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[ · Скачать удаленно (12 Mb) ] | 2012-06-03, 8:40 PM |
Урок в 6 классе по теме: Present Perfect. Places and directions. Цели и задачи: образовательные: практиковать учащихся в использовании времени Present Perfect; повторить неправильные глаголы; практиковать учащихся в устной речи и чтении; провести самостоятельную работу. развивающие: развивать память учащихся, логическое мышление; учить сопоставлять, сравнивать. воспитательные: расширить общий кругозор учащихся; заинтересовать учащихся в изучении английского языка; воспитывать чувство патриотизма. Тип урока: комбинированный. Методы, используемые на уроке: словесный, наглядный, практический. Оборудование: презентация, выполненная в Power Point, учебник. Ход урока. 1. Организационный момент. Good afternoon, boys and girls, sit down. Today we are going to speak about the places which are important for people in Kazakhstan and Great Britain. We are also going to speak about things people have already done. 2. Фонетическая зарядка. Slide 2. Look at the board. There is something in the box. Guess what it is. You may use these questions. Is it … (big…)? Is it… (red…)? Can it … (run…)? Is it a … (dog…)? Slide 3. This is a gold fish. Let’s read the poem about it. Gold fish, gold fish, Fulfill my wish. Do my homework Every day, Dance with me And sing and play. 3. Present Perfect. a) Hometask: Irregular verbs. At home you were to revise irregular verbs. Slide 4 -35. b) Slide 36. Study and remember. c) Slide 37. Make up sentences. 1) worked, he, has, just. 2) Paris, never, been, I, have. 3) Her parents, bought, new, have, a, car. 4) spent, has, she, money, all. 5) party, to, The Browns, have, invited, the, us d) Slide 38. Correct the mistakes. 1. Ann has drunk not tea yet. 2. Pete and Mike has never been to Paris. 3. He have just cut his finger. 4. His parents has come to England. 5. I have finished my already test. e) Slide 39. Describe what has just happened. f) Slide 40. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Они только что купили фрукты. 2. Анна порезала палец! 3. Ой! Джек разбил вазу! 4. Он уже написал письмо. 5. Я никогда не был в Греции. g) Slide 41 - 42. Test. Choose the correct variant. 4. Places and directions. a) Slide 43 - 52. Words: Lonely - одинокий Funny – смешной Sad – грустный Tired – усталый Cheerful – весёлый Interesting – интересный Modern – современный Look at the pictures of the houses and say what they are like. What house would you like to live in? b) The Akh Orda. Slide 53. What can you say about this house? Do you know how it is called? This is Akh Orda, the place where the President of Kazakhstan works. The President doesn’t live there. Do you like it? Slide 54. Let’s read some information about it. The residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Astana is on the Ishim river. The residence was opened on the 24th of December, 2004. The residence is 80 meters high with a spire . The building has five floors, and the first floor is 10 meters high, all others - to 5 meters high. There are two underground floors. By the way, have you ever seen Akh Orda with your own eyes? You see, it’s forbidden to go inside it. Let’s make an excursion to it. Slide 55. There is a Ceremonial Hall on the ground floor. Slide 56. This is Press Conference Hall where our President meets with journalists. There are a lot of offices on the first floor. Slide 57. We come to the second floor. On the second floor there is Eastern Hall. It looks like Kazakh jurt. Slide 58 There is also Marble Hall used for state meetings, summits with the President. Slide 59 This room is used for meetings with other presidents, delegations, ambassadors. This is Golden Hall. Slide 60. This is Oval Room. It is also used for meetings with foreign delegations, meetings with businessmen. Slide 61. This is Guest Room. The President talks here with the ambassadors in private. You see, it will take us long time to come into all the rooms in Akh Orda. But you know now how beautiful is the presidential house. Do you like it? c) The Buckingham Palace. Slide 62 – 65. And what do you think about this house? This is Buckingham Palace, the place where English Queen lives. It is right in the centre of London. Slide 66 – 68. Royal family live there. (Info about them). Slide 69 – 70. Changing the Guard Ceremony. Slide 71 – 75. Here are some rooms of the Palace. Last lesson we read the text about Buckingham Palace. How does it look like? What is there in it? Slide 76- 79. These are other royal residences. Do you like them? What can you say about them? Where would you like to live? Why? 5. Итоги. At the end of the lesson let’s speak about the presidential residences in Kazakhstan and Great Britain. What do they have in common? What is different? Slide 80. Where are they situated? Are they modern or old? Does the head of the country live there? What can you say about the colour of the buildings? Домашнее задание. Read the text about the Queen’s day. Slide 81. Оценки. | |
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