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Интеллектуальное шоу Слабое звено
Intellect-Show “The lame part”
Интеллектуальное шоу “Слабое звено"

Ашимова Асель Ганиевна
учитель английского языка
Пескинской средней школы
района имени Габита Мусрепова
Северо – Казахстанской области

Участники: учащиеся 11 класса
Цели: А) контроль знаний о культуре стран изучаемого языка
Б) развитие оперативной памяти
Задачи: А) развитие умения понимать на слух с общим охватом содержания
Б) контроль лексических навыков
Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация
Оформление: карточки с номерами, таблицы с тестами
Место проведения: кабинет английского языка

Ход мероприятия:

Teacher: Good day, dear guests. We are very glad you've come to our Intellect-show “A Lame Part” today. Our Intellect-show will be devoted to English-speaking countries, mostly the UK and the USA. Today there will be 7 rounds. Some tasks will be difficult, others will be easier. I would like you to check your knowledge of culture, geography, science, literature, and history of English-speaking countries. Let me introduce the jury of our competition. Gulnaz Koishebaevna Shibuchikova – the teacher of English language, Minbaeva Elmira Alexandrovna – the teacher of English language . They'll score the points and announce the score after each round. We wish you good luck, and let us start.

THE FIRST ROUND is warming-up (разминка)
( по итогам конкурса 1 из 7 участников уходит, остается 6 )
Teacher: I have 21 questions: 1 question to each of you. If you answer correctly you'll get 1 point.

Questions: Right answers
1) How many countries does the UK consist of? (4)
2) What is the state system of the UK? (constitutional monarchy)
3) What is the name of the British national flag? (the Union Jack)
4) What is the emblem of England? (a red rose)
5) What is the most important airport in Great Britain? (Heathrow)
6) What universities have the highest academic reputation in the UK? (Oxford and Cambridge)
7) What is the London's residence of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
8) What are the ravens a famous sight of? (the Tower of London)
9) What is the Scottish national costume for men? (the kilt)
10) What lake does the famous Scottish monster live in? (Loch Ness)
11) What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
12) Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
13) What is the capital of the USA? (Washington, D.C.)
14) Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? (in New York)
15) How many states and districts are there in America? (50)
16) What is the nick name for New York? (A Big Apple)
17) What is the official language of USA? (None at federal level )
18) Who gave his name to America? (Amerigo Vespucci)

(по итогам 1из 6 участников уходит, остается 5 )
Teacher: Look at the screen, here you have different sectors. You've got questions on geography, music, history, literature, science, and culture. You have the right to choose the sector and answer the question. The cost of a question is 5 points.

1.What river is the capital of the USA situated on?
The Potomac
2. What is the highest peak in the USA?
Mount McKinley
3. Which is the nearest neighbor to Great Britain?
4. What country is the southern and central part of GB?
5. What is the longest river in the USA?
The Mississippi MUSIC
1. Who was the king of rock’n’roll?
Elvis Presley
2. Who is known as a king of jazz?
Louis Armstrong
3. Where does the “Beatles” come from?
4. What musical group is responsible for the so-called “pop-revolution” in the West?
The Beatles
5. The popular song of L. Armstrong?
Wonderful world
How many years did
the Civil War last in the USA?
2. Who was the Commander of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War?
General Lee
3. What tragic event made the USA declare war on Japan in 1941?
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
4. How long did Queen Victoria reign?
5. What English King was put on trial, found guilty and executed?
1. What was Mark Twain’s real name?
Samuel Clements

2. Who wrote the novel “Gone with the wind”?
Margaret Mitchell
3. Who created “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer's”?
Mark Twain
4. Who is the main hero of Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book”?
5. What is the first of Shakespeare’s tragedies?
Romeo and Juliet
1. Who invented the telephone?
Alexander Bell
2. Who invented the light bulb?
Thomas Alva Edison
3. Who is the author of the theory of Relativity?
Albert Einstein
4. Who is the author of the gravitation theory?
Isaac Newton
5. Who discovered penicillin?
Alexander Fleming
1. Where can you see wax figures of famous people in Britain?
In Madam Tussaud’s
2. What is the largest museum in London?
The British Museum
3. Where is the Poet’s Corner?
Westminster Abbey
4. Where does the Royal Opera House give performances?
At Covent Garden
5. Name the church where almost all English kings and queens have been crowned.
Westminster Abbey

THE THIRD ROUND is multiple-choice round.
(по итогам уходит 1 из 5 участников, остается 4 )

Teacher: On your desks you have cards with numbers. You shouldn't answer the questions; you should only show the cards with right numbers. The cost of the question is one point.

1. I think these are the countries of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If you don't agree with me, tell me which numbers are wrong. (3, 5)

1) Scotland 4) England
2) Wales 5) Texas
3) Alaska 6) Northern Ireland
2. I think all these countries are English-speaking countries. If you don't agree with me, tell me which number is wrong. (2)

1) Canada 4) The USA
2) Mexico 5) Great Britain
3) New Zealand 6) Australia

Colored papers:
1. What are the colors of the British flag? (1, 3, 4)
- the Kazakhstan flag (1, 5)
- the Canadian flag (3, 4)

1) Blue 4) White
2) Green 5) Yellow
3) Red 6) Orange

1. What is the capital of Great Britain? (1)
- Canada (6)
- The USA (2)

1) London 4) Wellington
2) Washington DC 5) Auckland
3) Canberra 6) Ottawa

2. I think these are cities in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Do you agree? (2, 5.6.3)

- What is the capital of Scotland (6)
- What is the capital of Northern Ireland (5)
- What is the capital of England (1)
- What is the capital of Wales (3)

1) London 4) Boston
2) Sydney 5) Belfast
3) Cardiff 6) Edinburgh

1. There are ... states in the USA. (3)
1) 60; 2) 45; 3) 50; 4) 55

2. The area of the USA is ... (4)
The area of Gr. Britain is ... (5)

1) 10 mln sq. km. (Canada)
2) 7,687,000 sq. km. (Australia)
3) 17 mln sq. km. (Russia)
4) 9 mln sq. km. (USA)
5) 244, 000 sq. km. (Gr. Britain)

1. The largest state of the USA is (4)

1) Texas 4) Alaska
2) Illinois 5) Kansas
3) Alabama 6) Montana

1. Which lake is in the USA? (3)

1) Lake Superior 4) Lake Erie
2) Lake Huron 5) Lake Ontario
3) Lake Michigan

Famous people.
1. The first American inventor (5)
The first president of the USA (4)

1) Bill Clinton
2) John F. Kennedy
3) John Brown
4) George Washington
5) Thomas Alva Edison

1. When is an election day in the USA? (5)
When is Christmas in the USA? (1)
When is Independence Day in the USA? (6)
When is Thanksgiving Day in the USA? (5)
When is Veterans Day in the USA? (5)

1) December 4) September
2) June 5) November
3) February 6) July

1. Who is an American writer? (3)
Who wrote "The Jungle Book"? (4)
Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"? (6)
Who wrote "Tom Sawyer"? (3)
Who wrote "Robinson Crusoe"? (2)
Who wrote "Alice in Wonderland"? (5)
Who wrote "Gulliver's Travels"? (1)

1) Джонатан Свифт
2) Даниель Дефо
3) Марк Твен
4) Редьярд Киплинг
5) Льюис Кэрролл
6) Уильям Шекспир

THE FOURTH ROUND (по итогам конкурса уходит 1 из 4 остается 3 )
Teacher: The fourth round we've called "The Dark Horse". Each nation has given birth to many outstanding people in different spheres of life. These people made the greatest contribution to the development of culture, science, etc. Listen to me carefully and try to guess who the dark horse is. The cost of a question is 5 points.

The first definition.
(1) He was an English short-story writer, novelist and poet. He was the first Englishman to receive the Nobel Prize for literature (1907). He was born in Bombay, India. At the age of six he was taken to England. His most popular works include "The Jungle Book" (1894) and "Just So Stories" (1902).
(Rudyard Kipling)

(2) He was a British admiral famous for his participation in the Napoleonic wars most notably in the Battle of Trafalgar.

(3) He was born in 1959 in Scotland. He grew up in a life of poverty and hard farm work. When his poems were first published he became famous overnight. He did not just write poems, he was Scotland's first collector of folk songs. He died at the age of 37.
(Robert Burns)

(4) He is called the movie wizard. His films make us scream with laughter or shiver with horror. A real success came to him in 1975 when he created Jaws. And later he went on to shake Hollywood with "Close Encounters", "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Now he is one of the most financially successful filmmakers ever.
(Steven Spielberg)
Teacher: Now it's time to have a rest and the jury will score the points.

THE FIFTH ROUND (по итогам 1 из 3 уходит остается 2)

Teacher: The fifth round is one-minute task . You have to answer as many questions as possible for 1 minute. If you don't know the answer, say NEXT. The cost of the question is one point.

1 The first American president …………….
2The capital of the United States of America
3The founder of Disneyland ……………….
4The oldest university of the United States of America ………...……
5Alexander Bell invented …………….…….
6"Stars and Stripes" is a ………………………..
7The center of the American film industry …
8The head of state in the United States of America …………………
9The largest library in the United States of America …………………
10America's national sport ……………….
11The largest American state ……………
12The creator of Tom Sawyer ……………..
13What portraits are printed on dollars? ….
14"Paramount", "Columbia Pictures" are ….
15The currency of the United States of America
16What is Charlie Chaplin ………….
17Margaret Mitchell wrote ……………...
18He created Mickey Mouse ...… ………...
19"Procter-and-Gamble" is a company of ..
20The actress who played Scarlet O'Hara ……..
21The emblem of Scotland ………………
22The capital of Wales …………..
23The Statue of liberty is in ………..
24Union Jack is a …………
25London stands on river ……………..
26 Margaret Thatcher was a ………..
27 Ben Nevis is a ……………..
28 Charles Dickens is a …………
29 The largest clock in the world is …………
30 The highest mountain of Wales is
31 He discovered America………………
32 The national symbol of the United States of America ………………
33 The nickname of the US government
34 Hollywood is in ……………….
35 The longest river in America ……………
36 Thanksgiving day is a ……………
37 The poorest part of London …………
38 "The Star-Spangled Banner" is an ………
39 The famous musical group from Liverpool
40 O'Henry is a ………………
41 The nickname of London's underground
42 Trafalgar Square is in …………….
43 Big Ben is a ……..
44 The Clyde is a ………………..
45Agatha Christy wrote many …………
46 Madam Tussaud's is a
47 Loch Ness monster is from ………
48 The city situated on five islands …… 1 Washington)
2 Washington D.C.)
3 Walt Disney)
4 Harvard)

5 the telephone)
6 flag)
7 Hollywood)

8 the President)

9 the Library of Congress)
10 baseball)
11 Alaska)
12 Mark Twain)
13 American presidents)
14 film companies)
15 dollar)
16 an actor)
17 "Gone with the Wind")
18 Disney)
19 cleaning products)
20 Vivien Lee)
21 the thistle)
22 Cardiff)
23 New York)
24 flag)
25 Thames)
26 Prime Minister)
27 mountain)
28 writer)
29 Big Ben)
30 Snowden)
31 Christopher Columbus)

32 The Bald Eagle)
33 Uncle Sam)
34 Los Angeles)
35 the Mississippi)
36 holiday)
37 the East End)
38 anthem)
39 the Beatles)
40 writer)
41 the tube)
42 London)
43 clock)
44 river)
45 detective stories)
46 museum)
47 Scotland)
48 New York)

THE SIXTH ROUND (конкурс на победителя)
Teacher: The last one round. I’ve called it price points. On the screen you’ll see a price sectors. You have to choose the cost of the question. I think you understand that 100-point questions are the most difficult, and the easiest are 10-point questions. The difficulty of a question depends on its cost. You need to choose a colour of your tasks. (Red, blue and white)

1. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe in the USA?
25th December
2. What is the birthplace of William Shakespeare?
3. What is the difference between Washington and Washington DC?
State and capital 30 POINTS
1. Who does the real power in GB belong to?
2. Where is the business center in London?
The City
2. In which season do Australians celebrate Christmas?
In summer
1. Who built St Paul’s Cathedral?
Sir Christopher Wren
2. Where does the British Prime Minister live?
At 10, Downing Street
3. Where do people in New York city celebrate New Year’s Day?
In Times Square
1. How many stars and stripes does the American flag have? (explain why)
2. Which of the American presidents are honored on President’s Day?
G. Washington, A. Lincoln
3. Which famous American document begins with the words “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union….”?
The Constitution of the USA

Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей и участников именными грамотами.
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: Assel555 (2013-03-15) | Автор: Assel Ashimova E
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  • Теги

    презентация Ирина Борисенко открытый урок информатика флипчарт животные новый год 9 класс 5 класс творчество Казахские пословицы проект конспект урока 6 класс физика язык класс педагогика стихи Казахстан математика урок праздник наурыз познание мира музыка доклад программа литература география природа сценарий семья воспитание классному руководителю осень игра казахский язык и литература викторина Начальная школа тест конкурс ИЗО внеклассная работа литературное чтение Русский язык 3 класс технология воспитательная работа сказка Здоровье Оксана 8 марта искусство независимость английский язык психология учитель 3 класс биология статья внеклассное мероприятие классный час ЕНТ выпускной школа 1 класс Русский язык ЕГЭ тесты химия начальные классы Дети экология Дошкольники любовь разработка урока казахский язык самопознание Английский родители br конспект спорт критическое мышление патриотизм дружба дошколенок История обучение тренинг разработка 7 класс физическая культура игры КВН занятие детский сад физкультура Абай коучинг

