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Урок-путешествие по Лондону

Тема урока: «London».
Цель урока: формирование и развитие поисково-исследовательской деятельности учащихся, т.е. •поиск информации о стране изучаемого языка из различных источников
Задачи урока:
•повторить употребление модальных глаголов в предложении.
•прививать интерес, жажду знания к другим странам;
•развивать любовь к иноязычной культуре;
•расширять кругозор учащихся.
•Работать над развитием творчества учащихся через выполнение разнообразных по содержанию и форм работ на уроке;
•развитие речи (словарный запас, смысловые и коммуникативные функции);
•развитие мышления (сравнение, классификация, осознание поставленной цели);
•организовать продуктивную деятельность учащихся для развития специальных умений (монологическая и диалогическая речь, чтение), а также развития общеучебных умений (осуществлять целенаправленную деятельность, осуществлять самостоятельную деятельность).
Тип урока:
•Комбинированный, повторение пройденного материала.
•Поисковый, словесно-наглядный, интегрированный.
Форма урока:
•Мультимедиа – урок, повторение известного и знакомство с новыми понятиями, работа с интерактивной доской.
Прогнозируемый результат:
•Учащиеся должны уметь:
•Использовать дополнительными источниками информации, таблицами и схемами, умение работать с интерактивной доской.
Оборудование урока:
•презентация Microsoft Point, мультимедийный проектор (для показа презентации), компьютер, интерактивная доска, электронный учебник “Pythagoras”, ноутбук для каждого учащегося.
Составляющие урока:
•Организационный момент (включая выступление учителя),
•Фонетическая, речевая зарядка.
Основная часть урока:
•Обучение монологической речи,
•Обучение аудированию,
•Контроль чтения и понимания прочитанного.
•Технологическая карта.
I.1.Orgmoment. Организационный момент.
Teacher: -Good morning, children and guests. How are you?
Pupils: - We are fine, thank you.
Teacher: - Who is absent today?
Pupils: - All are present.
II.2.Warm-up. Разминка.
Teacher: - Today we’ll speak about sightseeing and important things of London. You will introduce with them on our lesson.
Look at the blackboard and read the proverb:
Pupils: - If you’re tide of London – you’re tide of life.
Teacher: - Let's discuss this proverb
Pupils: - I think there is no such person who does not like to see this old city.
-I would really like to see the old castles.
-One who is tired of London he is just a boring person.
Teacher: - Would you like to go to Britain?
Pupils: - Yes, I would.
Teacher: - Why would you like to go to Britain?
Pupils: - I think Britain is an attractive land. I’d like to see Big Ben.
Teacher: - Would you like to visit London?
Pupils: - Yes, I would.
Teacher: - What places would you like to visit in London?
Pupils: - I’d like to see parks, gardens and museums.
Teacher: - Why would you like to see them?
Pupils: - I see they are very beautiful.
Teacher: - What places would you like to see there?
Pupils: - I’d like to visit Trafalgar Square and the Tower of London. I think they are attractive.
Teacher: - Who would like to visit Astana?
Pupils: - I would. I want to see Baiterek, Duman and many others interesting places.
-One who is tired of London he is just a boring person.
Teacher: - Would you like to go to Britain?
Pupils: - Yes, I would.
Teacher: - Why would you like to go to Britain?
Pupils: - I think Britain is an attractive land. I’d like to see Big Ben.
Teacher: - Would you like to visit London?
Pupils: - Yes, I would.
Teacher: - What places would you like to visit in London?
Pupils: - I’d like to see parks, gardens and museums.
Teacher: - Why would you like to see them?
Pupils: - I see they are very beautiful.
Teacher: - What places would you like to see there?
Pupils: - I’d like to visit Trafalgar Square and the Tower of London. I think they are attractive.
Teacher: - Who would like to visit Astana?
Pupils: - I would. I want to see Baiterek, Duman and many others interesting places.

3. Look at the blackboard and read English proverb:
If you're tired of London – you're tired of life.
Discuss it.
4. Complete the sentences. Работаем по интерактивной доске, используя шторки.
•1.Wales, Scotland and England are ... .
•2.The United Kingdom includes … .
•3.The capital of the U.K. is … .
•4. Cardiff is the capital of … .
•5.The Scottish capital is … .
•6.London is the capital of … .
1.Correct mistakes in the text.
London am the capital of Great Britain.
It have 5 parts.
8 million people lives there.
There is a lot of different places of interest among the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, British Museum, Buckingham Castle, Westminster Abby etc.
They is situated in the East End.
It is much parks, gardens, theatres and shops.

2.Unscramble these places you find in a city.
dcthrlaae cathedral
uummse museum
eatlsc castle
rta yllgrea art gallery
nsviiutery university

3.Работаем по учебнику “Pythagoras”, читаем текст и выполняем задание по этому тексту на доске и ноутбуке.
London is an ancient city of more than twenty centuries old. It is the capital of Great Britain and one of the largest seaport. London is the centre of Britain's business and cultural life. There are a lot of sightseeing in London. For example: the famous British Museum, the National Gallery and some others. The most important parts of London are "The City", the West End, the East End and Westminster. "The City" is the business and financial heart of the country. There are many big banks and offices there. The West End is the richest part of London. The finest theatres, cinemas, large museums and big shops are in the West End. Hyde Park, one of the best and most beautiful London parks is also in this district. Many workers live in the East End. This is the poorest part of London. Most of the government buildings are in Westminster. Westminster Palace is the building in which the British Parliament sits.
4.Слайд-шоу с рассказами учащихся:

a) 2. Trafalgar Square In the centre of square there is a big column. At the top of the column there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who had to fight the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Trafalgar Square is a geographical center of London. It’s the largest among London’s squares. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The main building of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery with its façade in neo-classical style. It has a fine collection of European paintings.
b) In front of you there are the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. There are two chambers in British Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. St. Stephan’s Tower of the Houses of Parliament contains the famous Big Ben. It is one of the most famous clocks in the world.
Buckingham Palace is near the Houses of Parliament. It’s the London home of the Queen. Now there is a museum on the ground floor.
c)At last we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. There is a wonderful daily ceremony, which takes place at 11.30. Usually Londoners and a great number of foreign tourists watch Changing the Guards in front of the Palace. It’s a very beautiful parade.
d) Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see the Tower of London. English kings lived there many years ago. It was a fortress, a Royal palace and a prison, but now it’s a museum. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall
The Tower of London is the oldest museum now. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. It was a fortress, a castle, a prison and a zoo. There are always black ravens in the Tower. People look after them very well, as they believe that London will be rich as long as ravens live there. The Tower is guarded by Beefeaters.
e) in a moment you will see Westminster Abbey. It is a royal church. The last monarch coroneted in the Abbey was present Queen Elisabeth the IInd. Here you can see the tombs of the many British kings and queens and other famous people and the beautiful Henry the VIIth Chapel.
f)he Natural History museum is one of three largest museums in London. There are five main collections here: Botany, Entomology, Mineralogy, Paleontology and Zoology. The museum is famous for its exhibition of dinosaur skeletons.
10. Аудирование. Работа с электронным учебником, прослушивание текста о Лондоне (используем лингафонный кабинет) и выполняем задания по карточкам.
London is not only the capital and the largest city of the United Kingdom, it is also _______________________ .
Its population is about ___________________.
The most important parts of London are _______________ of London, ______________, ________________ and ____________________ .
The City is the oldest part of London and it’s the ________________________ of London’s most important firms and banks have their offices there.
London has many great and _______________________ which ____________________________ of thousands of people from every part of the world.
There are many beautiful buildings in London and among them are ____________________________, _______________________________, ___________________________.
11. Match the pictures and the words
Westminster Abbey St. Paul's Cathedral Piccadilly Circus Big Ben The Thames

12. Проверим знания, полученные в течение урока
1. What is the official name of this country?
a) Britain b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain c) England
2.What is the population of this country?
a) 56,878,000 b) 300,000,000 c) 100,000,000
3.How many countries make up Great Britain?
a) Four b) Three c) Five
4.What is the national flag of the UK?
5.The Union Jack is…
a) The flag of the UK b) The flag of Scotland c) The flag of Wales
d) The flag of England
6.What is the capital of the UK?
a) London b) Belfast c) Glasgow
7.Money in the UK is…
a) Dollars b) Pounds c) Euro
8. Big Ben is…
a) A palace b) A bell c) A square
9. The Queen lives in…
a) The Tower of London b) Buckingham Palace c) Windsor Palace
10. This is …
a) Westminster Abbey b) The Houses of Parliament The Bloody Tower
13.Reflection of the lesson.
Ассоциации с Великобританией, во время путешествия в Лондон, что бы они хотели больше всего увидеть

I offer each can analyze his progress during the lesson.
Ребята, как вы сами оцениваете свои успехи? (пусть каждый сам даст себе оценку и выставит отметку за урок).
14. Итоги урока, полученные оценки
15. Homework: make up 8 sentences about London.
Категория: Поликультурное образование | Добавил: Svetlanka (2010-12-26)
Просмотров: 5340 | Комментарии: 4 | Теги: урок, Путешествие, london | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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    презентация Ирина Борисенко открытый урок информатика флипчарт животные новый год 9 класс 5 класс творчество Казахские пословицы проект конспект урока 6 класс физика язык класс педагогика стихи Казахстан математика урок праздник наурыз познание мира музыка доклад программа литература география природа сценарий семья воспитание классному руководителю осень игра казахский язык и литература викторина Начальная школа тест конкурс ИЗО внеклассная работа литературное чтение Русский язык 3 класс технология воспитательная работа сказка Здоровье Оксана 8 марта искусство независимость английский язык психология учитель 3 класс биология статья внеклассное мероприятие классный час ЕНТ выпускной школа 1 класс Русский язык ЕГЭ тесты химия начальные классы Дети экология Дошкольники любовь разработка урока казахский язык самопознание Английский родители br конспект спорт критическое мышление патриотизм дружба дошколенок История обучение тренинг разработка 7 класс физическая культура игры КВН занятие детский сад физкультура Абай коучинг

