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Учительские университеты

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тренинг на тему: «Учитель и современная модель выпускника»
The plan of the panoramic lesson (training)
"The teacher and modern model of the school leaver"
The aim: Comprehension of key problems of education of the person of the graduate for successful adaptation in the dynamic-developing environment.
The main tasks:
Achieving the given tasks is provided through the gradual decision of some complex problems:
1. Realization of ideas of the state comprehensive standard of education.
2. Comprehension of the basic directions (education and development of the competitive person) of modern education.
3. Working out of positive rules of pedagogical actions.
4. Working off some skills of collective creative-searching activity of teachers.
At the beginning of the lesson (training) for the purpose of "feeling" the group, to diagnose a participants’ condition, to conduct a warming up exercise.
I. Warm up: “ Game of one word”
- How are you getting on?,
- Name one good event in a word,
- Name one good event happened to you,
- Are you happy to come here?
-Do you want to be active at my lesson?
To take up your trouble about work during the lesson, to be more active, to make up your mind to the further work on our today's theme
II. Let’s work out rules and strategy: «Here and Now»
(to ask teachers to suggest some rules and to add some more)
- «Be relevant»
- «Be brief»
- «Make the listener feel good. Be friendly»
- Everyone has the right to tell "no"; “but”
- “Give options”
- Principle "I";
- Activity of everyone;
III. Ranking. To organize groups.
-Entering the classroom you were offered to choose coloured badges. According to the colours we organized seven groups. A colour that characterises your emotional spirit at present or can put you in good spirits.
Task 1 Seven groups – seven colours, tell me the words associated with seven colours?
Task 2 “What is rainbow?
Rainbow – a combination of colours, a symbol of a miracle and the unusual phenomenon. After a rain the rainbow inspires and fills private life of the person with heat, light and energy.
Private life of the person like a colour can have an effect on various colourings. Depending on a physiological state or mood we can choose those or other colours. Colour can influence on the person.
Task 3(presentation)
What does every colour mean?: (psychological requirement)
Dark blue – calm, satisfaction, steady positive attachment, no wish for participating in conflicts and stressful situations.
Green – feeling confidence, persistence and requirement for self-affirmation and recognition.
Orange – strong -willed efforts, energetic person, friendship and goodwill.
Red – aggressive, offensive tendencies, excitement, requirement to act actively, achieve success, high capacity for work, disputed interaction.
Yellow – activity, striving for intercourse, cheerfulness, requirement in the long term and is in hopes of the best.
Weak green – feeling of confidence, persistence, sometimes obstinacy, cheerfulness and optimism. Searching positive in everything.
Pink – cheerfulness, wishing nothing better than working, positive, is interested in new technologies tries to apply them.
IV. Presentation
Speech on a theme: «Modern model of the school leaver – definition and features”
«No business can be made well,
if it is not known, what we wish to reach»
Life realities in the XXI century are that, reforms of education are full of new technologies and pedagogical innovations. As a schoolteacher our first aim is to increase our abilities to acquire professionalism of the teacher: possession of diagnostics of specific features of the student, technologies developing, personally - orientated, differentiated training.
Therefore I wish to define the aim of today's training.
The aim: Comprehension of key problems of education of the person of the graduate for successful adaptation in the modern world.
As follows from the aim, today the key concepts, subject to discussion, the person of the graduate who is the consumer of education forming the requirements to quality of education.
The problem of education of the person became especially actual. The Main objective of the Kazakhstani education is formation and development of the educational, creative, competent and competitive person, capable to live in dynamically developing environment ready to self-actualization both in his own interests, and in interests of a society.
Nowadays teaching at schools expands significantly the youth opportunity to get higher education. The long-term strategy "Kazakshtan-2030" provides the decision of many problems, connected to the education, a government program of a development of education in РК, defined transition to 12-year-old formation is dictated by requirements, expectations and inquiries of the basic interested parties for a quality education. Interested parties are all participants of complete pedagogical process.
The quantum leap in development and introduction in practice of new technologies has caused also sharp increase of requirement of a society in the people possessing an independent way of thinking, bringing the new maintenance in an industrial and social life, able to put and solve the new problems concerning the future.
Also in new educational model the role and a foreign language is found out as the main subject in education. The foreign language along with polycultural, communicativeness is the base of competence in the national goals of our country
The third, it is necessary to understand, as well as in what form it is possible to keep traditional model of education, without ignoring necessity of modernization of educational system. It is obvious that the traditional model of education has not sputtered out at all it should exist in modern conditions.
The fourth, the main thing that is important to understand and admit that traditional educational model is impossible without changing the status of the teacher in our educational system and in a society as a whole.
V. The tasks for creative groups
Group 1
Dear colleagues!
We ask you to write actions of the teacher for education of the person of the school leaver, promoting education of modern model of the pupil.
1. Comprehension of the main directions of school education;
2. To create the program of actions of the teacher for education (upbringing) of the person of the school leaver;
3. To write actions of the teacher on the offered poster and present the given program.

Group 2
Dear colleagues!
We ask you to analyze what actions of the teacher do not promote education of the person of the modern graduate. If necessary offer additional variants of actions of the teacher which disturb to this process.
1. To create system of rules «Seven NO», representing seven actions of the teacher, persons of the schoolboy not promoting education
3. To present the given program in the form of a leaflet for general using.
Group 3
«Ten commandments of successful education»
1. To create system of rules «Ten commandments of successful education», (“Десять заповедей успешного воспитания”) representing ten actions of the teacher, successfully persons of the schoolboy promoting education
2. To present the given program in the form of a leaflet for general using.
Group 4
A Collage (коллаж)
Dear colleagues!
We ask you to create a collage from the offered drawings . If necessary offer additional variants of your own, also you can draw your own picture.
1. To create a collage on the given theme: «The Teacher and modern model of the school leaver».
2. To present the given collage with short comments.
Group 5
«Psychology-pedagogical support of training»
1. To analyze or to support the work of the groups and presentations of the groups
2. To make up a poem, a chastooshka (частушка) or you can sing a song, an ode, etc.)
3. To support the creative report of the groups.
Group 6
Project of the training
To make up a project of the training as the conclusion of the work.
For example:
To suggest some developing rules as a basis in activity of teachers.
The project as the conclusion of the given training:
The Approximate Project of the Training
Analyzing today’s work and with …
1. With the account …
3. On the basis of the suggested rules …
Group 7
«Modern model of the graduate»
To create a modern model of the person of the school leaver;
1. Formation of the communicative person of a new type
2. Possessing high culture of interpersonal and interethnic dialogue.
3. With the developed system of universal values.
4. Capable to grow in the professional future and effective and rational to live and can work in the quickly – changing, dynamic – developing environment.
5. Capable to solve problems.
VI. Presentation of the groups
VII. Conclusion:
Teacher: My methodical theme is “Game as a means of developing interest in studying a foreign language” Today we played “a businesslike game”
Game: «Thanks for pleasant training»
The instruction: «Now I wish you to participate in a small ceremony which will help us to express friendly feelings and gratitude to each other for today's work. Game passes as following: someone will stand up (it is desirable the one who sits the first) shakes hands with the neighbour and says «Thanks for pleasant work» both remain, still keeping for hands, then the second participant thanks the third, thus the group constantly increases being held by the hand and ceremony by silent strong triple handshake of hands comes to the end.

The used literature:
1. Grebenjuk O. S, pedagogics M.I. Small horns of a basis. М, 2003.
2. Planning of educational work in a class. / under the editorship of Stepanovoj E.N., М: Pedagogical search, 2006.
3. Stepans E.N.Luzin Л.М to the teacher about modern approaches and education concepts. М, 2007.
4. Strategy «Kazakhstan – 2030» «a new epoch in a development of education”
5. The Annual Message of president РК to the People of Kazakhstan

Категория: Учимся с интересом | Добавил: JUVENTINO (2010-04-20) | Автор: Уразбаева Салима Амержановна E
Просмотров: 1465 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: разработка урока, английский язык | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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