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Temirkhanova A.A. Zhezkazgan, school N22 Brief review of homonymy in English, Russian and Kazakh Homonyms are words which are identical in sound and spelling, or, at least, in one of these aspects, but different in their meaning. The term is derived from Greek “homonymous” (homos – “the same” and onoma – “name”) and thus expresses very well the sameness of name combined with the difference in meaning. E. g. bank, n. - a shore bank, n. - an institution for receiving, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money ball, n. - a sphere; any spherical body ball, n. - a large dancing party English vocabulary is rich in such pairs and even groups of words. Their identical forms are mostly acci¬dental: the majority of homonyms coincided due to phonetic changes which they suffered during their de¬velopment. Definition of the Russian homonyms given by V.V.Vinogradov [40; 288]: “In linguistics homonym is the one of the group of words that share the same spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings”. E. g. брак, n. – ‘the marriage’, брак, n. –‘the poor-quality goods’ лук, n. - ‘onion’ лук, n. – ‘bow’ повод n. – ‘occasion’, ‘clause’ повод n. – ‘rein’ (she holds the reins) About Kazakh homonyms A.Bolganbayev told [45;39]: “Polysemantic words and homonyms are similar according to their external forms. But their sound structure is not identical. Polysemantic words have two or more word meanings. However they are related to the same part of speech”. Homonyms are words that are identical in sound, but different in their meaning and they can be related to one or different parts of speech”. For example: Ара: 1. The Saw, n - the tool made of thin iron; 2. The Bee, n – a black and yellow striped insect that lives in large groups and that makes honey; 3. Distance between objects: екі ауылдың арасы. Ана: 1. Mother, n 2. That (demonstrative pronoun): Ана жақ, ана жылы, ана бала Айт: 1. The Religious Muslim holiday: Отыз күн оразаның бір айты бар. Әр қылған жақсылықтың бір қайты бар (proverb) 2. To speak (an imperative mood from a verb "to speak"): Сен оған менен аулақ жүрсін деп айт. 3. The Interjection, command given to animals, usually to dogs: «Айт» деген кезде қасқыр адам айбатына шыдай алмай қаша жөнелді. (G.Mustafin) Kazakh homonym жаз has following meanings: 1. summer; 2. imperative mood of verb “to write”; 3. to straighten, to make something flat, even; 4. to be at loss (көз жазып калды); 5. to be faulty, to blame someone (мен саған не жаздым?) 6. to get well, to recover (ол ауруынан жазылды) If synonyms and antonyms can be regarded as the treasury of the language's expressive resources, homonyms are of no interest in this respect, and one cannot expect them to be of particular value for com¬munication. Metaphorically speaking, groups of syn¬onyms and pairs of antonyms are created by the vocab¬ulary system with a particular purpose whereas hom-onyms are accidental creations, and therefore purpose¬less. Homonymy exists in many languages, but in English it is particularly frequent, especially among monosyllabic words. In the list of 2540 homonyms given in the “Oxford English Dictionary” 89% are monosyllabic words and only 9.1% are words of two syllables. From the viewpoint of their morphological structure, they are mostly one-morpheme words. Homonyms of the Kazakh language have two forms: 1. Lexical homonyms are considered to be of the same part of speech. For example: саз - a dirt n., a bog n., a melody n. бауыр – a relative n., a liver n. 2. Lexico-grammatical homonyms belong to different parts of speech, which have identical forms in their paradigms. For example: арық - spring n., арық - thin adj. 3. Combined homonyms include qualities of lexical and lexico-grammatical homonyms. құр I, n building material of Kazakh national home “yurta” құр II, n the wild bird living in mountain district құр III, adv. in vain құр IV, v. to base құр V Interjection used to call animals These forms of Kazakh homonyms are similar with the “Partial homonyms of English”, namely simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms and complex lexico-grammatical partial homonyms. According to the way of formation Kazakh homonyms include: I. The homonym formed according to polysemantic words development. This lexical way of homonyms formation is the most productive. For example: Көк: 1. Blue - a shade of color 2. The Sky, heavenly space 3. Greens, practically all kinds of plants Құндақ: 1. The Bed clothes, made for newborn child 2. The Special wood for manufacturing a gun. Көз көрмей көздегенмен не ғып тисын? Болғанмен қыран мылтық түзу құндақ. «Айтыс» II. Often words are exposed to phonetic changes; there are homonyms which are formed by means of sound combinations. During historical language evolution the phonetic structure of many words is changed and then sounding similarly with other words they become homonyms. For example the word ер, originally had the meaning егер. During changes the letter «г» in the middle of the word was omitted and transformed to ер. Nowadays the word ер means - a man, a soldier, a husband. Let's consider words ас, қыс, бас, құс. These words in many Turkic languages sound as аш, қыш, баш, and құш. The process of convergence that caused replacement of letters accordingly «ш» to "c" gave a birth to new homonymy words. III. Derivative homonyms, which are formed by adding of suffixes to a word root. They are formed with the help of following suffixes: a) Homonyms -ма, -ме, -па, -пе, -ба, -бе For example: Айналма 1. Street turning, crossing. Жарқ етіп айналмадан шыға келеді. Көңілі тасығандай алып ұшып. (I.Bajzakov) 2. Animal disease – foot-and-mouth disease. Айналмамен ауырған малдың басын итке тастамай, жағын жіберу керек. (A. Abishev) Баспа: 1. A printing house - a place where newspapers and books are printed. Республиканың партия ұйымы баспасөз бен баспа ісін жақсартуға бағытталғанедәуір жұмыс істейді. («Soz. Kaz.») 2. Sour throat, disease - quinsy. Тамағы баспа болып ауырған адам суық тамақ ішпеу керек. (Auz eky tyl) b) Homonyms, which are formed with the help of suffixes -ыс, - іс, -c For example: Атыс 1. Fight. Би, болыс арыздасып, безді мөрден, Баспашы атаман да атыста өлген (D.Erkinbekov) 2. Shooting. Он сан ноғай бүлгенде, Орманбет хан өлгенде, Қырық жылдай атысқан, қызыл қанға батысқан. (Zhanbyl) c) Homonyms that are formed with the help of suffixes қ, - іқ, - қ, к For example: Қорық 1. A pasture with a dense grass. Қорыққа жайылған мал боранды аса елй қойған жоқ (S.Begalin) 2. A fright. Су ішкелі бір өгіз барып еді бұлаққа, бақалар қорқып тарбақтап, қашып шықты әр жаққа. (Аbay) Meanings of many Kazakh words change under influence of language development. Previous word meaning is forgotten and only external form remains, which contrasts with its meaning. Then these words exist in the form of homonyms. For example, animal’s hair (wool), which sheds has in Kazakh the name жабағы. However alongside with it, a six-monthly foal by winter-period is called also жабағы. At present such connection and similarity of words is lost and forgotten. Today meanings - the sources of which are identical - are not significant. Therefore such words are transferred from the category of polysemantic words to the group of homonyms. Many borrowings have formed the group of homonyms. A lot of words in Kazakh come from Russian, Persian and Arabian languages. a) Borrowings from the Arabian words. For example, the Arabian word, which means force and power – ғайрад in the Kazakh language sounds as қайрат. However the originally word meaning қайрат is a verb form of word «қайрату» - sharpen - пышақты қайрат. In ancient times the Muslim people, who served to Allah and made pilgrimage to Mecca, were called қажы. Қажы - a word, which originates from Arabian хажи. Қар тепкенде қажымас қайран жылқы. (Абай) b) The Homonyms, which have their origin from Persian words. For example the word көр had the meaning digging out the ground - Біреуге деп көр қазба, өзін түсесің (proverb). The word көр also is represented as a homonym and imperative mood of the verb "look". Қалқамның нұсқасын көр көзім, бір кенел (Абай). c) Homonyms, which originate from Russian words. For example, the Russian word кучер – a coachman that drives a carriage pulled by horses, - has given a birth to a new word in the Kazakh language - көшір. Сенсен тондарына оранып, шана ішінде қалғып отырған біре-саран көшірлер де байқалады. (M.Auezov). Also this borrowing became a homonym of the imperative mood of the verb «көшір» and means “to copy”. В данной статье дается краткий обзор явлению омонимии в английском, русском и казахском языках. Бұл мақалада ағылшын, орыс және қазақ тілдеріндегі омонимдар мәселелесі қысқаша қарастырылған. | |
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