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"Animals are in danger"
[ Скачать с сервера (438.8 Kb) ] 2015-02-13, 12:54 PM
Ғ. Қайырбеков атындағы №2 мектеп-гимназия
Арипова Р.Д
Шесть шляп мышления как креативная методика преподавания иностранных языков. Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме:
"Animals are in danger"

Технология урока: шесть шляп мышления, тонкие и толстые вопросы, ИНСЕРТ, дискуссия, синквейн

Цели: развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся с использованием новых выражений, формирование лингво-культурной компетенции учащихся.

Образовательные задачи:
расширить кругозор по теме;
реализовать межпредметные связи (самопознание/зоология).

развитие лингво-культурной компетенции;
активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.

поддерживать дух толерантности, принимая другие точки зрения;
воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение;
поддерживать других, в том числе животных и быть к ним благожелательными.

развитие способности к переключению уровней мышления (The Six Thinking Hats);
развивать критическое мышление через чтение информационного текста;
развивать умение работать в группе.

Оборудование урока: аудиозапись песни “Animals” звучит в начале и в конце урока в исполнении группы “Maroon 5”; карточки с пословицами; шляпы шести цветов; дерево судьбы. (Звучит запись песни “Animals”)

Epigraph: What's good for one is bad for another…

Стадия вызова (Evocation)
1. Teacher: Good morning, students. I’m sure that you know this song. Do you like it? I think it is eternal problem. People must understand that they are threatening animals!
Today we are going to speak about animals and danger upon them, not only about tigers and lions, but also about whales – sea animals. Today we shall learn some new facts from the book and we shall try to answer some very important and controversial questions: “Are the animals in danger because of people? Can we stop threaten them?”

People threaten some animals for their meat, horn, ivory tusks, fur feather and skin.
Why do people continue threaten them and for what? - these are the questions everyone would like to answer.
“Six thinking hats “method will help us to discuss this problem from different points of view. It is an important and powerful technique. It is used to look at decisions from a number of important perspectives.
“Six thinking hats” is about improving communication and decision-making in groups .It helps to structure thinking and make it more effective. Suggestions, judgments, criticism, information and emotions are all mixed together.
The “Six thinking hats” are different ways of looking at an issue that has to be decided; each “Thinking Hat” is a different style of thinking.
The White Hat: calls for information, known or needed. "The facts are just the facts."
The Red Hat: signifies feelings, hunches and intuition - the place where emotions are placed without explanation
The Black Hat: signifies caution and critical thinking - do not overuse! Why something may not work
The Yellow Hat: symbolizes brightness and optimism. You can explore the positives and probe for value and benefit.
The Green Hat: focuses on creativity, possibilities, alternatives and new ideas. It is an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions - lateral thinking could be used here
The Blue Hat: is used to manage the thinking process. It ensures that the 'Six Thinking Hats' guidelines are observed.

Overall, thinking becomes clearer when the different parts that go into it are brought into the open.
Why hats? You can find a traditional connection between thinking and hats in many English proverbs and idioms.
The idea of the “hat” has the advantage that it allows people to play with a new perspective. People who argue by criticism, for example, can remain mostly critical. But putting on the red hat they can show their emotions, or by putting on the yellow hat they can think about advantages. You can easily put on and take off your hat, so you can discuss a problem from different points of view. So, this method tries to make our discussion more rational and above all I found it very interesting to analyze a problem under the “hat” categories.

2. We continue to speak about animals in danger. We have already learnt some facts from the book, about for what do people threaten. Animals are also closely connected with the nature.
First of all, answer my questions:
- What does the word danger mean?
- Why the meaning of this word is unpleasant?
- For what did people threaten the animals in the past?
- And for what do people do it now?
- Especially what kind of animals are in danger now?
- What's good for one is bad for another… How do you understand it?
- The possibility of someone or something to make harm or injury.
- Because to make harm or injury is always painful and unpleasant.
- In the past people used meat to eat, teeth to make an equipment and skin to make a clothes.
- The value of animals and nature is not so important for many people now, most of all people do it for beauty, furniture from ivory tusks, to make clothes for beauty and of course for the fur coat.
- Especially tigers, lions for their skin, rhinos for their horn, whales for their fat and elephants for their ivory tusks.
- Because people do it for their comfort, but it is bad for animals.
And now I can say that the topic of our today’s conversation is very serious.

3. We have learnt many facts from the book about animals which are in danger.
Do you know that there were 300 species of elephants, today we can find them only in Africa and India? Today Indian elephants are in danger, and nowadays only 1 million elephants live on the planet.
Whales are the biggest animals in the sea. They are more than 30 meters long. They breathe through the hole in the top of their head. They can stay under water about an hour without breathing.
Today it’s time to learn something new. Let’s put on White Hat. On your desks you have sheets of paper with the text from which you may learn much important information about animals in danger. First of all you should read the text and then fill the table. There are four columns in the table.

You should put a tick if you knew this fact before.
Thought differently

Don’t understand,
have questions

This technique is called INSERT
I- interactive
N- noting
S- system
E- effective
R- reading
T- thinking
Now let’s discuss in groups.
-What fact did you know before?
-What new information have you found in the text?
-Are there any facts in the text you don’t understand?

4. Now let’s remember proverbs and expressions with animals. I show you some pictures, looking at them you have to guess the English and Russian versions of the proverb or expression.
You can see a magic square on your desks. Try to find as many proverbs and expressions as possible on the topic “animal”.
The next task is very easy.
You can see some pictures connected with animals.
Try to find what they mean.

1st group


Like a bull in a china shop
Как слон в посудной лавке

Put a cat among pigeons
Вызвaть переполох

2nd group


Make a mountain out of a molehill
Делать из мухи слона


Let the cat out of the bag
Выдать секрет/тайну

5. It is time to play. The game is called “Chains of events”. Use the second conditional and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one. Don’t forget to wear your green hat.

1st group. You should start your chain of events with the words: “If I was a hunter….”

2nd group. The beginning of your chain is “If I was a deputy …”

If I was a hunter, I would never kill those animals which are in danger.

If I don’t kill animals, I would make a society of hunters and we would help those animals which are in danger.

If I make a society, I would be a deputy and invite all people to take care of animals.

If I was a deputy, I would write a law not to kill the animals.

If I write a law not to kill the animals, I would be happy.

If I am happy, everybody would be happy.

6. There is a fortune tree on my table. As you can see it has sweets instead of leaves.
Choose the sweets, discuss the question written on the inside of it and give your answer wearing your red hat. You must answer the questions according to your feelings.

- Is it possible not to kill the animals?
- Would you prefer to be a hunter?
- Would you prefer to be an animal?
- Have you got an idea how to help the animals?
- If you were a rich man would you spend your money to save the animals?
- What kind of place is the Earth for animals?
- Do we need to save the animals?
- Do we need to kill the animals?
- How can you help in this problem?

7. It is time for the conclusion. Let’s make a list of advantages and disadvantages of killing the animals. Here you can use your black hat and yellow hat.
Advantages -
You can buy a fur coat
You would be a good hunter
You would buy beautiful thing from natural crocodile skin
You would have good dishes from their bone and horn
Disadvantages -
Some of the animals would be lost
Our planet would lose a balance
Our grandchildren would never see some kinds of the animals
We would destroy our planet

8. Imagine that you are allowed to have some of the gifts for your birthday. Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important or useful and three, which are the least important or useful.
good health;
a beautiful fur coat;
the Earth without pollution;
an expensive bag from the crocodile skin;
an attractive dishes;
lots of adventure;
lots of friends;
a good job;
a carpet from the skin of animal;
a happy marriage;
a long life.

Now put on your blue hat and compare your choice with other people in your group and agree on the three most important gifts.
The phrases may help:
Which is the most important thing for you?
I think the most important thing in life is…..
I think it’s much more useful/important to have ….that….
….isn’t as important as….
The one thing I’d like to have is…
The one I think is most/least important is….

Write a group list and then a class list.

So we can make a conclusion that killing and using the animals cannot make us happier. Wearing the yellow hat we understand that we can live without killing the animals.

Стадия рефлексии (Reflection)
9. Make up синквейн about money. If you forget what it is, I’ll remind you. It is a kind of poem, which consists of 5 lines (this word has French origin; cinq means five in French). The first line is a general word, the second line consists of two adjectives which describe this word, the third line includes 3 verbs on the topic, the fourth line is the main idea of your “poem” (It must consist of 3-4 words) and the last line is a synonym of the general world (animal).
Make up as many cinqwayns as you can. All your cinqwayns will be different. Read aloud your cinqwayns, when you are ready.


Animals Animals
Beautiful useful Strong kind
Catch kill destroy Lose disappear help
What's good for one is bad for another We can change our future

10. Подведение итогов урока
The topic of our today’s conversation was very serious. We have spoken much about animals and we have discussed the problem of killing or not killing it from different points of view. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to..., good – to …, etc. I wish you be healthy and wealthy.
If you like this lesson stick your smiles on the left poster, but if you don’t like stick your smiles on the right one. You may write your wishes on your smiles.

The lesson is over. See you later. Good- bye!
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: анар9740
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