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Всемирный год физики-материалы к интегрированному уроку.

Материалы для интегрированного урока-конференции.«Всемирный год физики 2005».

1. Мир элементарных частиц.
В середине и второй половине ХХ века в тех разделах физики, которые заняты изучением фундаментальной структуры материи, были получены поистине удивительные результаты. Прежде всего это проявилось в открытии целого множества новых субатомных частиц. Их обычно называют элементарными частицами, но далеко не все из них действительно элементарны. Многие из них в свою очередь состоят из еще более элементарных частичек.
Мир субатомных частиц поистине многообразен. К ним относятся протоны и нейтроны, составляющие атомные ядра, а также обращающиеся вокруг ядер электроны. Но есть и такие частицы, которые в окружающем нас веществе практически не встречаются. Время их жизни чрезвычайно мало, оно составляет мельчайшие доли секунды. По истечении этого чрезвычайно короткого времени они распадаются на обычные частицы. Таких нестабильных короткоживущих частиц поразительно много: их известно уже несколько сотен.
В 60-70-е годы физики были совершенно сбиты с толку многочисленностью, разнообразием и необычностью вновь открытых субатомных частиц. Казалось, им не будет конца. Совершенно непонятно, для чего столько частиц. Являются ли эти элементарные частицы хаотическими и случайными осколками материи? Или, возможно, они таят в себе ключ к познанию структуры Вселенной? Развитие физики в последующие десятилетия показало, что в существовании такой структуры нет никаких сомнений. В конце ХХ в. физика начинает понимать, каково значение каждой из элементарных частиц. Миру субатомных частиц присущ глубокий и рациональный порядок. В основе этого порядка - фундаментальные физические взаимодействия.

2. World Year Of Physics-2005
The general public's awareness of physics and its importance in our daily life is decreasing. The number of physics students has declined dramatically. Action must be taken by the international physics community to share its visions and convictions about physics with politicians and the public at large. Physics not only plays an important role in the development of science and technology, but also has a tremendous impact on our society. Although this may be evident to physicists, it is not necessarily the case for everyone.
At the dawn of the 21st century the contributions of physics to other sciences will be essential to solving global problems such as energy production, environmental protection and public health.
In 1905, Albert Einstein wrote his legendary articles which provided the basis of three fundamental fields in physics: the theory of relativity, quantum theory and the theory of Brownian motion. The World Year of Physics in 2005 will provide the opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of this Miraculous Year while raising the public awareness of physics. Arguably the most famous physicist, Einstein's international reknown will be the natural vehicle to attract public interest.

CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics centre. Here physicists come to explore what matter is made of and what forces hold it together.CERN exists primarily to provide them with the necessary tools. These are accelerators, which accelerate particles to almost the speed of light and detectors to make the particles visible. Founded in 1954, the laboratory was one of Europe's first joint ventures and includes now 20 Member States.CERN employs just under 3000 people, representatives of a wide range of skills - physicists, engineers, technicians, craftsmen, administrators, secretaries, workmen...
The scientific and technical staff designs and builds the laboratory's intricate machinery and ensures its smooth operation. It also helps prepare, run, analyse and interpret the complex scientific experiments. Some 6500 visiting scientists, half of the world's particle physicists, come to CERN for their research. They represent 500 universities and over 80 nationalities. Scientists have found that everything in the Universe is made up from a small number of basic building blocks called elementary particles, governed by a few fundamental forces.

Since its creation, CERN has made many important discoveries for which CERN scientists have received prestigious awards, including Nobel prizes.The one most useful for you is the World Wide Web. It was developed to improve and speed-up the information sharing between physicists working in different universities and institutes all over the world, and now it has millions of academic and commercial users. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN, invented the World Wide Web (that you are currently using!). The Web, as it is affectionately called, was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automatic information sharing between scientists working in different universities and institutes all over the world. The basic idea of WWW was to merge the technologies of personal computers, computer networking and hypertext into a powerful and easy to use global information system. Hypertext is text with links to further information, on the model of references in a scientific paper or cross-references in a dictionary. With electronic documents, these cross-references can be followed by a mouse-click, and with the World-Wide Web, they can be anywhere in the world. There is no need to know where the information is stored, and no need to know any detail on how it is formatted or organized. "Wandering from one document (webpage) to another" is called browsing. Some people do this just for fun, following links just to see what's there. This in usually called "surfing the Web".Of course, behind this apparent simplicity there is a set of ingenious design concepts, protocols and conventions.Nowadays, the WWW has expanded from its original scientific environment and has millions of academic and commercial users.
CERN's accelerators and detectors require the leading edge in technology. For this, CERN works in close collaboration with industries, to the benefits of both partners. Related spin-offs, in all kinds of other domains, are now incorporated in our daily lives.Cancer therapy, medical and industrial imaging, radiation processing, electronics, measuring instruments, new manufacturing processes and materials, the WWW, these are just some of the many technologies developed at CERN during research in particle physics.In the world of particle physics, higher energy is one of the key words to allow further discoveries. What's the origin of the mass of particles? Do neutrinos really have mass?

4. NYT NATIONAL DESK | September 19, 2002, Thursday

Physicists' Antimatter Recipe Is More Sci- Than Fi

By DENNIS OVERBYE (NYT) 1214 words
Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 1 , Column 4

ABSTRACT - Physicists working in Europe announce they have created atoms made of antimatter, or antiatoms, opening up possibility of experiments in realm once reserved for science fiction writers; theorists say such experiments could test some of basic tenets of modern physics and light way to deeper understanding of nature; new research was conducted by physicists at CERN, particle physics laboratory outside Geneva; they were able to assemble antihydrogen atoms, looking glass equivalent of hydrogen, most simple atom in nature, by corralling clouds of antimatter particles in cylindrical chamber laced with detectors and electric and magnetic fields; they observed flashes of energy when new antihydrogen atoms annihilated themselves in collisions with ordinary matter in walls of chamber; Dr Jeffrey S Hangst from Aarhus Univ in Denmark, who coordinated efforts by 39 physicists, says at least 50,000 antihydrogen atoms have been created since experiment began in Aug; results will be published in journal Nature.



The World Year of Physics 2005 is an international celebration of physics. Events throughout the year will highlight the vitality of physics, its importance in the coming millennium, and commemorate the pioneering contributions of Albert Einstein in 1905. Through the efforts of a worldwide collaboration of scientific societies, the World Year of Physics brings the excitement of physics to the public and will inspire a new generation of scientists.



The Launch Conference of the World year of Physics 2005 was a great success!
We had over 1200 participants; over half of them were students. 25 percent of the students were young women.
There were also students on an individual basis, so the overall number of countries represented by STUDENTS was 70 (exactly).

The 13th General Meeting of the European Physical Society will take place in Bern , and is expected to become a high point of the World Year of Physics , WYP2005, i.e., the centennial celebration of the annus mirabilis 1905 of Albert Einstein, which he spent working at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern.

PHYSICS AS A CULTURAL HERITAGE. The aim of this project is to establish, by international cooperation, a travelling exhibition that brings to life outstanding achievements of physics from three millennia. All persons and institutions involved in WYP2005 are cordially invited to participate in this endeavour by including suitable physics history projects in their national and local program for that year. The projects should demonstrate the relationship between the physics of a certain period or personality and the political, social and cultural conditions under which it was developed. After 2005, the large travelling exhibition should grow out of that numerous small local and national exhibitions prepared for 2005 in various countries by uniting them under a common scientific, didactic, and creative concept, covering history, science, and the arts. A concept for an overall design will be elaborated and the materials will be translated into the various national languages, in cooperation with the participants. The exhibition will be made available for display in museums and science centres over the following years.

PHYSICS ENLIGHTENS THE WORLD. In the evening of April 18, 2005 lights are switched off in Princeton, NJ, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Einstein’s death. A light emerges, forming the seed for a grand optical relay. The flash of darkness and light wanders across the country, transgresses boundaries, spans a continent, leaps across the seas, spreads over hemispheres and eventually embraces the whole globe, uniting all nations by the enlightening power of physics. Participation is possible for every individual or organization in any country of the world, an online form for registration is available on the website. Every kind of light source is possible (car headlights, torch light, bonfire, firework, laser…), as far as it is legal and conforms with the regulations to avoid light pollution published here in due course.

Einstein@Home is a project developed to search data from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO) for signals coming from rapidly rotating neutron stars, known as pulsars. Scientists believe that some pulsars may not be perfectly spherical, and if so, they should emit characteristic gravitational waves, which LIGO will begin to detect in coming months. Einstein@Home is one, small part of the LIGO scientific program. It is being set up as a distributed computing project, which means that it relies on computer time donated by private computer users like you to search for pulsars.

HANDS ON PARTICLE PHYSICS MASTERCLASSES. In March 2005 about 2500 high school students in 18 countries all over Europe will try to unravel the mysteries of particle physics. Coming to one of about 60 nearby universities or research centres for one day, they learn about particle physics in lectures from active scientists, and perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves. Einsteins equivalence of mass and energy, which is at the heart of particle physics, becomes transparent in the practical exercises. At the end of each day, like in an international collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of the results.

RELATIVISTIC COORDINATES: School open to researchers already initiated in Relativity. The goal is to inform and raise awareness on the problems posed by the physical realization of coordinate systems that are adapted to experimentation with the new generation of atomic and optic clocks: the lack of understanding, concepts and protocols of relativistic positioning render urgent to diffuse and develop the topic. Among interested participants, a research program could be organized.

Particle Physics физика элементарных частиц
Matter вешество,материя
Anti-matter анти-вещество, анти-материя
Dark matter «темное вещество»
Accelerator ускоритель
Collider коллайдер
Fundamental forces фундаментальные законы
CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire ) ЦЕРН (Европейский Центр Ядерных Исследований_
WWW-World Wide Web – «Всемирная паутина»
LHC-Large Hadron Collider - Большой адронный коллайдер - кольцевой ускоритель заряженных частиц на встречных пучках
Hadron –адрон*
LEP-Large Electron-Positron Collider-Большой электронно-позитронный коллайдер
Electroweak interaction – электро-слабое взаимодействие
“Big Bang” – «Большой взрыв»
Scientific environment- научная среда
Theory of relativity – теория относительности
Spin-off – побочный продукт
Anti-hydrogen – анти-водород
Annihilate - уничтожать
Impact - воздействие
Global beacon –всемирный маяк
Tenet – догмат, доктрина, принцип
Founding fathers – отцы-основатели
Emblematic laboratory-лаборатория-символ
High-Tech - высокотехнологичный
Supercondactivity - сверхпроводимость
Computing-вычислительная техника
Cross-reference- ссылка
*Адроны - общее название семейства элементарных частиц, обладающих сильным взаимодействием. Семейство адронов включает в себя барионы и мезоны (мезонные резонансы и соответствующие античастицы).

Источник: http://WWW.WYP2005.ORG,WWW.CERN.CH

Категория: Поликультурное образование | Добавил: collegy (2009-06-10)
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