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Внеклассное мероприятие в 6 «б» классе на 3 языках на тему: Ценности Самопознания
Курпебаева Шамшия Каблановна, учитель английского языка, высшей категории,
руководитель полиязыкового центра «Я – Полиглот»
гимназия «Самопознание» Центр «Бобек» г.Алматы

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 6 «б» классе
с введением полиязычия на 3 языках на тему:
Өзін - өзі тану құндылықтары/Values of Self cognition /Ценности Самопознания
Demonstrative lesson or extracurricular work, devoted to the topic
Values of “Self-cognition”


• to promote reduction of the communicative and emotional barrier when speaking in English, the formation of cross-cultural communication between the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.
• to nurture love and respect for the culture, traditions and language of the country where you live.
• to learn to listen to the interlocutor and navigate the situation of communication, the ability to use language cliches and formulas of courtesy.
• to promote the development of imaginative, emotional, verbal, logical, arbitrary memory via dialogues, poems and lyrics.

Цели и задачи мероприятия:
• Способствовать преодолению коммуникативного и эмоционального барьера при говорении на английском языке, формирование межкультурной связи между казахским, русским и английским языками у учащихся
• воспитывать любовь и уважение к культуре, традициям и языкам страны, где живешь.
• учить выслушать собеседника и ориентироваться в ситуации общения, умение использовать речевые клише и формулы вежливости.
• содействовать развитию образной, эмоциональной, словесно-логической, произвольной памяти через диалоги, стихи, тексты.

Өзіңсің ақыл айнасы
Өзіңді өзің қолыңа ал!
Тиетін саған мәні бар,
Өзіңді танудың пайдасы!
«Өзін - өзі тану» сабағынан алынған құндылықтарды айтайық!

Good morning to everybody! I am glad to see you here. Today is a fine day, isn’t it! How are you doing? Well, I hope everything is o’k, so let me start our lesson. I would rather call it as a “Family Circle” or the “Circle of Friends”, because we are here like in a friendly family, we are very close to each other, share our every day’s joy, So, I have wonderful news for you. I would like to invite you to join us, to our “Island of England” in the “Planet of Self-cognition” because as you know we are studying in gymnasium called “Self-cognition”. Just fancy, include your imagination! You see, I would like to give some quotation said by one of the greatest scientists. Listen!
“If you tell me, I will forget, if you show me, maybe I will remember, but if you involve meI will understand, so join us!” иначе говоря,
«Скажи мне – и я забуду, покажи мне – и я запомню, вовлеки меня – и я научусь».

1. pupil:
What I shall learn today,
will help me on the way,
to grow in heart and soul and mind,
and make me strong and wise and kind
Teacher: My dear friends! What does it mean «SELF-COGNITION»?

2. pupil:
«Self-cognition» means:
to see only what is good
to hear only what is good
to speak only what is good
to think only what is good and of course, do only good deeds.
Teacher: Well done! and what does it mean BOBEK?

3. pupil:
BOBEK - is my school, my home and my friends!
BOBEK - is my country and my Motherland!
BOBEK- is my town, my family and my lovely land!
That’s all I have always had in BOBEK!

Teacher: So, my dear, we are going to talk to you about “Values of Self-cognition” in English language. So, self-cognition – what is it? As you know self-cognition means self-knowledge, because we have this subject every day. We may try to guess this notion through each letter of the word “Self-cognition,” consisted of 13 letters. Look at the screen! There have mixed 26 letters, where 13 letters are positive and 13 ones are negative, we should try to explain them. Here are our members of English club; they will help us to understand this word in English, because in Russian I am sure you know it. So the first letter is “S” here two adjectives describing this letter, explain them, please.
(Здесь показываются слайды по ценностям самопознания)
Don’t be!
S E L F I S H!
E X H A U S T E D!
L A Z Y!
F L A B B Y!
C L O S E D!
O B S E S S I V E!
G R E E D Y!
N E R V O U S!
I R R I T A B L E!
T A C T L E S S!
O F F E N S I V E!
N E G L E C T F U L!

S S O C I A B L E!
E E N E R G E T I C!
L L I T E R A T E!
F F R A N K!
C C O M M U N I C A T I V E!
G G E N E R O U S!
I I N T E L L I G E N T!
T T A C T F U L!
I I N D U S T R I O U S!
O O P T I M I S T I C!
N N I C E!

1. pupil: I think, sociable is positive, because it is a quality of a very friendly person, and selfish is negative, because it is a person who likes only himself. So be sociable! Don’t be selfish!

2. pupil:: To my mind, the adjective exhausted means very tired and expresses negative meaning, and the adjective energetic, just the opposite, about a person who has a lot of energy. So be energetic! Don’t be exhausted!

3. pupil: In my opinion, lazy is a person who doesn’t want to work and of course is negative and literate is a person who is very capable not only can write and read and it is positive. So be literate! Don’t be lazy!

4. pupil: I suppose, when we talk about open and sincere people, we call them frank, what is positive, and when we talk about silly actions or behavior of people we usually call them foolish, what is negative. So be frank! Don’t be foolish!

5. pupil: As far as I understand, the adjective conscious is positive, because it means the quality of a person who is able to use his sense and mind in a properly way, and cruel is negative, because causes only pain and suffering. So be conscious! Don’t be cruel!

6. pupil: I consider the word open as a positive. It is the synonym of the word honest, and the quality obsessive is negative, So be open! Don’t be obsessive!

7. pupil: Oh, my task is simple, because, every child knows, that greedy is a person who has no willing to give anything to anybody, and generous is a person who gives freely everything, that means very kind and of course positive. Be generous! Don’t be greedy!

8. pupil:: I would like to add something about the word noble. It characterizes a very decent person, and neglectful characterizes a very careless person, that is negative.
So be noble! Don’t be neglectful!

9. pupil: As for me, I would choose intelligent as a positive and inhuman as a negative. Intelligent person good at learning and thinks in a logical way. Inhuman person is an unkind. So be intelligent! Don’t be inhuman!

10. pupil: I presume, tactful is positive and tactless is negative, here everybody knows about it. It is simple. Be tactful! Don’t be tactless!

11. pupil: I assume, industrious means hard-working, and ignorant means not educated. It is clear too. Be industrious! Don’t be ignorant!

12. pupil: I think, optimistic is clear to everybody and what about ordinary, it means not unusual. Be optimistic! Don’t be ordinary!

13. pupil: So the last question! When I was a child I was very naughty, but now I think I have changed I am nice what is positive. Be nice! Don’t be naughty!

1. pupil: I would like to invite you to perform your poems about “Self cognition”:

1. pupil:
Съел я завтрак с аппетитом:
Йогурт, булку и бисквиты.
С молока снял ложкой пенку
и сказал: "Спасибо! Thank You!" …. РАХМЕТ

2. pupil:
Если встал ты на ногу соседу,
Если чью-то вдруг прервал беседу,
Если с другом оказался в ссоре,
Помни: "извините" будет "sorry" КЕШІРІҢІЗ

3. pupil:
Вежливым быть не ленись.
Каждый день хоть раз до ста,
Если просишь, слово "please"говори, пожалуйста”

4. pupil:
Всем при встрече какаду говорит:
"How do you do? Рад, мол, познакомиться.
Скажет и поклонится. ҚАЛ ҚАЛАЙ?

5. pupil:
Даже если ты молчун, даже если бука, говори:
"Good afternoon!"
Если встретишь друга ҚАЙЫРЛЫ КҮН!

6. pupil:
Это днем, когда светло, И спешишь не очень.
А спешишь, скажи: "Hello!"
Как бы между прочим. СӘЛЕМ!

7. pupil:
Вечер выдался плохой, С ветром или с ливнем.
Все равно, придя домой,
Ты скажи: "Good evening!" ҚАЙЫРЛЫ КЕШ!

8. pupil:
Посмотри: опять светло, Синь на небосклоне.
Утро доброе пришло.говори:
"Good morning!" ҚАЙЫРЛЫ ТАҢ!

9. pupil:
Будь вежлив и не забывай,
Прощаясь говорить: "Good-bye” САУ БОЛЫҢЫЗ!

10. pupil:
Если хочешь научиться улыбаться по-английски, говори не “СЫР” а “CHEESE”
Если скажешь без ошибки, выйдут сырные улыбки… Be smile!

1. pupil: As they say: If wealth is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost, if character is lost everything is lost, so let’s have character to do right things!
Давайте переведем на русский язык. «Деньги потерял – ничего не потерял, время потерял – многое потерял, здоровье потерял – все потерял».

Учитель: Дорогие ребята, давайте подведем итоги нашего мероприятия. Что мы подразумеваем, когда говорим о ценностях Самопознания? Давайте выскажем наше мнение в виде пожелании на 3 языках, тогда все будет понятно, ведь у нас в гимназии «Самопознание» такого рода пожелания звучат каждый день,
не так ли?

Өзін- өзі тану құндылықтары/Values of Self cognition /Ценности Самопознания
S Be Successful!/Әрқашан да сәтті болыңыз!/Будьте успешным!
E Be Energetic!/Әрқашан да қуатты болыңыз!/Будьте энергичным!
L Be Lovely!/Әрқашан да әдемі болыңыз!/Будьте красивы!
F Be Frank!/Әрқашан да шынайы болыңыз!/Будьте искренним!
C Be Communicative!/Әрқашан да тіл тапқыш болыңыз!/Будьте общительным!
O Be Open!/Әрқашан да ашық болыңыз!/Будьте открытым!
G Be Generous!/Әрқашан да ақкөңіл болыңыз!/Будьте щедрым!
N Be Noble!/Әрқашан да ізгілікті болыңыз!/Будьте благородным!
I Be Intelligent!/Әрқашан да ойшыл болыңыз!/Будьте смышленым!
T Be Tactful!/Әрқашан да өнегелі болыңыз!/Будьте тактичным!
I Be Industrious!/Әрқашан да еңбекқор болыңыз!/Будьте трудолюбивым!
O Be Optimistic!/Әрқашан да оптимист болыңыз!/Будьте оптимистом!
N Be Nice!/Әрқашан да сүйкімді болыңыз!/Будьте приятным!

Teacher: Here is some surprise for you. I would like to gift you these balloons for happiness. When the balloon bursts out there will be a message. Read it and keep up! Just guess your dream and then it will come true in the future! Feel yourself like in childhood.
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can
In all the ways you can, in all the places you can
At all the times you can to all the people you can
As long as you can
Рахмет! Спасибо за участие! Success for you! Good luck! Thanks for your attention!
(Завершение мероприятия, подведение итогов)
Категория: Поликультурное образование | Добавил: Shamshiya (2014-04-18) | Автор: Курпебаева Шамшия Каблановна
Просмотров: 883 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: Полиязычие в нравственно-духовном о | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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