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Областная специализированная школа-интернат для одаренных в спорте детей имени А.Молдагуловой Урок английского языка в 9 «А» классе на тему: «William Shakespeare». Провела учитель английского языка Абенова К.М. 2011-2012 учебный год Grade: 9 The theme : William Shakespeare Цель: познакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством великого поэта; развивать коммуникативные способности; практиковать учащихся в устной речи с охватом основного содержания материала; расширять кругозор учащихся; прививать интерес к чтению; совершенствовать выразительное чтение. I. Побуждение. T. Look at the blackboard. You can see a portrait of a famous man. Do you know who he is? (a portrait of W. Shakespeare is on the blackboard.) P. He is W. Shakespeare. T. You are right. Today we’ll speak about W. Shakespeare, his life and work, his role in English literature, listen to his sonnets and recite them. I hope you’ll learn many interesting things about this poet. And now, will you give some attributes or, may be, some nouns to describe him. What associations have you got looking at this portrait? Ps. A famous poet, lived many years ago, a writer, clever, looked with proud, sad, an actor, happy, etc. II.Реализация. 1. (заполняется по ходу таблица, первая колонка К (know)). Before reading After reading K (know) W (want to know) L (learned) 2.заполнение второй колонки (что хотели бы уч-ся узнать?) 3. работа с текстом, стр. 4. контроль понимания текста (вопросы по тексту). Работа в парах. 1. When and where was William Shakespeare born? 2. How many brothers and sisters has William? 3. Who was his father? 4. What did William Shakespeare learn? 5. Where did William Shakespeare go after school? 6. When did William Shakespeare marry? 7. When did he work when he move to London? 8. When did he write his first play? 9. What theatre did Shakespeare build? 10. What kind of theatre it was? 11. What was the audience? T. To get the answers to these questions you will work in pairs and find them in your texts. Each pair will get the text, read it attentively and find the answers to the questions. Then we discuss them. 5.ответы на вопросы уч-ся индивидуально. 6. рассказ уч-ся по дополнительному материалу с помощью слайдов. III.Рефлексия. 1 Работа с известными выражениями из произведений Шекспира Teacher: “To be, or not to be; that is the question”. This quotation is known to everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting expressions from Shakespeare’s plays. А В The beginning of the end Заслужить благоприятное мнение To win golden opinions Много шума из ничего. Sweets to the sweet Краткость – сестра таланта. Much ado about nothing. Прекрасное – прекрасной. Brevity is the soul of wit Жизнь прожить – не поле перейти. All is well that ends well Вот в чем загвоздка. Life is not all cakes and ale Превратности судьбы. There’s the rub Начало конца . The whirling of time Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. 2.заполнение третьей колонки (что узнал?). 3. Выполнение теста. Test 1. Where was William Shakespeare born? A. Stratford-on-Avon B. Belfast C. Cardiff D. Edinburgh 2. When was William Shakespeare born? A. 1594 B. 1564 C. 1561 D. 1560 3. William Shakespeare married in … A. 1582 B. 1583 C. 1590 D 1595 4. William Shakespeare wrote his first play in … A. 1590 B. 1591 C. 1600 D. 1592 5. He wrote … A. sonnets and tragedies B. tragedies and comedies C. sonnets, tragedies and comedies D. only sonnets 6. What theatre was opened by William Shakespeare? A. Green theatre B. Globe theatre C. Royal theatre D. Open theatre 7. The shape of his theatre was … A. straight B. round C. oval D. square 8. The Globe theatre is in … A. London B. Paris C. Stratford-on-Avon D. Belfast 9. How many plays and sonnets did William Shakespeare write? A. 40, 150 B. 53, 135 C. 35, 200 D. 37, 154 10. “to be or not to be” that is question of … A. Hamlet B. King Lear C. Othello D. Crusoe 2. домашнее задание подготовить пересказ текста по плану: I. Shakespeare’s childhood and youth. II. His life and work in London. III. His famous works. | |
Просмотров: 1888 | Комментарии: 1 | |
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