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2013-2014 Level: The 3-rd form Objectives:-to raise students’ interest of studying English; -to develop students’ speaking skills; -to improve students’ acting skills; Buratino Characters: Buratino Karabas Barabbas Cricket Papa Carlo Fox Alice Puppets Malvina Cat Bazilio Bats Pierro Tuttle Tortilla Dog Artemon Frogs Ведущий:Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers, parents! Nice to meet you! Have a nice day! Ребята сегодня в гости к нам пришли наши родители, учителя. Мы их очень ждали, готовили песни, и хотим им показать и рассказать, что мы умеем делать. Ведущий:Now we are going to see a play *Buratino* of 3 *v*. Welcome to our fairy-tale! Ведущий:The first scene-Papa Carlo, Buratino and Cricket. Сцена 1 Каморка папы Карло. На сцене висит нарисованный огонь и очаг. Звучит тихая музыка. Выходит Папа Карло, в руках у него полено. Он садится на стул и начинает строгать полено. Papa Carlo: This is my nice new puppet. I will call him Buratino. These are his Eyes. Such a funny look! These are hands, legs, ears, a mouth, and a nose. Oh, It’stoolong! Уходит за занавес с поленом и возвращается Буратино. Звучит песня J. Brown * I feel good*. Buratino: hee, hee, hee! Ha, ha, ha! Don’t touch me anymore! It’s too much for me! Stop it! Буратино танцует и поет песню: My eyes can see, My ears can hear, My nose can smell, My mouth can talk, My head can nod, My arms can hold, My legs can walk, And walk and walk. Papa Carlo: Now listen to me Buratino. I haven’t even finished you, and begin singing. Stop dancing, please. I’m going to buy some Food and you sit at home and be quiet. Папа Карло уходит. Появляется сверчок со скрипкой. Звучит скрипка. Cricket: Chirico chuck, Chirico chuck! Buratino:Hey, who’s that? Cricket: It’s me. Buratino: And who do you think You are? Cricket: 1 Buratino:And who do you think you are? Cricket: I’m a cricket. I’ve lived here for more Than a hundred years. Buratino:I am the boss around here.And You go away! Cricket: All, right.I’ll go.But before I go let me give you some advice. Buratino:I don’t want any advice from a silly little cricket like you! Cricket:Buratino,don’t be naughty.Listen to Papa Carlo.You must study and go to school. Buratino:I don’t want to study! Idon’t want to go to school! I KNOW EVERYTHING! Cricket: Well, how much is two and two? Buratino:it’s five Cricket:It’s a pity,Buratino. You will have a lot of problems Buratino:Papa Carlo,Papa Carlo! Сверчок уходит Входит Папа Карло без куртки с азбукой в руках Papa Carlo: You must go to school;my dear boy .This is an AbC book for you Buratino:An ABC book for me?It’s wonderful!But where is your jacket, Papa Carlo? Papa Carlo: OH, I sold it.I can do without it.I must look after you Buratino:When I grow up and learn everything.I’ll buy you a thousand new jackets Ведущий:The second scene-Buratino,Karabas,Puppets Сцена 2 На стене висит плакат «ThePuppetTheatre» Buratino: School can wait a bit. I’d better sell my ABC book and buy a ticket for the Puppet Theatre. Появляется Карабас Барабас с плеткой в руках. За ним выходят куклы в красивых платьях. Karabas Barabas: Come on! COME ON! Here’s my wonderful comedy! КарабасБарабасбьетплеткой. Звучит песня, и грустные куклы начинают танцевать. Карабас Барабас садится на стул и засыпает. Seethemwalk, walk, walks See the little walking puppets. See them walk, walk, walk See them walking in a row See them run, run, run See the little running puppets. See them run, run, run See them running in a row See them jump, jump, jump See the little jumping puppets. See them jump, jump, jump See them jumping in a row. See them dance, dance, dance See the little dancing puppets. See them dance, dance, dance. See them dancing in a row Буратино танцует вместе с куклами. Куклы оживляются и подходят к Буратино и окружают его. Puppet 1: Oh, who are you? Buratino: I’m Buratino. Puppet 2: Such a nice new puppet! Puppet 3: Oh, he can dance and sing! Puppet 1: Join us! Let’s be friends! Puppet 2: It’s so dull in our theatre! Puppet 3: You’ll bring joy and fun to us! KarabasBarabas: How can you interrupt my wonderful comedy! Oh, a piece of dry wood! I’ll Put you in the fire and my supper will be ready in no time. Buratino: That’s not a good idea. I’d better go home to Papa Carlo. I have supper there and we Have a nice picture of a fireplace. KarabasBarabas: Where do you live my dear? Please, show me. Here are some coins for you. One, two, three, four, five. Go home and wait for me. Buratino:There is a secret here, I think. I want to know it, too. Ведуший: The third scene – Cat Bazilio, Fox Alice, BuratinoСцена 3 Под мелодию ламбады появляются Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио. Танцуют. Буратино пересчитывает деньги. Cat Bazilio:Oh, Buratino, what are you going to do with all your money? Fox Alice: Dear Buratino, would you like to have ten times more than you have now? Buratino: Of course, I would. Cat Bazilio: Just come along with us to the wonder forest. Fox Alice:Say”Crickety, picket, pickety” three times. Cat Bazilio:Put the gold into the hole, water it and go to bed. Fox Alice: Next morning a little tree with a lot of gold coins will grow. Buratino: You are lying. Cat Bazilio:Buratino, stop! Буратино убегает от Лисы Алисы и Кота Базилио. Лиса Алиса забирает момент и танцует подпесню*Money* ABBA. Fox Alice: You take one coin and I’ll take four. Cat Bazilio: Why? FoxAlice: Well, well. Take two and Itake two. Ha, haha Сцена 4 В доме Мальвины. На сцене стоит стол с чернильницей и стул. За столом сидит Буратино и задирает ноги на стол, Входит Мальвина. Malvina: Oh, you are not very polite. Who taught you manners? Buratino: Sometimes Papa Carlo, sometimes nobody at all. Malvina:I’ll do it! Now sit down. Put your hands in front of you, please. We are going to Have an arithmetic lesson. You have got two apples in your hands. Buratino: That’s not true. Malvina: Let’s imagine. One apple is taken away. How many apples are left? Buratino:Two Malvina:Why? Buratino:Because I wouldn’t let anyone take my apples away. Malvina:Oh no! You are bad at arithmetic. Let’swrite. Буратино макает нос в чернильницу. Malvina:You are a very naughty boy! You must be punished at once Artemon! Artemon: yes, please. What do you want, your majesty? Malvina: Take him away to the cell! Buratino: You, silly sausage! Artemon:Don’t be rude or I’ll bite you! На сцене в углу сидит Буратино. Под громкую музыку появляется Летучие мыши. Bats: We are bad black bats! You are afraid of us, Buratino! Buraino: I am not afraid of you. Летучие мыши начинают кружиться на сцене, затем хватают Буратино и убегают с ним. Ведущий:The fifth scene- Frogs, turtle, Buratino. Сцена 5 На сцене появляются Лягушки и Черепаха Тортила у пруда под Мелодию * Crazy frog*. Frogs:We like the pond It’s big and wide, And there are fish Deep down inside. Turtle:I’m a very old turtle. I’ve lived here for 300 years. Oh, how happy I am among Frogs, butterflies and dragonflies! I’m a very old now but I’d like to dance with you, my little frogs. Появляется Буратино Turtle: Who’s that? Where are my glasses? Oh, I see, you are a wooden boy. I know you are a silly boy! Instead of going to school you came to the Land of fools. Buratino: I wanted to get a lot of money Papa Carlo. Turtle:Fox Alice and Cat Bazilio played trick on you! They took you money. Oh, you sill Boy! Frogs: Poor Buratino! Dear turtle help him, please! Turtle: Now, you silly boy. Take this key. But I don’t remember where the door is. Somewhere….. ….now, I remember! A picture, fire, a pot. Where is the picture? Buratino; Oh, it’s in my Papa Carlo’s room. Буратино берет золотой ключик и уходит. Ведущий: The sixth scene-Piero, Arthemon, Buratino. Сцена 6 На сцене Пьеро и Буратино. Pierro: Oh, where is Malvina? Oh, where? Oh, Where? She has disappeared. She is nowhere. Buratino:What are you doing here? Pierro;I’m looking for the most beautiful girl-Malvina. Buratino:Well, I ran away from that girl yesterday. Pierro;I must help her. She’ll be happy when we find the key to the Puppet Theatre. Buratino:Here it is! This is the key. Вбегает Пудель Артемон. Artemon; Karabas Barabas and the dogs will be here in a minute. Buratino:Don’t panic! Off we go! Появляется Карабас Барабас Собаки-полицейские. KarabasBarabas:Give me the key! Artemon; we are going to fight! Buratino:Papa Carlo! Papa Carlo:I’ll help you, Buratino. Под музыку все герои прогоняют Карабаса Барабаса и собак Со сцены. Buratino:Here is the key of the door Papa Carlo: Open it! We’ll go to the magic world of the Puppet Theatre. PapaCarlo: Let’s dance! Все положительные герои выходят на сцену и танцуют Веселую польку. Ведущий:And now we want to sing a song “the more we are together”. The more we are together, together, together The more we are together The happier we are For my friend is your friend and your friend is my friend The more we are together The happier we are The more we are together The happier we are The more we are together The merrier we are For his friend are her friends And her friends are his friends The more we are together The merrier we are The more we are together The happier we are For our friends are their friends And their friends are our friends The more we are together The happier we are Заключительная часть урока: Ведущий: it’s a pity, but our lesson is over. It was a great pleasure To work with you. And now we will sing our song” good-bye”. Good-bye, good bye I don’t like to say Good-bye, good bye And have a nice day. | |
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