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Lesson plan Сабақ жоспары Сабақтың тақырыбы: «Cinemas in Kazakhstan» Сабақтың грамматикалық тақырыбы: Ағылшын тіліндегі етістік шақтарын қайталау Мақсаты:Жаңа технологияларды пайдалану арқылы оқушылардың ауыз-екі сөйлеу дадысын қалыптастыру,сөздік қорын дамыту Міндеттері: 1.Білімділік: Оқушыларға «Cinemas in Kazakhstan» тақырыбына байланысты лексикалық,грамматикалық жаңа материалдарды таныстыру. 2.Дамытушылық:Аймақтық компоненттерді пайдалану арқылы оқушылардың ауыз-екі сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру,зерттеушілік ізденіс дағдыларын қалыптастыру,сөздік қорын дамыту. 3. Тәрбиелік:Оқушыларға рухани адамгершілік құндылықтарды әсемдік арқылы,көркем мәдениет арқылы,адамзаттық құндылықтарды қалыптастыру Сабақтың түрі: Аралас сабақ Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілі: Диалог,монолог Түсіндіру Қолданылған көрнекіліктер: Презентация,компьютер,бейнетаспа,мультимедия тақтасы Қолданылған технологиялар: Ақпараттық коммуникативтік,СТО, зерттеушілік-ізденіс технологиясы Сабақтың пәнаралық байланысы: География Сабақ жоспары мен барысы: 1.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі Greeting -Good morning students -Good morning teacher -I am very glad to see you. How are you? I’m fine The report of the pupil on today -What date is it today? Today is the 28th of February -What day is it today? Today is Friday 2. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру (Checking homework) -Today is the last winter day. After 2 days it will be Sunday. What are you going to do? -What was your homework? -May be I go to the cinema. -Ex.n 2 p.n 138 read and translate and make the project cinemas in Semey 3. - Look at the whiteboard You’ll read the sentences and say True or false 1. Cinema is an entertainment in London 1.True 2. There are more theatre-goers than cinema-goers 2.False 3. Cinemas show a lot of continental films 3. True 4.You can buy tickets only in the ticket-box 4.False 5. Cinema going is a regular habit for many people 5. True 6. Some cinemas show films only morning 6. False 4. Warm-up Look at the whiteboard (Watching video) 1. What film is it? 1.It is “Kyz Zhibek” 2. Have you seen this film? 2. Yes I have 3. What about is it? 3. It is about a beautiful girl Zhibek and brief man Tolegen 4. What was the main actor (actress)? 4. Asansly Ashimov 5. What can you say about actor (actress)? 5. He is a famous actor of Kazakhstan? 6. Do you like it? 6. Yes I do Watching 3 videos 5. Жаңа тақырып (The main lesson) -Our last lesson was Cinemas in London Today I would like to tell you about cinemas in Kazakhstan. There are a lot of cinemas in Kazakhstan. Before revolution there were 13 private cinemas in our country. They were in Semey, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenagorsk, Akmola , Kostanay, Aktobe. The first film was shown in 1910. It was in the cinema ‘Mars’ which was located in Almaty. At that time there wasn’t cinema industry but there were active founders. Some of them was Alibi Zhangelldin. He was in Europa and Asia. When he came from his travelling he had brought 40 films and film projector. And these films had been shown in this cinema. After some years some cinemas were built in Kazakhstan. They were “Almaty”, “Kazakhstan”, “Shakhter”, “Amangeldy”. From 1990 till 1999 some new cinemas had been built. And what cinemas do you know in our city? -What cinemas are there in our city? 6. Жоба қорғау -Have you made the project about these cinemas? -What can you say about “Enlik-Kebek” cinema? -What can you say about “Dastan” cinema? 7. Speaking -Make up the dialogue and retell the dialogue P1-Have you gone to the cinema? P2-Yes I have P1-What films have you seen? P2-I have seen “Nomads” Retelling Zarina has been to the cinema “Dastsn”. She has seen the film “Leader’s way”. It is about a life of our president 8. Бекіту,қорытындылау І know News for me Want to know There are 3 cinemas The 1st project About famous actor The place History of cinemas About cinemas “Alem” 9. Home work CINEMAS IN / | \ London both Kazakhstan 10.Marking They are “Dastan” “Enlik-Kebek” “Alem” 7 5. Жоба қорғау -Have you made the project about these cinemas? -What can you say about “Enlik-Kebek” cinema? -What can you say about “Dastan” cinema? Nurdos. Eldar speaking about “Enlik-Kebek” cinema Aigerim and Aiym speaking about “Dastan ” cinema 8 6. Speaking -Make up the dialogue and retell the dialogue Retelling P1-Have you gone to the cinema? P2-Yes I have P1-What films have you seen? P2-I have seen “Nomads” Zarina has been to the cinema “Dastsn”. She has seen the film “Leader’s way” . It is about a life of our president 9 7. Бекіту,қорытындылау I know News for me Want to know There are 3 cinemas The place The 1st project History of cinemas About famous actor About cinemas “Alem” 10 8. Home work CINEMAS IN London both Kazakhstan 9.Marking | |
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