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[ Скачать с сервера (26.2 Kb) ] | 2014-01-31, 10:19 AM |
ПОУРОЧНЫЙ ПЛАН АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК _____10_____ предмет класс дата: 31.01 Тема: Where can you work? Где найти работу. Цели урока: Обучающие: познакомить учащихся с формой Participle 1, научить употреблять в устной и письменной речи. Научить учащихся высказывать своё мнение по тексту. Развивающие: развивать навыки устной и письменной речи. Воспитывающие: воспитать уважение к труду человека. Оборудование, раздаточный материал: карточки для индивидуальной работы. ХОД УРОКА I Организационный момент: Приветствие. Hello my dear friends. How are you today? How are you feeling today? • Who is on duty today? • What date is it today? • What day is it today? • Who is absent? II Фонетическая и речевая зарядки: Отработка в речи учащихся произношения звуков при изучении данной темы, а также совершенствование слухопроизносительных навыков. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. III Проверка домашнего задания. IV Актуализация опорных знаний, умений и навыков: • Сообщение темы урока и целевая установка на уроке; • Опрос – актуализация • Мотивация учащихся. Today we continue to speak about professions. V Изучение нового материала: Participle 1. Когда действия в одном предложении происходят одновременно, один из глаголов имеет –ing форму. Основное действие употребляется в начале предложения. Bolat hurt his leg playing football. Ex16 p157: there has been a bomb explosion in the city centre. The TV reporter is asking people about it. What did the people see or hear? Example: Man: the bomb was exploding. I heard it. It was a shock. He heard the bomb exploding. Woman: A man was lying in the road. I saw him. He was just lying there. She saw a man lying in the road. • Woman: The building was shaking. I felt it. I couldn’t believe it. • Man: People were shouting. I heard them. There was panic. • Girl: An alarm was ringing. I could hear it. It went on and on. • Boys: The police was arriving. We saw them. They were over there. • Man: I saw a woman. She was crying. She was in a terrible state. New lexical material: Couple [kapl] – пара, чета Beyond [bi’jond] – за пределами Rambling [‘rӕmblin] – беспорядочный Butcher [‘batʃə] – мясник A terror [‘tərə] – кошмар, ужас Attic [‘ӕtik] – чердак Reckon [‘rekən] – считать To pray [prei] – молиться A crash [krӕʃ] – авария Now let’s read the text. A twelve – year – old servant. I left school when I was twelve and I had to get into service. I went to a young couple who were farmers, and I had to live in. it was about fifteen miles from home and it seemed to me the back of beyond. It was a big rambling place, and I was the only help they had. I got one and three pence a week. They weren’t bad to me, but they used to go out a lot and I’d be in the place on my own. I’d go and look in all the cupboards, under beds, I was literally terrified. I helped the mistress make butter, and sometimes I used to milk the cows as well. Anyway, I didn’t last long. I got so lonely. I went to a butcher’s wife near Wellingborough. She was a terror. There was another maid there, and fortunately we got on well together. We could laugh and cover up for each other if we did anything wrong. We slept in an attic, and we had to be up at six o’clock in the morning. If we were a minute or two late, she’d be there and want to know why. I reckon she laid awake all night long, just for the pleasure of catching us out in the morning. I had fifteen places in twelve years, and only at one of them was I treated like a human being. They didn’t think of us as people like themselves. We were different. Occasionally my father and brother used to come and see me, and I felt really unhappy when they left. I wanted to say “Take me with you”, but of course they couldn’t. You had to work; your parent couldn’t afford to keep you. Sometimes, if I’d been home, when the time came for me to go back I used to pray that the train wouldn’t come or that it would crash. But it always came. Are the following sentences from the text true or false? a) It was about fifty miles from home and it seemed to me the back of beyond b) I helped the mistress make butter. c) I went to a butcher’s wife near Wellingborough. d) She was a nice person e) We had to be up at 8 o’clock in the morning f) I had fifteen places in twelve years g) Only at three of them was I treated like a human being h) Occasionally my father and brother used to come and see me, and I felt really unhappy when they left VI Проведение физкультминутки. Listen to the song “What a beautiful world” and fill in the words. "What a Wonderful World" What a Wonderful World" I see … оf green, red…, too I see them … for me and you And I … to myself What a wonderful world. I see … of blue, and … of white, The bright … day, The dark … night And I think to myself, What a wonderful world. The colour of the …, So …in the sky … also on the faces, Of people … … I see friends … hands, Saying "… … … …?" They're really …': "I love you". I hear babies …, I watch them …, They'll … … more, … I'll ever know And I think to myself, What a wonderful world, Yes, I think to myself, What a wonderful world [trees roses bloom think skies clouds blessed sacred rainbow pretty are going by shaking “how do you do?” saying cry grow learn much more than ] VII Самостоятельная работа учащихся по закреплению и совершенствованию знаний, умений и навыков: What do you imagine when you hear the word “island”? What island do you know? What do you think islanders do to produce food for their families? 1. From Pigs to Pork. On the small Danish island of Samso, pigs provide work for many people. 100 000 pigs are killed in the local slaughterhouse every year, and over half of these animals are raised by farmers on the island. The slaughterhouse employs 100 people, but many other local shopkeepers and traders depend on the business brought its workers. Without the slaughterhouse, many islanders would probably be forced to move to the mainland to find work. 2. The Forests of Sarawak. In Saravak of the island of Borneo, logging (заготовка и транспортировка леса) work has frightened away the wild boar that local people used to hunt. Rivers have become polluted and many fish have died. The local people have protested about the destruction of their forest home. The government has now set limits on the number of trees that can be cut down. It is also using satellites (спутник) to check that trees are not being cut down illegally. 3. Mining in Jamaica. Jamaica is the world’s third-largest producer of bauxite (боксит). Bauxite is used in the production of aluminum, a lightweight metal that used to make cars and many other goods. Most of the mineral deposits lie quite close to the surface, so miners (горняки) use explosives to loosen the surrounding rocks and then dig huge holes in the ground to reach the bauxite. VIII Обобщение пройденного материала: Перевод выражений, предложений с русского на английский язык. 1. Я вижу девушку, читающую книгу 2. Я слышу детей, играющих на улице. 3. Парень шёл по улице, слушая музыку. 4. Девушка мыла посуду, напевая. IX Домашнее задание: Составить 5 предложений с Participle, learn the words X Подведение итогов: • выставление оценок; • анализ типичных ошибок учащихся; • выводы и заключение по уроку. Thank you for lesson. You may be free, good Поурочный план составлен по учебнику для 10 класса с естественно – математическим направлением. | |
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