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Гимназия №1 Political System of Great Britain and The USA Разработка урока по английскому языку в 11 классе Учитель Новопашина С.А. Тема: Политическая система Великобритании и США Образовательные цели: • Обобщить, систематизировать и проверить знания по данной теме. • Расширить словарный запас. • Совершенствовать навыки говорения. Задачи: актуализировать прежние знания, умения и навыки, непосредственно связанные с темой урока Развивающие цели - развивать внимание, познавательную активность, умение применять знания на практике Воспитательные - воспитывать культуру работы в группе по достижению общей цели, чувство сотрудничества, повышать мотивацию изучения английского языка Формы реализации целей - беседа, самостоятельная работа, занимательная информация в ходе занятий, межпредметные связи. Формы организации познавательной деятельности: групповая, индивидуальная. Средства обучения: интерактивная доска. Ход урока I. Организационный момент (заставка с названием темы) 1. Приветствие. 2. Цели, задачи II. Работа с лексикой А) отгадай слово (слайд №1 «шторка») 1. A group of important ministers who help the president giving him advice on different problems. cabinet 2. A member of the law making in senate senator 3. A large meeting of people coming from congress different parts of the country. 4. The main law of constitution the country. 5. A change to make amendment A law beffer. В) Подбери слова (match the words, England, USA) President, congress, the queen, the house of Representatives, the house of Lords. Democratic Party, Lord chancellor, The Labour Party. (слайд №2) III. Выступление учащихся. 1. Королева и Парламент (слайд №3) 2. Политическая система США. IV. Рассказать о различиях и сходстве полит.систем Великобритании и США V. Тест (слайд №4) 1. What kind of state is the USA? a) a parliamentary monarchy b) a federal republic c) a monarchy 2. When and where was the present constitution of the USA proclaimed? a) 1820 New York b) 1763 Boston c) 1777 Philadelphia 3. Who is the head of the US government? a) the Prime minister b) the President c) the secretary of state. 4. How many houses does the US congress consist of? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 5. How many members are there in the house of Representatives? a) 435 b)335 c) 535 6. How many senators are there in the senate? a) 98 b) 110 c)102 7. Who is the head of the UK? a) the President b) the Queen c) the Prime minister 8. How many houses does British Parliament have? a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 9. What is the Prime minister of G.B. responsible for? a) the Allocation of functions among ministers b) meetings in the Parliament c) foreign visits 10. Which country hasn't got a written constitution с) Canada a) the USA b) the UK 11. Who signs the laws in the UK? a) the Prime minister b) the queen b) Democratic Party Republican Party 12. The main political parties of the UK? a) the Conservative the Labour the Liberal 13. What Kind of state is the UK? a) a monachy b) a parliamentary monarchy c) a federal republic 14. 650 members of the House of Commons are elected every years a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)5 15. A senator's term in the USA is a) 5 years b) 6 years c) 4 years 16. The Constitution of the USA was written in... a) New York b) Washington c) Philadelphia 17. The US Government has - branches c) a) three b) four c) five 18. People who work in the senate are called senators and people who work in the House of Representatives are called... a) housemen b) congressmen c) members of Parliament 19. The US President's term is a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 6 years 20. There are -judges in the US Supreme Court a) nine b) eleven c) thirteen 21. The first ten amendments to the Constition are called a) the Bill of citizens b) the Bill of Freedom c) the Bill of Rights VI. Викторина Do you know Gr.Br. and USA. Викторина (слайд №5) Do you know GB and the USA? 1. What is the official name of Great Britain? (the United kingdom of G.B. and Northern Ireland) 2. What separates G.B. from Europe? (the English Channel) 3. What is the Union Jack? (the national flag of the UK) 4. What is the nick name of the USA government? ("Uncle Sam" is a cartoon symbol of the US government) 5. Name places of interest in Washington, connected with the names of American presidents. (Lincoln memorial, Washington monument, Jefferson memorial) 6. Sir Christopher Wren built... (St. Paul's cathedral) 7. The National Gallery is in (Trafalgar square) 8. What is the oldest part of London? (The City) 9. Name the two political parties in the USA and the animals that symbolize each party (Democrats - donkey. Republicans - elephant) 10. Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor (Ronald Reagan) 11. What is the second name of Washington memorial? (The pencil) 12. What is the official residence of the Prime minister of the UK? (No 10, Downing St.) 13. Where is the seat of the British Government? (The Houses of Parliament) 14. What is the largest museum in London? (The British Museum) 15. What is the name of the first Queen of the UK? (Victoria) 16.The capital of the UK is London What are the capitals of Northern Ireland - Belfast Scotland Edinburgh Wales Cardiff 17. What are symbols of 1. England Rose 2. Scotland thistle 3. Wales daffodil 4. Northern Ireland shamrock VII. Итог урока. | |
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