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[ Скачать с сервера (42.4 Kb) ] | 2014-01-23, 9:23 AM |
Тақырыбы: “Ceremony of celebrating of the New Year in different countries” Мақсаты: Оқушыларға әр-түрлі елдердің жаңа жылды қарсы алу тарихымен таныстырып, жан-жақты танымдарын дамыту. Іс-шараның барысы: 1. Кіріспе сөз 2. Елдердің өкілдерімен танысу 3. Жаңа жылды қарсы алу рәсімін көрсету. 4. Қорытындылау Жүргізушілер: Наурызова Айдын, Дангарин Алибек 1-жүргізуші: Наурызова Айдын, 2-жүргізуші: Дангарин Алибек Елдердің өкілдері: Еуропа: Темірболатова Сания, Мұқатай Ерген, Адамбаева Мақпал, Жумабеков Досжан. Орта Азия: Талипов Бағлан, Ақболина Әсем, Жумагалиева Сандуғаш, Масәлім Нұрхат, Бабикова Айым, Ерғали Айгерім, Батқұлден Әл-Фараби. Шығыс Азия: Құнанбаева Гульдана, Қалиолла Темірлан, Жансағын Жансая, Заитова Райхан. Іс-шара барысы: І. Видеотаспаны көру; ІІ. жүргізушілердің сөзі: 1-жүргізуші: Good afternoon, dear guests. We are very glad to see you again. 2-жүргізуші: You are welcome to our party! 1-жүргізуші: So, students and teachers how do you think after watching this video what we are going to do? You may speak in English or Kazakh. (оқушылардың жауабын тыңдайды) 2-жүргізуші: Today we are going to travel all over the world. And the main aim of our travelling is to show you ceremony of celebrating of the New Year in different countries. 1-жүргізуші: And today we have some guests from Europe, the Middle Asia and the East Asia. And they are going to show us customs, symbols and traditions. 2-жүргізуші: Let’s invite them! First of all I want to invite here guests from the Middle Asia (Орта Азиядан келген қонақтар ортаға шығып, өздерін таныстырады) Бағлан: Ассалау-Мағалейкум! We come from Kazakhstan, Әл-Фараби:Салом! Айгерім: We come from Uzbekiston. Айым: We come from Caucasus Mountains and we are happy to see you!!! We come here to show and explain you celebration of Naurzyz Meiramy. (өздерін таныстырғаннан кейін жүргізушілер қонақтарды орындарына жайғастырады) 1-жүргізуші: Next our guests are coming from Europe. Sania: Hello, dear friends! They are my family; we’ll show you New Year’s customs, symbols and traditions. Ergen: Guten tag, teuer Schüler! I’m from German! Doszhan: Guten tag! Makpal: Hola [ola]! I’m from Italy! (Европалықтар орындарына барып отырады) 2-жүргізуші: At last, I’d like to invite here our guests from the East Asia! Guldana: Nemesty! We are from India! Raikhan: Nikhao! I’m from China Zhansaya: Konichiua! I come from Japan (өздерін таныстырғаннан кейін жүргізушілер қонақтарды орындарына жайғастырады) 2-жүргізуші: our guests from Middle Asia want tell us about their traditions of celebrating of the new year. Baglan: We began to celebrate the new year in times of Soviet Union and we still continue it. But we are Muslims and we have Nauryz Meiramy. Asem: Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. This holiday of spring and the renewed life of the Earth has been celebrated for over five thousand years by many cultures of the Middle and Central Asia. Each family would lay a dastarkhan (festive table). People would sit down at the table at noon. Mullah would read prayers dedicated to ancestors before and after the meal. At the end of the meal, the oldest men among them would give a blessing so that prosperity would never leave the family. Aigerim: The Muslims attached special importance to the number of seven during the Nauryz celebrations because it symbolized the seven days of the week, which was considered to be a time unit of the universal eternity. Seven bowls with the Nauryz-kozhe drink would be put in front of the aksakals The meals were composed of seven components, usually meat, salt, fat, onions, wheat, kurt and irimshik Sandugash: Everything was coming back to life, and festivities with horses, yurts, delicatessen etc. Now I wait it to meet my whole huge family… Interesting – Nauryz is a holiday that came back”, I love this holiday, even though it was introduced officially. Aiym: The celebration always included mass games, traditional horse races and other competitions. The most famous and favourite were the games of Audaryspek" where dzhigits had to pull each other down from their saddles. Sport competitions were popular and both boys and girls could take part in them. A girl would invite a dzhigit to have a go and compete with her on one condition: if he wins, he would have the right to kiss her, and if she wins he would have to obey her and execute her every desire. In this time other young people play other games and dancing outdoor. 1-жүргізуші: can you show us part of game or dance. Nurkhat: Yes, of course! (Нұрхат лезгинка биін билеп, орнына отырады) 2-жүргізуші: Thank you very much! 1-жүргізуші: and now let’s move to our guests from Europe! Saniya: New Year in United Kingdom is celebrated on January 1, the first day of the first month as per the Gregorian Calendar. This day was officially declared as New Year's Day in 1752. It is the time to ring out the old year and bring the new one by merry making. Yergen: With the arrival of New Year, every one present in the party share wishes with others, and make resolutions for the next year. The most grand and famous parties occur at Brandenburg Tor in Berlin, which saw thousands of people from Germany as well as outside Germany marking their presence to have an extraordinary New Year experience. Makpal: Most of the Spanish like to spend the New Year eve and the New Year day with their family members and close friends. It is also a common sight among the youngsters as well. There is a very interesting tradition followed among the Spanish during the New Year-eating 12 grapes. These grapes are eaten at every stroke of the clock as it strikes 12 on the New Year eve. Doszhan: New Year is my favourite Holiday, especially, I like to get present from Santa Claus. In December I wrote the letter with my wishes to Santa. And as usual he comes at midnight and put his presents into stockings. I like it very much. Sania: Receive Nurai’s song as the present from the European people. (Нурай шығып ән айтады) 2-жүргізуші: OK! Good! Thanks for our guests from Europe. It was exciting. 1-жүргізуші:there are guests from the East Asian. Let’s listen them. Raihan: The Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is an all East and South-East-Asia celebration. In China it is known as "Spring Festival." It marks the end of the winter season, analogous to the Western carnival. The festival begins on the first day of the first month which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve, a day where Chinese families gather for their annual dinner, is known as "Eve of the Passing Year." The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most. Zhansaya: During the holiday, people give special allowances to their children, nephews and nieces called Otoshidama. It is the busiest season for toy shops to attract children to spend their Otoshidama. Guldana: India is a land of diversity. The long history of India has exposed it to many cultural and political transformations and as a result, the country is now a proud conglomeration of diverse traditions. Celebration of New Year in India is a fun event often full of food, frolic and rituals. Dance and music are integral parts of New Year celebrations in the country. Different races at the different corners of the country have their distinctive traditions to commemorate the day. People in New Year Eve's Parties are seen in colorful new dresses especially selected for the occasion. People also exchange New Year gifts, flowers and greeting cards with their dear ones. This helps to create a feeling of togetherness and care. People also make New Year resolutions on the day and promise to follow it up. And now we want to show our Indian traditional dance. (Арайлым шығып би блейди) 1-жүргізуші: Ceremony of celebrating of the New Year in different countries Ceremony of celebrating of the New Year in different countries | |
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