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Стихи и лимерики

There was an Old Man of the West,
Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest;
When they said: “Does it fit?”
He replied: “Not a bit!”
That uneasy Old Man of the West.

There was an Old Lady of Prague,
Whose language was horribly vague;
When they said: “Are there caps?”
She answered: “Perhaps!”
That oracular Lady of Prague.

There was an Old Man of Peru,
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.
He awoke in the night
In a terrible fright
And found it was perfectly true!

There was an Old Owl lived in an oak.
The more he heard, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, more he heard.
Follow the example of that wise old bird.

There was an Old Man of Pekin,
Who sat on the point of a pin,
He jumped up in pain,
Then sat down again.
That silly old man of Pekin.

Said a Booklover fellow from Siam:
“I frequently read Omar Khayyam.
His morals depress.
Butt nevertheless
He is almost as clever as I am”.

There was an Old Man who said:
“How shall I flee from this horrible cow?
I shall sit on this stile,
And continue to smile,
Which may soften the heart of that cow”.

An amoeba named Sam and his brother
Were having a drink with each other;
In the midst of their quaffing
They split their sides laughing.
And each of them now is a mother.

There was an old lady who said
When she found a thief under her bed:
“Get up from the floor;
You are too near the door,
And you may catch a cold in your head.”

There once was a student named Bessor,
Whose knowledge grew lessor and lessor,
It at last grew so small
He knew nothing at all,
And today he’s a college professor.

There was a nice lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside,
And a smile on the face of the tiger.

There was a young person, whose history
Was always considered a mystery;
He sat in a ditch, although no one knew which,
And composed a small treatise on history.

There was a Young Lady of Turkey
Who wept when the weather was murky;
When the day turned out fine,
She ceased to repine,
That capricious Young Lady of Turkey.

There was an old lady of Harrow,
Whose views were exceedingly narrow.
At the end of her paths
She built two bird baths
For the different sexes of sparrow.

Rhymes for Primary School
Rhymes For Little Ones
Hey Diddle,Diddle…
(UK version)
Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such fun,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
(US version)
Hey diddle diddle,
The cat played the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
(Australian version)
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed to see such a sight
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
One, two, three, four, five.
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on my right.
Rain ,Rain Go Away
Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!
There are several longer versions, the most common of which is:
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day.
Rain, rain, go away.
Come again some other day.
Little Arthur wants to play,
In the meadow by the hay.
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again.
Rain, rain, pour down,
But not a drop on our town.
Rain on the green grass,
and rain on the tree,
And rain on the housetop,
but not on me.
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again on washing day.
Rain, rain, go to Germany,
And remain there permanently.
Rain, rain, go away,
Come on Martha's wedding day.
Additional Verses:
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day,
If you don't, I will say,
Rain, rain go away.
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again some other day,
We want to go outside and play,
Come again some other day.
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again some other day,
If you don't, I don't care,
I'll pull down your underwear!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet;
And so are you
Pussy Cat.
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
Where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the Queen.
Pussy cat, pussy cat,
What did you do there?
I chased a little mouse right under the chair.

I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her
She'll  do me no harm.
So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I
Very gently will play.
She shall sit by my side,
And I'll give her some food;
And pussy will love me
Because I  am good.
kindness ['kamdnis] —
pussy = pussy-cat
to hurt — причинять боль
harm — вред, зло
to pull [pul] — тянуть
to drive    away  -—
gently  — нежно

Who's that ringing at my doorbell?
A little pussy-cat that isn't very
Rub its little nose   with a little
mutton fat,
That's the best cure for a little
Who's that ringing  at my   door¬bell? —
Кто это звонит в мою дверь?
 isn't very well — нездорова
to rub — тереть, натирать
mutton ['rnAtn] fat — бараний жир
cure  — лекарство

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
wool [wul] — шерсть
sir [sa:l — сэр, господин
master ['masta] — хозяин
dame — госпожа
lane — узкая  улочка

— Ты скажи, барашек наш,
—  Сколько шерсти ты нам дашь?
— Не стриги меня пока.
— Дам я шерсти три мешка:
Один мешок —
Другой мешок —
А третий — детям маленьким На теплые фуфайки!
Перевод С. Маршака

Grig s Pig
Grandfa' Grig
Had a pig,
In a field of clover;
Piggy died,
Grandfa' cried,
And all the fun was over.

grandfa' = grandfather
clover ['klouval — клевер
Piggy (=pig) died [daid] — поросенок умер
cried [kraid] — заплакал
fun — веселье, забава
Категория: Стихи | Добавил: tot-english (21.06.2008)

Jack Sprat's Pig
Little Jack Sprat
Once had a pig;
It was not very little,
Nor yet very big,
It was not very lean,
It was not very fat—
It's a good pig to grunt,
Said little Jack Sprat.
once [wAns] — некогда,  когда-то
not . . . nor — не ... и не
lean [li:n] — тощий
fat — жирный
to grunt — хрюкать
said [sed] — сказал

Little Bird
Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop,
And I cried, Little bird,
Will   you  stop,   stop,   stop?
I was going to the window
To say,  How do you do?
But he shook his little tail
And away he flew.

hop — прыжок; подскакивание
cried  — закричал
shook — качнул
flew [flu:] — улетел

The cuckoo comes in April,
The cuckoo comes in April,
He sings  his song  in May;
In the middle of June
He changes his tune,
And then he flies away.
to fly away — улетать

Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree,
Up went pussy-cat, and down went he;
Down came pussy, and away
Robin ran; Says little Robin Redbreast,
Catch me if you can.
 Little Robin Redbreast jumped
upon a wall,
Pussy-cat jumped after him,
and almost got a fall;
 Little Robin chirped and sang,
and what did pussy say?
 Pussy-cat said, Mew,
and Robin jumped  away.
catch — ловля,  поимка
Robin   Redbreast   sat   upon ta'pon]  a  tree — малиновка села   на дерево
up went pussy-cat ['pusikaet] — вверх    
полезла кошка
а кошка
to catch — ловить, поймать
and almost [V.lmoust]
got a fall [h\\] — и чуть не ynaj
chirped [tfo:pt] and sang — защебетала и запела

Little Robin  Redbreast
Came to visit  me;
This  is what  he whistled,
Thank yOu for my tea.
visitor I'vizital — гость
Robin ['robin] Redbreast Fredbrest] came to visit me
малиновка прилетела ко мне в гости
 to whistle ['wisl] — свистеть

There were two blackbirds,
There were two blackbirds,
Sitting on  a hill,
The one named Jack,
The other named Jill;
Fly away,  Jack!
Fly away, Jill!
Come again,  Jack!
Come again, Jill!

To the Lady-Bird
Lady-bird,   lady-bird,
Fly away home,
ur house is on fire
And your children all gone;
All except one
And  that's little Ann
And she has crept  under
The warming pan.

To the Lady-Bird
Lady-bird,   lady-bird,
Fly away home,
ur house is on fire
And your children all gone;
All except one
And  that's little Ann
And she has crept  under
The warming pan.

To The Snail
Snail, snail, put out your horns,
And I'll give you bread
and barley-corns.

snail [sneil] — улитка
horns [ho:nz] — рожки (улитки)
barley-corns   ['bah  'ko:nzl — зерна  ячменя

Bow-wow, says the dog
Bow-wow, says the dog,
Mew,  mew,  says the cat,
Grunt,  grunt,  goes the hog,
And squeak goes the rat.
Tu-whu,  says the owl,
Caw, caw, says the crow,
Quack,  quack, says the duck, And what cuckoos say you know.


Категория: Учимся с интересом | Добавил: collegy (2009-06-11)
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    презентация Ирина Борисенко открытый урок информатика флипчарт животные новый год 9 класс 5 класс творчество Казахские пословицы проект конспект урока 6 класс физика язык класс педагогика стихи Казахстан математика урок праздник наурыз познание мира музыка доклад программа литература география природа сценарий семья воспитание классному руководителю осень игра казахский язык и литература викторина Начальная школа тест конкурс ИЗО внеклассная работа литературное чтение Русский язык 3 класс технология воспитательная работа сказка Здоровье Оксана 8 марта искусство независимость английский язык психология учитель 3 класс биология статья внеклассное мероприятие классный час ЕНТ выпускной школа 1 класс Русский язык ЕГЭ тесты химия начальные классы Дети экология Дошкольники любовь разработка урока казахский язык самопознание Английский родители br конспект спорт критическое мышление патриотизм дружба дошколенок История обучение тренинг разработка 7 класс физическая культура игры КВН занятие детский сад физкультура Абай коучинг

