителей языка с аудиокассеты с целью узнать основную информацию, научившись выделять из услышанного, кто, что, где, когда, почему).
3 .Тренировка навыков диалогической и монологической речи, (применение в речи речевых клише разговорного этикета, правильное использование лексических и грамматических единиц)
4. Практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности в работе в группах, воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу.
5. Прививать интерес к культуре изучаемого и родного языков, чувство гордости за свою страну.
Оснащение урока:
• карточки с упражнениями;
• магнитофон, компьютер, доска, проектор, экран;
• упражнения с заданиями, выполненные на компьютере с помощью программы для презентаций “Power Point”

1. Организационный момент (2 минуты) (Слайд1)
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we speak about sports in Russia. We shall find out what sports you like or maybe dislike. Let’s imagine: You are students from Canada and Russia. Пресс-конференция по карте (Слайд2)
Vancouver is a costal city and a major seaport, located in the southwestern British Columbia, Canada. It’s named after Captain Vancouver, a British explorer. It’s one of the largest industrial, cultural and sport centers of Canada. I Vancouver has a growing tourism industry. The city is having the third highest quality of living in the world after Zurich and Geneva. The mild climate of the city and close proximity to ocean, mountains, rivers, lakes make the area very suitable for organizing Olympic Games here. The main thing of winter Olympic Games is snow. Canada is the country that has lots of it. We are sure that Vancouver is a very good host city for the Olympic Games.
We will see today who knows about sport better?
Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “A sound mind is in a sound body.” Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true. (Slide)
At the same time a great number of people don’t go in for sports. What is useful watching sport on TV or going in for it themselves?
But in our country there are real lovers of sports. Our sportsmen take first places in some competitions held in the town and in the Olympiad in Vancouver .
So, at the lesson we shall speak about sport activities. Our competition begins. The problem for you Tell me What does it mean ..Sport-is…. (Слайд3)

2. Фонетическая зарядка (4 минуты) (Слайд4)

First we repeat the words to the theme. (2 минуты)
Match the words in English and in Russian.
Roller-skating Катание на роликах
Skiing Плавание
Swimming Гибкий
Hiking Велоспорт
Cycling Катание на коньках
Skating Катание на лыжах
Tournament Горный туризм
Improve Мускулы
Keep fit Улучшать
Muscles Турнир
Flexible Быть в хорошей форме

Group these activities into indoor and outdoor sports. (2 минуты) (Слайд5,6)

Ice Hockey
Skiing Archery
BoxingFencing FootballCanoe / kayak Cycling

3. Речевая зарядка (3 минуты) (Слайд7)
Answer the questions. Choose thе questions
1. What kinds of sports are popular in Russia? Canada?
2. Are you against or for sports?
3. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?
4. advertisement

4. Работа с лексическим материалом (7 минут) (Слайд 8) игра в мяч People who go in for different sports have different names. (1 минута) Remember!
How do we call people who: play football (footballer), tennis (tennis player); go swimming (swimmer), jumping (jumper), running (runner)

карточки командам
1 windsurfing(surfer),
2 ride a bike(cyclist)?
3 plays golf – (golfer
4 drives cars in races – (a driver)
5does the high jump – (a high-jumper)
6 rides horses in races – (a jockey)
7 runs fast over short distances – (a sprinter)
8 does gymnastics – (a gymnast)
9hrows a discus – (discus thrower)
10 does windsurfing – (windsurfer)
 Guess what kind of sports it is. Translate the sentences into Russian.
 Загадки команд друг другу (Листки выдать) (Слайд9)
It is a game for two or four players who hit a ball with rackets across a net. (lawn tennis)
It is a summer game played on a grass field by two teams with a ball, bats and wickets. (cricket)
It is a game played by two or four persons with a small hard ball which is struck with clubs into holes. (golf)
It is a way of traveling or going on foot. (walking)
It is a team game played with oval ball. (rugby, football) The sport of fighting in gloves.-Boxing
The sport of sliding on a small board with wheels.-Skateboarding
A very popular outdoor game played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass back and forth over a net. -Lawn tennis
A sport in which 2 people fight, each trying to throw the other on the ground.-Wrestling
A slow run for exercise. –Jogging It is a game played on a table using round wood bats and a small plastic ball. (table tennis) . Can you guess what sports and games are described here?
the sport of fighting with fists;

1. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
2. the sport of one who swims;
3. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;
4. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
5. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;
6. the sport of going on horseback;
7. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field.
1. boxing;
2. sailing;
3. swimming;
4. rugby;
5. tennis;
6. rowing;
7. horseracing;
8. icy hokey
Good for you. As you know that all sportsmen and sportswomen take part in different sports competitions, matches, games, in different tournaments. They try to set records. And what is the main dream of all sportsmen and sportswomen?
P1: Receive gold medal
5. Аудирование (3 минуты) Угадать спортсмена - Плющенко (Слайд10)
Take part in Olympic Games. What do you know about Olympic Games.
6. Read the text and replace the pats in necessary order! (Слайд 11, 12)
The Olympic Games.
The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. The Olympic idea means friendship and cooperation among the people of the world. In 774 BC the first Olympic Games were held to honour the Greek’s God Zeus. The competition were in running, jumping, discus throwing, boxing and horse and chariot racing. But the winners came to mount Olympus every four years.
In 394 AD the Olympic Games were forbidden. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. The French Baron Pierre de Coubertin renewed the Olympic Games. Over 150 countries are represented in the IOC at present.
The Olympic flag has five colored linked rings (they represent five parts of the world) on the white background. The motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (“Faster, Higher, Stronger”). Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. In 1980 Moscow hosted the 22nd Olympic Games. The Olympic Games cannot take place in states at war. Summer and winter Olympic Games are held in different countries. Since 1936 the opening ceremony has been celebrated by lighting a flame which is called “Olympic flame”.
BC=Before Christ- до нашей эры
To hold- проводить, устраивать
To honour the Greek’s God Zeus- в честь греческого бога Зевса
Horse and chariot racing- состязания на колесницах
AD (anno Domini, лат.)- нашей эры
To renew- возобновлять
Interlaced- переплетённый
Background- фон
Motto- девиз
To host-принимать у себя

T: You know that all Olympic Games have their own symbols. (Слайд 14) What symbols do you know?
P1: It is flag.
P2: It’s flame. Etc.
T: What do you know about them?

(Показ символики) (Слайд 13, 15, 16)
P3: I want to tell you some words about rings. There are five of them. They are blue, black, red, yellow and green. Every rings stands for one of the five continents. Although there are seven continents, Antarctica is excluded and North America and South America are considered one. The connection of the rings symbolizes the connection of the continents during the Games and the ideal of peace and brotherhood of the whole planet. Etc.
T: Good. All athletes try to set records. What are the Olympic awards? What do the winners of the Olympic Games receive?
P1: Olympic awards are medals.
P2: The first place winner receives a gold medal, the second place winner receives a silver medal and the third place winner receives a bronze medal.
T: Let’s work in 2 groups. In your small puzzle, write the letters in the boxes and make a word. (Слайд 17)
1. My first letter is in sock but not in rock лист на руки
2. My second letter is in dog but not in dig
3. My third letter is in cat but not in bat
4. My fourth letter is in hat but not in rat
5. My fifth letter is in pin but not in pan
- We are very proud of this Russian city. The International Olympic Committee decided that Sochi would host the 22nd Winter Olympic Games
7. Развитие навыка монолога (5 минут) Монолог по теме.( карточки окончание) Что значит спорт для вас ? (Слайд 18)
Task: Take the card with your name and put it near the picture with sport or game you are going in for on the blackboard. Ребята говорят, почему им интересен тот или иной вид спорта, используя эти активные выражения.
Teacher: Who wants to tell us about your favorite kind of sports? реклама
Teacher: And now we speak about sport in Russia and Canada. (корреспонденты)
Дать темы для обсуждения (дать листочки с заданиями) РОССИЯ
-- Юля --Russian children start to go in for sports since their early childhood. Like children in other countries we are fond of running, jumping, skipping, and playing snowballs. When we grew up our sport activities became more serious. Now we attend sport clubs or go to sport centers if we are interested in staying healthy.
-- Настя --In my opinion many Russian people are fond of sports. Sport plays an important role in our lives. We know many Russian athletes who win in European and world championships. Our figure skaters are the best. They take a lot of cups and medals in different competitions. Who doesn’t know Russian skiers! We are proud of them!
-- Андрей --So, sport helps us to stay in good shape, to build character. It teaches us to win and to lose. Besides, it is a good way to meet different people and make new friends.
-- Ирина --As for me, I want to tell you about sports in our school. You know we pay great attention to sports in the school. We have PE twice a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in the gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games. From time to time in the school competitions and sport festivals take place. We are crazy about volleyball and basketball.
-- Аня --In my opinion every person should go in for sports because it helps people to be strong and agile. It makes us more organized and better disciplined in our daily activities.
-- Валя -- I prefer volleyball. I attend a volleyball club in the school. I am sure this sport game develops character and quick thinking.
Use these expressions to say why you go in for sport:
• to spend free time with pleasure – проводить свободное время с пользой
• to meet friends and different people – встречаться с друзьями и другими людьми
• to get on friendly terms with other people – общаться с другими людьми
• to become a great famous sportsman – стать великим известным спортсменом
• to be healthy – быть здоровым
• to keep fit – быть в форме
• to improve my health – поддерживать свое здоровье
• to stay in good health – быть здоровым
• to lead healthy way of living – вести здоровый образ жизни
• to make my character – формировать свой характер
• to become strong – стать сильным
• to develop physically – развиваться физически
• to make me more organized and better disciplined – быть более организованным и дисциплинированным
8. Подведение итогов урока (2 минуты) (Слайд 19, 20) Boys and girls, we did a lot at the lesson. You worked hard so you know a lot of the most popular kinds of sports in Russia as well as about sports in Canada l. Thank you for being so active. You get good and excellent marks.

Источник: http://collegy.ucoz.ru/publ/32-0-0-0-1
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Eng-teacher (2015-01-15) | Автор: Кузеубаева Гульнара Кудайбергеновна E W
Просмотров: 2170 | Теги: спорт, английский язык | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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    презентация Ирина Борисенко открытый урок информатика флипчарт животные новый год 9 класс 5 класс творчество Казахские пословицы проект конспект урока 6 класс физика язык класс педагогика стихи Казахстан математика урок праздник наурыз познание мира музыка доклад программа литература география природа сценарий семья воспитание классному руководителю осень игра казахский язык и литература викторина Начальная школа тест конкурс ИЗО внеклассная работа литературное чтение Русский язык 3 класс технология воспитательная работа сказка Здоровье Оксана 8 марта искусство независимость английский язык психология учитель 3 класс биология статья внеклассное мероприятие классный час ЕНТ выпускной школа 1 класс Русский язык ЕГЭ тесты химия начальные классы Дети экология Дошкольники любовь разработка урока казахский язык самопознание Английский родители br конспект спорт критическое мышление патриотизм дружба дошколенок История обучение тренинг разработка 7 класс физическая культура игры КВН занятие детский сад физкультура Абай коучинг

