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Махатова Н.С., учитель английского языка ССШ № 25 г. Актобе внеклассное мероприятие в 9 классе
[ Скачать с сервера (169.0 Kb) ] 2012-10-04, 1:14 PM
Level: the 9th forms
Objectives: - to enlarge students’ knowledge in culture of English-Speaking countries
- to develop students’ speaking and creative skills
- to teach them to respect and support each other
I. Teacher: : Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and friendship, to take part in party-games to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy St. Valentine’s Day! And now let’s occupy our love-ships: “Rose”, “Heart”, “Ribbons”, “Ring”. To know what ship to get on pick a card from the box.
II. Symbols.
Teacher: What are the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day? Look at the board the students tell you more to answer this question. (Projector is used)

2. Symbols of St.Valentine’s Day
A long time ago, people believed that all the emotions were found in the heart. In later years, they thought only the emotion of love was connected with the heart. The heart is still a symbol of love, and it is also a symbol of Valentine’s Day.
The rose was the flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. This is why the red rose is a flower of love.
Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons to their favorite knights when they went to war.
Lace comes from a latin word, it means “to catch”. Lace was supposed to catch the heart of a loved one. Lace is a pretty fabric made by weaving together fine threads. Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. If a woman dropped her handkerchief, a man nearby might pick it up and return it to her. Sometimes she might drop her lace handkerchief on purpose to encourage romance. Soon people thought of romance when they thought of lace. They began using paper lace to decorate chocolate boxes and Valentines cards.
Years ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he “asked for her hand”. The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love.
In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or marry. Valentine’s Day is a popular day for giving an engagement ring. An engagement ring usually has a stone or jewel set in it.
A love knot is a series of winding and interlacing loops with no beginning and no end. It is a symbol of endless love.
Doves were thought to be favorite birds of Venus. They remain with the same mates all their lives. The males and females both care for their babies. These birds are symbols of loyalty and love. They are also symbols of Valentine’s Day.
Cupid is a son of Venus, goddess of love. He could cause people to fall in love by piercing them with one of his magic arrows.
Lovers who affectionally sign “XXX”s to Valentine cards and letters are usually unware that the custom goes back to the early Christian era, when a cross mark, or “X”, conveyed the force of a sworn oath. It also was the first letter of the Greek word for Christ, Xristos. People kissed a cross to emphasize their compete sincerity in an accord, as a Bible was frequently kissed when an oath was sworn upon it. It was this practice of kissing the “X” that led to its becoming a symbol of a kiss.
III. The student from the 9th forn sings the song. At the ent of the song two leadings (a boy and a girl) are coming out to the stage. The boy keeps a rose and recites a poem “It’s Valentine’s Day”
Here is a special valentine And since you are very special
With lots of love for you. Here are hugs and kisses, too!
Leading B: You’ve just listened to the beautiful song about love. And the words of this song are absolutely right: love is everywhere and it is the greatest thing in the world. To love and to be loved – these are the two things we can’t imagine our life without.
Leading G: Nowadays it is also impossible to imagine the holiday calendar of the most European countries, America, and even Russia without the heartful expressions of love, flowers and presents exchanged on the 14th of February between sweethearts, good friends and acquaintances of many years. This is the most romantic holiday of the year-St. Valentine’s Day. And in spite of the fact that the weather is quite unromantic today I hope you will all have a good time and enjoy our small party.
Pupil 1: A poem “It’s St. Valentine’s Day”
It’s Valentine’s Day. And in the street
There’s freezing rain, and slush, sleet.
The wind is fierce. The skies are grey.
I don’t think I’ll go out today.
But here inside the weather’s warm.
There is no trace of wind or storm.
And you just made the morning shine.
You said you’d be my Valentine

Leading B: St.Valentine’s Day is very popular in the English-speaking countries. It has its roots in some legends . Cupid, the Roman God of love is one of the earliest symbols of the day.
Leading G: The first Valentine was a Christian priest who was imprisoned and executed in the third century for spreading the teaching of Christ. On February 14, he was beheaded, but before it he wrote a farewell letter to his jailer’s blind daughter
Which he signed “From your Valentine”.
Leading B: The second Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time and was imprisoned for secretly marrying couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor.
(Звучит музыка и выключается свет. Зажигается прожектор, в лучах которого Появляется священник. Он идет медленно. В это время звучит голос:,,Valentine Was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ’’.)
Leading G: My sweetheart, look! I can’t believe it. Is it St. Valentine himself?

Leading B: You are welcome, parton of lovers!
Priest: My children! I’ve come from the distant past, to remind you of kindness
And love, friendship and patience in your wicked world. Not only when
It’s St.Valentine’s Day, but always , all year through you’re thought with
Words of love!
Leading G: Please, take us back to the 1st century when the Roman Emperor Claudius II ruled country.

Priest: All right! I see you love each other and may your dreams come true.
( свет выключается, слышится голос:,,This is the legend of how St.Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marriage because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kindly priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the empreror’s deci sion. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly.’’)
(Инсценировка легенды. Выходят юноша и девушка. Они падают на колени. Священник совершает обряд бракосочетания.)
Priest: My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife!
(Звучит марш Мендельсона. Вдруг врывается стража.)
Стража1:Priest! You have been discovered and condemned to death!
Стража2: To prison! To the Tower!
(Следующая сцена: священник в тюрьме. Входит тюремщик с дочерью.)
Priest: What a beautiful gir!
Тюремщик: This is my daughter. She is blind! She will probably never see the light, the trees!(Рыдает.)
Priest: I’ll help her by working a miracle!
( Через некоторое время девочка показывает , что к ней вернулось зрение.)
Girl: I’m so grateful to you! Even in prison you, Valentine, showed you love for
Everyone and restored my sight!
Priest: Unfortunately, tomorrow, on February14, I am to die. But I’m not scared and I
Want to tell every body on earth, ,, I love you. I’m your Valentine.”
( Голос: ,,Just before his death on February14, he sent her a farewell message signed, from your Valentine!”)
(На сцену выходят ведущие.)

Leading G: I’ll be your sweetheart, if you are mine
All my life I’ll be your Valentine.
People love diffferently. And love can be different
Leading B: Yes, it’s so much said about love by poets and writers in literature.
Student 2 “I Loved You Once” (by A.S. Pushkin)
I loved you once. My love for you, it may be
Within this heart of mine is still aglow
But let it not concern you any longer;
I would not have it pain you anymore,
I loved you once-so hopelessly, in silence
By shyness now, then jealously beset
My love for you has been so true, so tender,
As God may grant, another’s may prove yet.
Leading G : Do you remember whose words are they?Who is Onegin writing to?Can you recite this part of the poem in Russian? (ask 1 student to recite the poem)
Leading B: What is “love”? Who can give the definition?
To love – to have a strong feeling of liking someone, caring about them, and being sexually attractive to them ( love smb very much, to be in love with smb, to be madly in love/very much in love, to fall in love, to be crazy about smb, to fancy)
To love smb in your family, so that you care a lot about what happens to them, and you want them to be happy.
Love – a feeling of love (love for smb, love at first sight,, affection)
Love – 1 is a very strong feeling of affection for smb; 2 – If you love smb, you like them very, very much and they are important to you.
If you LOVE someone, it means that you are very happy when you are with them.
You hug and kiss someone you love.
Leading G: What our teachers think about love. (Projector is used)
Leading B: And now our dancing present for all. (9th B is dancing)
Leading G: : I’m sure that you’ve learnt a lot about St. Valentine ’s Day: its customs, traditions, symbols and origins. And now we can see how much you remember about this holiday with the help of true/false statements.
“True/False Chairs” (these are 2 chairs (“true” and “false”) ) Invite 4 students to come out f5rom four ships.
Leading B: I’m going to read some sentences to you. They can be true or false. You should listen to them carefully, decide whether they are right or wrong, and run to the appropriate chair as fast as you can. The winner is the first student on a chair.
True/False Statements
1. St. Valentines day is celebrated in spring (false)
2. It is believed that this holiday is named in a honor of a beautiful girl (false)
3. The first Valentine card dates back to the century (true)
4. An Italian bishop, Valentine, was burned on a fire for secretly marrying lovers (true)
5. If cupid shot you with his arrow you would fall in love(true)
IV. Performance “ Tom and Becky” by Mark Twain
Becky: What’s that?

Tom: Why, engaged to be married.

Becky: No.

Tom: Would you like to?

Becky: I reckon so, I don’t know. What is it like?

Tom: Like? Why, it ain’t like anything. You only just tell a boy you won’t ever have anybody but him? Ever, ever, ever, and then you kiss, and that’s all. Anybody can do it.

Becky: Kiss? What do you kiss for?

Tom: Why, well, they always do that.

Becky: Everybody?

Tom: Why, why, everybody that’s in love with each other.

Том шепчет что-то Бекки на ухо.

Tom: Now you whisper it to me. Just the same.

Becky: I love you.

Том целует Бекки.

Tom: Now it’s all done, Becky. And always after this, you know, you ain’t ever to love anybody but me, and you ain’t ever to marry anybody but me, never, never and forever. Will you?

Becky: No, I’ll never love anybody but you.

Tom: And you choose me and I choose you at parties, because that’s the way you do when you’re engaged.

Becky: Oh, it’s so nice. I never heard of it before.

Tom: Oh, it’s ever so jolly! Why, me and Amy Lawrence….

Becky: Oh, Tom! Then I ain’t the first you’ve ever been engaged to!

V. Leading G: In early times there was a strong belief that on 14 February birds choose their mates.
To some extent this might explain why love-birds seem to be such popular motifs on Valentine cards. A fourteenth-century poet wrote “On Valentine’s Day all the birds of the air in couple to join”.
Leading B: And Shakespear carried on the tradition when Theseus says in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”:
St. Valentine is past:
Begin these
Wood-birds but
To couple now?
Leading G: We need four boys and four girls one from each love-ship.( Boys and girls are to choose a half-heart and join own partner)
Leading B: Now present yourself, tell about your hobbies and advantage. (The participents tell about themselves)
Leading G: Now the first contest for our couples called a “A Dark Horse”. Each pair will be given two questios to answer quickly.
For example:
1. What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each Year in the Usa?(,,Oscars”)
2. What city is the home of CNN? (Atlanta).
3. Which star of American silent-movie is called the ,,Little Tramp”? (Charlie Chaplin).
4. Who created Mickey Mouse? (Walt Disney).
5. Who played the role of Rambo in the film of the same name? (Sylvester Stallone).
6. Who wrote ,, The Old Man and the Sea”? ( Ernest Hemingway).
7. Who wrote “The adventure of Hackleberry Finn”?
8. What are the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day?

Leading B: Now musical present for our couples.
Leading G: The second contest is to write a love-letter to each other for 3minutes.
Leading B: And meanwhile the passengers on the love-ships are to try to find as many word as possible in Valentine’s Word Search. Write out the words on the paper.

4. Valentine’s Word Search

Find 12 words in the list of letters and mark them with your pencil.
Sign your sheets of paper. 5 minutes for you!

Leading B: Time is up. Give me your paper with the words. (Reads it and tells which ship is the winner)
Leading G: Our lovers are ready. Let’s listen to them.
Leading B: The next game is rather difficult. It’s called “Interpritation”. Each girl and a boy will be given one word to explain to own partner.
Words: snow, lemon, flower, heart, cupid, ring, dove, love

Leading B: And the last competition is dancing with balloons. (Pairs are given the balloons to hold between bodies and to dance with them under various tunes of music)
Leading G: And now boys and girls your duty is to give your hearts to the couple you like more.
(And announce the Mrs. and Mr. Valentines)
Student 3: Фрагмент рок-оперы Вебера
“Jesus Christ – Super Star”
Ария Марии Магдалины
I don’t know how to love him,
What to do, how to move him.
I’ve been changed, yes, really changed.
In these past few days,
When I’ve seen myself,
I seem like some one else.
I don’t know how to take this,
I don’t see how he moves me.
He is a man, he’s just a man.
And I had so many men before
In very many ways
He’s just one more.
Should I bring him down,
Should I scream and shout,
Should I speak of love
Let my feelings out.
I never thought I’d come to this all
What’s it all about.
Don’t you think it’s rather funny
I should be in this position.
I’m the one who’s always been so calm, so cool,
No lover’s fool
Running every show. He scares me so.
Yet if he said he loved me
I’d be lost, I’d be frightened.
I couldn’t coop, just couldn’t coop.
I’d turn my head, I’d back away,
I wouldn’t want to know.
I want him so,
I love you so.
Leading B: Write your suitors’ names upon bits of paper, roll them up in clay, and put them into water: the first to rise up will be your valentine Dear friends! We hope, that St.Valentine’s Day will bring you lots of fun and lots of love for you!
Leading G: Take two bay leaves, sprinkle them with rose water; the evening of this day, lay them across under your pillow, when you go to bed putting on a clean shift, and turning it wrong side outwards; and lying down, say…
Good Valentine, be kind to me,
In dreams let me my true love see.
So crossing your legs, go to sleep… you will see the party you are to marry in a dream.
Teacher: Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work.. Good bye!
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: ирэн
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