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Тема урока: “ Что нужно делать, чтобы быть здоровым и в форме?”
2016-12-17, 11:19 PM
Тема урока: “ Что нужно делать, чтобы быть здоровым и в форме?”
Цель урока: Обобщение знаний учащихся по теме «Здоровье».
Задачи урока:
1.Обобщить лексический материал по теме «Здоровье», повторить названия болезней, использовать в речи лексику, обозначающую средства лечения.
Обобщить грамматический материал (модальный глагол «should», условные предложения).
2.Развивать коммуникативные навыки по теме, умение спросить совета и дать совет, умение выразить свое мнение, умения обобщать и делать выводы, умение пользоваться таблицами при выполнении задания, заполнять таблицы и карточку врача, развивать навыки аудирования, письма.
Развивать творческие способности учащихся, память, внимание.
3.Воспитывать умение вежливого общения, умения придти на помощь товарищу, если у него есть проблемы со здоровьем, умение работать в парах, в команде, сотрудничать, помогая друг другу. Воспитывать здоровые привычки и культуру здорового образа жизни.
Тип урока: урок обобщения, систематизации и закрепления с элементами получения новых знаний.
Форма урока: урок-викторина.
Технологии: индивидуальная, парная, групповая работа, ролевая игра
«На приеме у врача», использование ИКТ, здоровьесберегающие технологии, игровые технологии.
Ресурсы: Интерактивная доска, проектор, мультимедийный экран, материал для презентации, карточки, аудиозапись. На партах учеников- карточки «На приеме у врача», карточки для выполнения упражнений, карточки с лексикой и транскрипцией.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please.
How are you today? What is the day today?
What do you think about today’s weather? Do you like it?
Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem. Look at these pictures at once. The pictures on the screen will help you to guess what we are going to speak about.
-What can you see in the pictures?
-Can you tell me what we are going to speak about?
Pupil: I think we shall speak about health.
Teacher: Right you are. As you know some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it. So today we are going to speak about our health, about what we should do to be healthy .
Фонетическая зарядка. Phonetic Practice.
Teacher: Yesterday we spoke about different illnesses. Let’s revise . What illnesses do you know?
Pupils’ answers: a cold, flu, a cough, a headache, toothache, a burn, a sore throat, a broken arm, a broken leg. Teacher: Now, let’s repeat them once more. Look at the screen. Listen and repeat, please. Учащиеся слушают и повторяют за диктором. (slide 2-8)
Основная часть.
Teacher: Thank you. Today we’ll talk about how to treat them, what you should do to feel better. I am not a teacher today. I’m a doctor. My name is Mrs. Herb. And I’ll give you some advice how to be healthy. There are a lot of different remedies.
1. Повторение изученной лексики.
А) Listen and repeat remedies for some illnesses. (Slide 9-18)
Учитель показывает различные лекарства-средства от болезней, ученики хором повторяют за учителем.
cool Make sentences using these words. (slide 19)
Составление предложений с использованием изученных слов.
Teacher: Well done. Thank you. Now give advice to your friend if he/she/ has got any problem with his/her/ health. Match the problem with the treatment.
Do as in the example. Fill in the blanks.

remedy/ medicine illness/ health problem
Baking soda
Raspberry jam
Herbal tea
Cranberry jam and drinks

a sore throat
a cough
a small cut
a broken leg
a broken arm
a cold
a headache
Remedy illness
……………………………………is good for…………………………………..
Ученики составляют предложения: Baking soda is good for a sore throat. Etc.
Teacher: Well done. Thank you, children.

C) Find the odd word. (slide 20)
Teacher: Read each of the following lists of four words. One word does not belong to each list. Find it and name it. Прочитайте слова, найдите лишнее слово в списке слов и назовите его.
a) ill, sick, sad, unwell;
b) doctor, nurse, teacher, chemist;
c) sleep, take care of, nurse, look after;
d) headache, a sore throat, toothache, pill;
e)insomnia, burn, backache, a cough; dentist.

Answers: a) sad b) teacher c) sleep d) pill e) dentist.
2. Grammar revision: The modal verb “should”. Work in pairs. (Slide 21)
Teacher: Give advice to your friend if he/she/ has got any problem with his/her/ health. Match the problem with the treatment making conditional sentences with the modal verb “should”.
Составление условных предложений: назвать проблему и как ее следует лечить.
If you ‘ve got flu
If you’ve got a cold
If you’ve got a cough
If you’ve got a burn
If you’ve got a cut
If you’ve got toothache
If you’ve got a sore throat
If you’ve cut your finger
If you’ve burnt your arm
If you’ve broken your leg
If you’ve broken your arm
you should/you shouldn’t
stay in bed and keep warm
drink milk with baking soda and honey
go out
have X-ray
take tablets and drink much water
pull your tooth out
put a plaster on it
put a bandage on it
put your finger under cold water
drink hot herbal tea
drink tea with raspberry jam
eat onion and garlic
drink tea with cranberry jam
eat ice-cream and drink cold water

3. Matching the proverbs. Cоотнесение пословиц по данной теме. (slide 22)
Teacher: Do you know any proverbs? OK. Our next task is to find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs.
1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3. A merry heart is good medicine.
4. Good health is above wealth.
5. An hour’s sleep before midnight is worth two after.
6. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
а. Здоровье дороже богатства.
b. В здоровом теле – здоровый дух.
с. Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт.
d. Смех – лучшее лекарство.
е. Ешь по яблоку в день и будешь здоров.
f. Час сна до полуночи стоит двух после полуночи.

Ответы: 1c, 2e, 3d, 4a, 5f, 6b.

4. Listening and speaking. Аудирование. (slide 23)
Teacher: When do people go to the doctor? Right. When they have some problems with their health. Listen to the conversations and say what problems children have and what advice they get from the doctor. Complete the chart.
(Ученики слушают запись внимательно и потом записывают проблемы со здоровьем у ребят).

Name of patient Mike Jane Ruth
Health problem pain in his leg toothache sore throat
Treatment have X-ray,
stay in bed
don’t walk a lot
have X-ray, drink tea with lemon
go to the dentist take tablets
stay in bed
Teacher: Now answer, please. What’s the matter with Mike? What can you advise him?
Student 1: His leg hurts. He should stay in bed, have X-ray, don’t walk a lot

5. Физкультминутка. (презентация «Monkey dance!») (slide 24)
Teacher: Are you tired? Let’s have a rest and dance with animals.

6. Acting out the dialogue. Подготовка и разыгрывание диалогов « У врача».
Teacher: Now, children, imagine that some of you have a health problem and you go to a doctor for advice. So work in pairs. a) Make up short dialogues “At the doctor’s”. Then act out your dialogues. I’ll give you 5 minutes to prepare your dialogues. Pupil A is a patient. Tell the doctor about your problem and get his(her) advice. Pupil B is a doctor. Listen to the patient’s problems, give him(her) advice and fill in the patient’s card. Doctor’s card
name age problem treatment

Предполагаемые диалоги учеников:
-Hello, doctor!
-Hi, what’s your name?
-My name is Tanya.
-How old are you?
-I’m 13.
-Well, what’s your problem?
-I have got a sore throat, a temperature and a headache. What should I do?
-Oh, poor you. Sorry to hear that. Open your mouth, please. It’s red. And what’s your temperature?
-37, doctor.
-I see. If you have got a sore throat, you should stay in bed. Drink hot milk with honey and baking soda. Eat vitamins, onion and garlic, raspberry jam with hot tea. And you will feel better soon.
-Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.

b) Making your own dialogue. Составление диалога.
Teacher: Make your own dialogue according to the example. Use the words and expressions you have learnt. (Для более слабых учеников дается облегченный вариант задания).
Asking about health
Are you all right?
You don’t look well. What’s wrong?
Is something wrong?
What’s the matter?
You look terrible. What’s the matter?

Describing health problems
I’m ill.
I feel terrible.
I’ve got a sore throat (temperature, headache, stomachache, cold , flu, cough…)
My head (tooth, leg, ear…) hurts.

Sympathizing Giving advice
Oh, dear! You should…
Oh no, that’s awful! You ought to…
I’m sorry to hear that. You must / mustn’t
That’s terrible!
I hope you feel better soon!

c) Reading the dialoguе. Work in pairs.
Teacher: Read the dialogue. (Для слабых учеников дать облегченный вариант задания).
Pupil A : Hello, doctor!
Pupil B : Hi! What’s the matter?
Pupil B: Oh, I’ve cut my hand. What should I do?
Pupil A : Oh dear. Sorry to hear that. You should put a plaster on it.

Оценивание диалогов.
Teacher: Whose dialogue was the best one? If the dialogue was very good, raise red cards. If it was good, raise green cards, if it was not good, raise yellow cards.
Ученики оценивают диалоги с помощью карточек ( kрасная-5, зеленая –4, желтая -3). I think dialogue 1 was the best. As for me dialogue 2 was good. I think dialogue 3 was not good. Etc.

8. A game.
Teacher: I'll tell you а story, when your hear а verb you must show actions. "Who is the best?"
- Oleg gets up early in the morning every day. Не does his morning exercise, washes his face and hands and cleans teeth. After school he goes to the swimming pool and swims there. Не is the best runner in class. Еvеrу Sunday he runs nеаr the park. Не often goes to а health shop and еаts fresh products. Не wants to bе healthy and strong.
Teacher: Let`s make a conclusion. What`s important for our health? Make up a poster.
- Take care of your health!
- Do sport!
- Be active!
- Keep your body clean!
- Get more fresh air!
- Eat fresh products!
- Do morning exercises regularly!

Заключительная часть урока.
Учитель: Our lesson has come to an end. I see that you know much about the main rules of keeping fit. And I hope that you will continue to take care of your health in everyday life in future. Thank you for your work. You were very active today.
The most active pupils get “5”. They are……(their names).
The less active get “4”. They are….(their names).
Who didn’t work hard get “3”. They are….(their names).
Write down your home task, please. It is on the blackboard.
Home task :
А) Student’s book, ex.13, page 113 (read and translate the dialogue).
cool To write your own story about your visit to a doctor – for advanced students).
The lesson is over, good-bye.
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: lena1971
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