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[ Скачать с сервера (19.0 Kb) ] | 2012-02-08, 12:40 PM |
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі: Берікханова Назигул Абайхановна Пәні: Шетел тілі Сынып: 5ә Ашық сабақтың тақырыбы: “What colour is your cat? ” Сабақтың мақсаттары: Білімділік: Оқушыларды түстерге байланысты жаңа сөздермен таныстырып,олардың сөйлемдерде қолданылуын үйрету. Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың ой-өрістерін дамыту.Сөйлеу,жазу,тыңдау дағдыларын қалыптастыру. Тәрбиелік: Оқушыларды ұқыптылыққа,тазалыққа,адамгершілікке тәрбиелеу Тәжірибелік: Өткен лексиканы іс жүзінде қолдану. Сабақ түрі: Дәстүрлі Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту Сабақта қолданылатын әдістер: жаттығу,әңгімелесу,көрнекілік,аударма,сұрақ-жауап. Пәнаралық байланыс: Информатика,қазақ тілі. Қолданылған әдебиеттер: Т.Аяпова«Ағылшын тілі»5сынып«Атамұра»Алматы оқыту әдістемесі.Электронды оқулық 2 сынып,И.П.Ермаченко«Дидактический материал» Көрнекілігі: тақырыптық суреттер, түсті қағаздар The plan of the lesson I. Organization moment. a. greeting b. phonrtic drill II. Presentation of new material. a.new words b.read the dialoque III. Development of pupil’s speaking habits a.make up sentences b.answer the questions IV. Concluding stage a. giving home task b. putting marks Сабақтың барысы Teacher's activity Pupils’ activity Organization moment -Good afternoon, children! -Sid down! -Good afternoon! Marking absents -Who is on duty today? -Who is absent? -What was your home task? -I’m on duty today. -All are present. Speech drill. -What day is it today? -What date is it today? -What is the weather like today? -Today is Tuesday. -Today is the 15th of Nobember. -Today is cold. Phonetic drill: Revision of verb«to have» [w] [h] [k] [v] [a:] [ei] [i:] [æ] we he cat,colour violet are they she have We have got eyes. How many?Two When they look at you They say «How do you do?» Production. Vocabulary work. Listen and repeat after me.Read one by one. Presentation of new material. Listen and repeat after me Listening.I’II be read the dialoque. Practice Exercise 2 Match the colours with the words and fill in the boxes with letters. Exercise 3Listen and repeat. Exercise 4 Talk to your friend about Colin's, Carol's, Asel's and Omar's clothes, hair and eyes. Exercise 5. Listen and repeat Exercise 6. Talk to your friend about Colin's, Carol's, Asel's and Omar's trainers, jeans,trousers and shoes. Exercise 7. Talk to your friend about your clothes. Brown қоңыр Beige боз Blue көк Black қара Grey сұр Pink қызғылт Yellow сары White ақ Red қызыл Green жасыл Violet күлгін Orange сарғыш This is red.This is white.etc. What colour is your pen? It’s red. Asel: Hello, Colin. Omar: Hello, Carol. Colin: Hi. Carol: Hi. Omar: Have you got pets? Carol: Yes, we have got a dog and a cat. Have you? Omar: No, we haven't. What colour is your cat? Colin: It's black and white. Omar: What colour are its eyes? Colin: They're brown. H.J.B.I.K.L.D.C.F.A.E Omar: What colour is your cat? Colin: It's black and white. - What colour is Colin's T-shirt? - It's - What colour are it’s eyes? - They’re brown. What colour are Omar's trousers? They're - What colour is your trousers? It’s ----------- -What colour are Omar's trousers? -They’re------- Exercise 8. Talk to your friend about your pets Exercise 9. Answer the questions. — Have you got a dog? Yes, I have. What colour is it? It's What colour are its eyes? --- They're What's your name?My name's How old are you? Which class are you in? What colour is your hair? What colour are your eyes? Conclusion. Speaking Pupil says about colours.They shows for us things. Evaluations You are the best one who works hard today. Your English is good and I put excellent. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention! Good-bye! Open your diaries and write your home task ex.11pg.64 Write. | |
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