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About Teaching English for Special Purposes to Students of Technical Specialities
Омарбекова А.Т. – преподаватель английского языка
геологоразведочного колледжа г. Семей ВКО

About Teaching English for Special Purposes to Students of Technical Specialities

The geographical spread of English is unique among the languages of the world, throughout history. People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learnt it as their native language, those who have learnt it as a second language in a society which is mainly bilingual and those who are force to use it for a practical purpose - professional or educational.
Nowadays when science and technology are developing so fast all kind of specialists need English in their work.
The official state language in Kazakhstan is Kazakh. Russian is the language of inter-ethnic communication. English has become increasingly popular as an international language with more and more people studying abroad and doing business with foreign counterparts. English is studied as a foreign language in all educational institutions and used by international organizations and the foreign business community in Kazakhstan. In the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan he pays much attention to providing international standards of education and professional retraining, corresponding to dynamics and prospects of the development of the labour market. He says, “We should attract foreign teachers of English language to our schools… It is necessary to produce the situation where any average school could provide children the opportunity to learn a foreign language at the highest level. We should collaborate more actively with foreign developmental institutions and also encourage private investment into technical education”.
The global system of the world economy is a well developed and well functioning mechanism working by its own rules. We must work by these rules too. Nobody is especially looking forward to welcoming us in the world markets, but we have to become in demand and to be a highly-qualified specialist. For its creation we should, first of all, develop our own “human capital.”
The Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan draws much attention to a program of technical education for creating and gaining Kazakhstan’s “riches” into the system of the world economy. The subject of the present paper is an overview of main problems connected with teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Nowadays it is still urgent to discuss what to teach and how to teach a foreign language taking into account the objective social and professional needs of future specialists in our country. Besides businessmen, tradesmen, engineers, scientists and scholars all over the world must know English because it is the international means of exchange of information and experience. The situation with foreign language teaching in Kazakh educational institutions is in some ways different from that of many European countries. In Kazakhstan, students in all specialties have foreign languages on the curricula as an obligatory subject for two or three years out of the average five years of the full course. Thus, our students not only want to learn foreign languages, but also have to learn them because students of any subject, any discipline must learn a foreign Language as part of their syllabus.
At the beginning of the college course of foreign language teaching it is
necessary to formulate its actual – and realistic aims and tasks. Students must know from the start what variety of the foreign language, and to what extent, they are going to master it. Many people get bitterly disappointed and lose interest in foreign language studies because they were not duly informed that it is not possible (if you are not a genius, but these are scarce) in the limited period of learning 2-4 hours for week for 2-3 years – to master a foreign language, to acquire all the various skills: reading special literature, newspapers, fiction, writing scientific papers, understanding the lyrics of songs, everyday speech, etc.
The tasks of teaching English for Specific Purposes must be formulated from the
very beginning.
The teacher of the ESP must help the students to experience more language special-subject materials, to develop the communicational skills, to activate the student’s passive storage of English, to extend it, to lead the students to realizing and comprehension of how the language system works in communicative aspect in the cross-section of special-oriented subjects. Of course, we can only assume that the students have some knowledge of how the language works. It can be also assumed that this knowledge will be consolidated as the students experience language used in special-oriented texts. So, for these reasons, a detailed cover of grammar shouldn’t be presented during the ESP classes. Nevertheless, the grammar exercises, or drills, should be designed to focus on points which are of importance in the scientific writings, especially those points that are of difficulty for students to comprehend. To conclude the thought, I may say that the grammar should not be pointed out and stressed in an extended way but smoothly linked with a lexis teaching providing the students understand the context and how the language is used.
Increasing the language vocabulary, the students improve the skills of giving a speech and expressing themselves in the English language. Of course, the area of understanding the English speaker is becoming wider simultaneously with the vocabulary acquisition. To have the vocabulary supply as a link between the reading and writing is of great significance. There is always a need for students to expand the vocabulary: for comprehension reading, for successful speaking and writing. But there is a question: what is it to have a word stored in one’s memory for a long time? Here is an answer: the students should recognize it in a speech, in a text; must recall it when there is a need, understand it right and use it correctly. The importance of the teaching of vocabulary in ESP is now widely accepted and presented within the whole process of study. Teachers of technical English deal with the specialist vocabulary that can be divided into core vocabulary, or semi-technical vocabulary, and technical vocabulary itself. What is it a core vocabulary of a student? ESP is taught to the students with a substantial knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of English. This is exactly a core vocabulary of the student acquired during a long period of learning English. This is a vocabulary used in general language but has a higher frequency of occurrence in scientific and technical description and discussion.
Категория: Профессиональное образование | Добавил: AigulSGRK (2012-04-03)
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