Учительские университеты
“Teaching subjects in English” Two workshops for subject teachers.
I continued developing this theme “Teaching subjects in English” and prepared two workshops for subject teachers. This time my both presentations were in English for the purpose of further language development. I worked with teachers during two days and every day it took two hours and thirty minutes for developing understanding, discussions and tasks’ completion. The main goal of these trainings was to give teachers understanding of practical skills in teaching subjects in English. Both days were rather successful as participants mentioned in their reflection lists. I would be thankful for comments which can be sent to oxakim75@mail.ru. The material can be read at http://www.icce-kazakhstan.kz/admin/upload/files/Teaching_subjects_in_English_(2).pdf
Источник: http://www.icce-kazakhstan.kz/admin/upload/files/Teaching_subjects_in_English_(2).pdf |
Категория: Профессиональное образование | Добавил: Oxakim (2011-03-24)
| Автор: Akimova Oxana Mikhailovna E W
Просмотров: 1016
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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