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Сказки на английском

Лиса и журавль The fox and the crane
 Подружилась лиса с журавлем. Вот вздумала однажды лиса
 угостить журавля и пошла звать его к себе в гости.
 -Приходи куманек! Приходи, дорогой! Уж я как тебя угощу!
Идет журавль на званый пир. А лиса наварила манной каши и
размазала ее по тарелке. Подала и потчует.
-Покушай, мой голубчик-куманек! Сама стряпала.
The fox made
friends with the crane. The fox once had a notion to treat the
crane to dinner and went to invite him to her house.
"Come godfather! Come dear! How I'll entertain you!"
The crain went to the dinner party. The fox had cooked farina
cereal and spread it over a plate. She served it and urged.
"Eat, my friend-godfather, I cooked it myself. "
 Журавль хлоп-хлоп носом, стучал, стучал, ничего не попадает. А
 лисица в это время лижет себе да лижет кашу, так всю сама и
Каша съедена; лисица говорит:
-Не обессудь, любезный кум. Больше потчевать нечем.
-Спасибо, кума, и на этом. Приходи ко мне в гости.
На другой день приходит лиса, а журавль приготовил окрошку.
The crane went peck-peck with his bill, knocked and knocked,
 but got nothing. Meanwhile, the fox licked and licked the
cereal until she had eaten it all.
The cereal eaten, the fox said,
 "Don't be offended dear godfather. There is nothing more to
 offer you."
"Thank you, godmother for that. Come to visit me."
 The next day the fox went, and
the crane made cold soup.
Налил в кувшин с узким горлышком, поставил на стол и говорит:
-Кушай, кумушка. Право, больше потчевать нечем.
Лиса начала вертеться вокруг кувшина. Так зайдет и этак, и
лизнет его, и понюхает, все ничего не достанет. Не лезет
голова в кувшин.
А журавль меж тем клюет себе да клюет, пока все не поел.
He poured it into a pitcher with a narrow neck and put it on the
table. He said,
"Eat godmother. Truly, there's nothing more offer you."
The fox began to spin around the pitcher. She approached it
one way, then another. She licked it and sniffed it, but
couldn't get anything. Her head wouldn't fit into the pitcher.
Mean-while the crane sucked and sucked until he had eaten
everything up.
-Ну, не обессудь, кума. Больше угощать нечем.
 Взяла лису досада, думала, что наестся на целую неделю. Пришла
 лиса домой несолоно хлебавши.
Как аукнулось, так и откликнулось! С тех пор и дружба у лисы с
журавлем врозь.
"Don't be offended godmother. There's nothing
more to offer you."
The fox was annoyed, having thought she would eat for the
whole week. She went home having gotten nothing.
 It was tit for tat! From that moment on, the friendship
between fox and crane was over.

Репка The Turnip
 Посадил дед репку. Выросла репка большая-пребольшая. Пошел дед
рвать репку: тянет-потянет, вытянуть не может! Позвал дед
 Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку-
 тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут! Пришла внучка.
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку-
 тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут!
Grandpa planted a turnip.
The turnip grew bigger and bigger. Grandpa came to pick the
 turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Grandpa
called Grandma.
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip.
They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up! Granddaughter
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't
pull it up!
Пришла собачка.
Собачка за внучку,
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку-
тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут!
Пришла кошка.
Кошка за собачку,
Собачка за внучку,
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку-
тянут-потянут, вытянуть не могут!
The doggy came.
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't
pull it up!
A kitty came.
Kitty pulled doggy,
Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't
pull it up!
Пришла мышка.
Мышка за кошку,
Кошка за собачку,
Собачка за внучку,
Внучка за бабку,
Бабка за дедку,
Дедка за репку-
тянут-потянут - вытянули репку!
A mouse came.
 The mouse pulled kitty,
Kitty pulled doggy,
 Doggy pulled Granddaughter,
Granddaughter pulled Grandma,
Grandma pulled Grandpa,
Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled
the turnip up!

Колобок The Bin
 Жил-был старик со старухою. Просит старик:
 -Испеки, старуха, колобок.
-Из чего печь-то? Муки нету.
-Э-эх, старуха! По коробу поскреби, по сусеку помети, авось
муки и наберется.
Взяла старуха крылышко, по коробу поскребла. по сусеку помела,
и набралось муки пригорошни с две.
Once there lived an old man
and old woman.The old man said,
"Old woman, bake me a bun."
"What can I make it from? I have no flour." "Eh, eh, old
woman! Scrape the cupboard, sweep the flour bin, and you will
find enough flour."
The old woman picked up a duster, scraped the cupboard, swept
the flour bin and gathered about two handfuls of flour.
Замесила тесто на сметане, изжарила в масле и положила колобок
 на окошечко остудить.
Колобок полежал-полежал, да вдруг и покатился- с окна на
лавку, с лавки на пол, по полу да к дверям.
Перепрыгнул через порог в сени, из сеней- на крыльцо, с
крыльца - на двор, со двора- за ворота, дальше и дальше.
She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put
the bun on the window sill to cool. The bun lay and lay there.
Suddenly it rolled off the window sill to the bench, from the
bench to the floor, from the floor to the door. Then it rolled
over the threshold to the entrance hall, from the entrance
hall to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the
courtyard trough the gate and on and on.
Катится колобок по дороге, а навстречу ему заяц:
-Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем!
-Не ешь меня, косой зайчик! Я тебе песенку спою, -сказал
колобок и запел:
Я по коробу скребен,
По сусеку метен,
На сметане мешон,
Да в масле жарен,
На окошке стужoн;
Я от дедушки ушел,
Я от бабушки ушел,
А от тебя, зайца, не хитро уйти!
 И покатился себе дальше; только заяц его и видел!
 The bun rolled along the road and met a hare.
 "Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up!" said the hare.
"Don't eat me, slant-eyed hare! I will sing you a song," said
  the bun, and sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And coolled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma
And I'll get away from you, hare!
 And the bun rolled away before the hare even saw it move!
Катится колобок, а навстречу ему волк:
Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем!
-Не ешь меня, серый волк! Я тебе песенку спою! И колобок
Я по коробу скребен,
По сусеку метен,
На сметане мешон,
Да в масле жарен,
На окошке стужoн;
Я от дедушки ушел,
Я от бабушки ушел,
Я от зайца ушел,
А от тебя, волка, не хитро уйти!
И покатился себе дальше; только волк его и видел!
 The bun
rolled on and met
a wolf.
"Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up," said the wolf.
"Don't eat me, gray wolf!" said the bun. "I will sing you a
song." And the bun sang:
 I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And coolled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
 I got away from Grandma
I got away from the hare,
And I'll get away from you, gray wolf!
And the bun rolled away before the wolf even saw it move!
Катится колобок, а навстречу ему медведь:
Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем!
-Где тебе ,косолапому, съесть меня!
И колобок запел:
Я по коробу скребен,
По сусеку метен,
На сметане мешон,
Да в масле жарен,
На окошке стужoн;
Я от дедушки ушел,
Я от бабушки ушел,
Я от зайца ушел,
Я от волка ушел,
А от тебя, медведь, не хитро уйти!
И опять покатился, только медведь его и видел!
The bun rolled
on and met
a bear.
"Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up," the bear said.
"You will not, pigeon toes!"
And the bun sang:
  I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And coolled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
 I got away from Grandma
 I got away from the hare,
 I got away from the wolf,
And I'll get away from you, big bear!
And again the bun rolled away before the bear even saw it
Катится колобок, а навстречу ему лиса:
Здравствуй, колобок! Какой ты хорошенький!
А колобок запел:
Я по коробу скребен,
По сусеку метен,
На сметане мешон,
Да в масле жарен,
На окошке стужoн;
Я от дедушки ушел,
Я от бабушки ушел,
Я от зайца ушел,
Я от волка ушел,
От медведя ушел,
А от тебя, лиса, и подавно уйду!
 The bun rolled and rolled and
Met a fox.
"Hello, little bun, how nice yor are!" said the fox.
And the bun sang:
I was scraped from the cupboard,
Swept from the bin,
Kneaded with sour cream,
Fried in butter,
And coolled on the sill.
I got away from Grandpa,
I got away from Grandma,
 I got away from the hare,
 I got away from the wolf,
I got away from bear,
And I'll get away from you, old fox!
Какая славная песенка!- сказала лиса. -Но ведь я, колобок,
стара стала, плохо слышу. Сядь-ка на мою мордочку, да пропой
еще разок погромче.
Колобок вскочил лисе на мордочку и запел ту же песню.
Спасибо, колобок! Славная песенка, еще бы послушала! Сядь-ка
на мой язычок, да пропой еще разок,- сказала лиса и высунула
свой язык.
Колобок сдуру прыг ей на язык, а лиса: "Ам!", и съела его.
"What a wonderful song!" said the fox. "But little bun, I have
 became old now and hard of hearing. Come sit on my snout and
sing your song again a little louder."
 The bun jumped up on the fox's snout and sang the same song.
"Thank you, little bun, that was a wonderful song. I'd like to
 hear it again. Come sit on my tongue and sing it for the last
time," said the fox, sticking out her tongue.
The bun foolishly jumped onto her tongue and- snatch!- she ate  it.

The Three Bears
Дорогие друзья! Эти  казахские сказки на английский язык которые перевела для вас волотер корпуса Мира США Эрин Андерсон.
A long time ago three bears lived in the forest. There were two little bears and one big bear. One day the big bear caught a fox by the tail and started to swing the fox around and around. The two little bears said to the big bear, "Don't hurt the fox! She did not do anything to us. Let her go."
What do you think?
Guess which character is saying the following line of dialogue. Your choices are (A) one of the two little bears. (B) the big bear, or (C) the fox:
"Ouch! My tail hurts."
"1 am so big and strong, I can do anything I want!"
"We don't want to live with a mean bear."
The big bear told the two little bears that he wanted the fox to respect him. "If she says she respects me. I will let her go. The fox answered.
 "I respect you! I respect you! Please let me go." The big bear let the fox go.
On another day the big bear caught a wolf. The big bear started to bend the
wolfs paws and pull on the wolfs ears. The two little bears asked the big bear to
let the wolf go. But the big bear wanted the wolf to respect him.
"I respect you! 1 respect you!" said the wolf. "Please let me go."
The big bear let the wolf go.
Finally, the two little bears and the big bear could not live together any more. The big bear went to live by himself in the forest. One day. he met a whole pack of wolves.
"Remember me?" asked one of the wolves. "Now we are all going to attack you!"
I he bear got scared and climbed up to the top of a tree. He stayed in the tree until all the wolves left. After the bear carefully climbed down, he met the fox.
"Big bear, who frightened you?" asked the fox.
"Oh! A whole pack of wolves!" answered the big bear.
"There are more wolves in the forest," said the fox. "Go in that direction."
The big bear went where the fox showed him to go, but he ended up in a swamp.
"Remember, big bear, how you swung me by my tail?" asked the fox. "Now I have taught you a lesson!"
The big bear wandered around the swamp for a long time. When he finally made it out of the swamp, he met the two little bears.
What do you think?
If you were one of the two little bears, what would you say to the big bear? What was the lesson the big bear needed to learn? Write down what you think. Then share your ideas with your classmates.

The Wolf, the Fox and the Donkey
Дорогие друзья! Эти  казахские сказки на английский язык которые перевела для вас волотер корпуса Мира США Эрин Андерсон.
Once the wolf and the fox and the donkey were hanging out together.
"Let's tell each other some of the good and bad things we have done," said the fox.
"If 1 tell about my bad deeds, will that make me feel less guilty?" asked the wolf.
The fox nodded her head and flicked her tail. "Yes. But you have to tell us everything."
"Okay. Once, I went into the forest," said the wolf. "I was very hungry. 1 was so hungry my stomach growled.
In the heart of the forest, I saw a boar. I jumped on her and bit her in the neck. And then I ate her. What else could I do? I was so hungry. But then I felt sorry for  the boar's small children. How would they live without their mother? And what a bad mother that boar was to leave her children alone! So I had to eat all of them too. Do you think 1 did the right thing?" the wolf asked the fox.
 "Of course! You did exactly the right thing!" answered the fox.
"I am so glad you think so. And you were right. Now I feel much better," said the wolf.
"You know, that reminds me of something that I did once," said the fox.
"Once I thought about catching a rooster and biting him in the neck to make him stop crowing. He was so noisy all the time! And so 1 did. Then what else could I do but eat him? So I did. Then I felt sorry for all his children. What would these baby chicks do without their father? They would miss him so much. So I ate them too. Do you think I did the right thing?" asked the fox.
"Yes! Absolutely! What else could you have done? This proves you have a very kind heart," said die wolf.
"Oh, thank you! I feel much better. Now it's the donkey's turn to talk," said the fox.
"I don't know what to talk about." said the donkey.
"Surely you have done something that you need to tell us about," said the wolf.
"Well, once after I finished working, my master tied me to a tree. And 1 was very hungry and tired. I looked around for some grass to eat, but there wasn't  any. And then 1 saw a stack of hay nearby, so I ate some of the hay. Ever since that time. 1 have felt bad about it. Do you think 1 did the right thing?"
"No!" said the fox. "You stole your master's straw! Your master trusted you and you betrayed him! That is the worse crime 1 have ever head of!"
"Yes! You are a «terrible criminal!" said the wolf. "You must be punished!
"Yes! You must be punished!" said the fox.
What do you think? If you were the donkey? What would you say to the wolf and the fox? Yow do you want this story to end?

Категория: Учимся с интересом | Добавил: collegy (2009-06-11)
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    презентация Ирина Борисенко открытый урок информатика флипчарт животные новый год 9 класс 5 класс творчество Казахские пословицы проект конспект урока 6 класс физика язык класс педагогика стихи Казахстан математика урок праздник наурыз познание мира музыка доклад программа литература география природа сценарий семья воспитание классному руководителю осень игра казахский язык и литература викторина Начальная школа тест конкурс ИЗО внеклассная работа литературное чтение Русский язык 3 класс технология воспитательная работа сказка Здоровье Оксана 8 марта искусство независимость английский язык психология учитель 3 класс биология статья внеклассное мероприятие классный час ЕНТ выпускной школа 1 класс Русский язык ЕГЭ тесты химия начальные классы Дети экология Дошкольники любовь разработка урока казахский язык самопознание Английский родители br конспект спорт критическое мышление патриотизм дружба дошколенок История обучение тренинг разработка 7 класс физическая культура игры КВН занятие детский сад физкультура Абай коучинг

