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«The Problem of Ecology» 10th grade (САБАҚ-КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ)
Тақырыбы: «The Problem of Ecology» 10th grade

Сабақтың мақсаты: «The Problem of Ecology» тақырыбын жалғастыру,
оқушылардың проблемалық сұрақтарға өзбеттерінше
материалдар іздестіру, оны жинақтау, жүйелеп әңгімелеуге
дағдыландыру және шығармашылық икемділігін арттыру.

Дамытушылығы: Сабаққа қызығушылығын, ынтасын, ізденушілігін,белсенділік
қабілеттерін сонымен қатар сөздік қорын дамыту, қазіргі
техникалардың дамуындағы жылдамдылық пен хабардар ету,
қоршаған орта мен үнемі байланыста болу.
Тәрбиелілігі: Оқушылардың бойына өз Отанына, әсем табиғатына деген
сүйіспеншілігін дамыта отырып, оның шексіз байлығын қастерлеп
сақтау ұрпақтан-ұрпаққа таза, жақсы қалпында жеткізу міндеті тұрғанын
Сабақтүрі: Конференция
Әдісі: сұрақ-жауап, жекеоқушымен, топпен
Пәнаралық байланыс: Қазақтілі, География
Көрнекілігі: интерактивтітақта, карточкалар, электрондыоқулықтар

The procedure of the lesson
I.Organization moment: Good morning dear students! –I am glad to see you again.
Who is on duty today?

II.Phonetic drill: ‘’Many wonderful things’’ (fill in the poem and read) (slide)

Many wonderful things to….to….
……to you. …. to me!
The sun.the trees. the…… the sky.
The yellow…. that s passing by
The….. wind. the birds that sing
Bright autumn……,…. flowers of spring.
The cold long ….. with snow so white
The running rivers, the …… of night.
(Stars, hear, winter, see, belong, moon, blowing, woods, gay. grass)
How do you think what this poem is about? (This poem is about Environment)

III. Checking of the home task;
At first I’ll check up your home task. Your home task was to learn the new words by heart. (slide)


IV. Today we’ll speak about the problem of environmental protection, the theme of our lesson is ‘The Problem of Ecology’. The problem of our lesson is the global situation in ecology and what can we do it? The motto of our lesson is ‘Purity is a base of health, health is a base of wealth’ (slide)
You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment. The problem of ecology is very important. The teachers of our school are worried about environment too. They ask several questions. (slide)
1.Do you plant trees?
2.Are you a green person?
3.How do we help the environment?
4.Where are the polluted areas in Kazakhstan?
Thank you very much. All of you answers are very well.

Now, we are continuing our lesson. Today we have guests from the ecological association (slide)
‘Tabigat‘ andZhasil El’
Welcome to our lesson! Our students want to ask some questions about your association. (Students ask the questions)
Thank you for your answers.

V. Writing. Open your copy-books. Write down the date of today. I ll give you cards and you must match the Kazakh words and phrases with the English. (slide)
a) қоршағанортанықорғаубағдарламасы
b) мәселелердішешудіңоңтайлыамалы
c) қалдықсу
d) маңызды
e) қауіпсіздік
f) желдетілмейтін
g) қоқысөңдейтінзауыт
h )қоқыстысұрыптапбөлекжинау
i) қорық
j) қауіп-қатертөну
k )өзбетімен, өзі
VI. Reading. 1. Read the text ‘Ecology problems‘ (slide)
Since ancient times Nature has served man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other things. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever. Many cities suffer from smog. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow vegetables. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature. Environmental protection is of a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken.

2. Comprehension check T(True) or F (False) (slide)
1. Since ancient times Nature has not served man, being the source of his life.
2. Every year world industry does not pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other things.
3. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever
4. Environmental protection is not of a universal concern.

VII. Describing. Look at the board. What can you say about these pictures? (slide)

The pictures are given on the blackboard.

VII. Here are the faх-papers for you. You must be answered quickly but correctly. (slide)

1.To be all around on every side
a.to surround=
b.to pollute
c.to worry
d.to upset

2.Suitable or safe for drinking
3.To pollute

a. to make wather, air, soil, forests dangerously dirty, impure=
b. the condition of being active
c. damage, wrong
d. all the surrounding conditions

4.A course or general plan of action chose by government, party, person

a. mineral
b. policy=
c. likely
d. influence

5.The place and conditions of life
c. mineral

6.A result of something, impression
c.to worry

7.To turn over, to disturb
a.to pollute
b.to upset=
c.to face
d.to surround

8.To give knowledge to students
a. to depend on
b.to teach=
c.a teacher
d.to include

9.To have as one’s aim or intention
a. to purpose=
b.to worry
c.to face
d.to depend on

VIII. Conclusion. We have already spoken about the environment problems on our planet and in our town. They are great. And we have to help our town and our planet to solve these problems.
IX.Home task.To write a short composition about the possible ways to improve the ecology in our town.
X .Marks. You have worked well and I give you the next marks:
Thanks for your work.
Категория: Английский язык | Добавил: BOD67 (2013-04-04) | Автор: Исмакова Меруерт Базарбайқызы
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