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Открытый урок по профессиональному иностранному языку Дата проведения: 13.12.2012. II курс, 203-группа, I - пара Тема урока: « I want to be a lawyer » (Я хочу стать юристом) Тип урока: занятие по обобщению и систематизации знаний, умений, навыков. Оборудование: Методические накопительные пособия по теме «Профессии», раздаточный материал (тексты для чтения, упражнения для словарной и грамматической работы). Цели урока: Обучающая: обобщить и систематизировать знания студентов по теме: «Профессии», «Быть юристом»; Развивающая: развивать коммуникабельность; развивать умение использовать уже изученные грамматические и лексические единицы, совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения; повторить грамматические конструкции: формы настоящего простого времени глагола to be, оборота to be going to… в высказываниях о будущей профессии; Воспитательная: формирование интереса к истории профессии, совершенствовать навыки аудирования и умение говорить; заинтересовать учащихся к стремлению стать высоко квалифицированным юристом. Воспитывать уважение к людям разных профессий и к труду, а также интерес к предмету через игры. Форма урока: нетрадиционный урок, игра… Технологии, методы и приемы работы: • элементы педагогической технологии М.М. Жанпеисовой • частично-поисковый метод; • игровая методика; • технология использования МHП; Речевой материал: • лексический – названия профессий, несколько мини-текстов о пофессии юриста. • грамматический – формы глагола to be в настоящем и прошедшем временах, оборота to be going to… Студенты должны: Знать: лексические единицы по теме «Моя будущая профессия Уметь: использовать уже изученные лексические и грамматические единицы, связанные с темой; выполнять задания поискового характера по ранее прочитанным текстам, составлять вопросы и отвечать на них на основе прочитанных текстов, составлять монологические высказывания на основе прочитанных текстов. Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. приветствие T: Good morning! P: Good morning! T: Sit down. How are you? P: Fine. Thank you. And you? T: Excellent! Thanks. опрос дежурного: T: Students, who is on duty today? P¹: I am on duty today. T: What is the date today? And, what is the day today? P¹: Today is the 13th of December, Tuesday. T: Thank you, sit down. фонетическая зарядка T: Let's start our lesson from the tongue twister – A Magic Engine Engine, Engine number nine Going down Chicago line See it sparkle, see it shine Engine, Engine number nine Речевая зарядка T: Now, answer the questions about «My Future Profession». Please, try to answer the questions: What kind of job would you like to do? What skills do you need for the job you have chosen? Do you think you have the qualities required for the job you would like to do? What are they? Are you ready to work hard to make a career? What are your parents’ attitudes towards your choice? 2. Домашнее задание: Speak about yourself using the following plan. 1. Name My name is … . 2. Age I am … (years old). 3. Profession I am … . 4. Native place I am from ... . 5. Birth Place I was born in … . 6. Place of living My address is ... . My phone number is ... . 7. Marital Status I am … . 9.Character I am … 10. Appearance I am … Answer the questions about yourself. 1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where are you from? 4. What are you? 5. Are you married or single? 6. What kind of person are you? 7. Do you look like your mother? Revise grammar Замените местоимения, стоящие в скобках, на соответствующие английские. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. (Я) am Ann. 2. (Она) is 17 years old. 3. (Он) is a student. 4. (Вы) are from Zhezkazgan. 4. (Я) am single. 5. (Он) is married. 6. (Она) is an optimistic person. 7. (Он) is tall. 8. (Вы) are a pretty girl. 9. (Они) are Nick and Pete. 10. (Мы) are students. 3. Проверка знаний учащихся: I am sure that it is difficult to choose the profession. There are many noble, interesting and useful professions in our country. They are - teachers, doctors, drivers, pilots, lawyers, tailors, dress-makers, cooks, fitters, shop assistants and others. WORDS 1. lawyer — юрист 2. tailor — портной 3. dressmaker - портниха 4. cook — повар 5. fitter — слесарь, монтер 6. shop-assistant — продавец, продавщица 7. shop-girl — продавщица 8. able-bodied — здоровый, крепкий 9. Не is quite recovered — Он уже выздоровел 10. achieve — достигать, добиваться 11. aid — помощь 12. attentive — внимательный 13. day by day — день за днем 14. ward — палата 15. noble - благородный 16. pay a visit — посещать 17. recover – восстанавливать (силы) 18. operate on — оперировать 19. sanatorium — санаторий 20. treat — лечить 21. surgeon — хирург 22. patient — больной 23. complain – жаловаться 24. job – регулярно оплачиваемая работа 25. profession – профессия, специальное образование 26. occupation – род занятий 27. a right choice — правильный выбор 28. honourable ['ɔn(ə)rəbl] — уважаемый, почетный 29. enable — давать возможность 30. safely — в безопасности 31. to be of great demand — иметь большой опыт 32. to be devoted to one's cause — быть преданным делу This station is called « Lost answers » Now, children, guess different professions. 1. Who works with computers? 2. Who helps children to learn? 3. Who flies in airplanes? 4. Who drives a car? 5. Who helps sick animals? 6. Who draws beautiful pictures? 7. Now, children, guess different professions. 8. Who works in a field? 9. Who makes new cars? 10. Who flies in a spaceship? 11. Who helps doctors? 12. Who can play tricks? 1. The next station is «Mixed sentences». Match the words and the sentences He protects people. a policeman He takes care of our teeth. a postman He studies at school. a vet She brings letters and newspapers. a dancer She helps sick animals a pupil She works in a theatre. a dentist 2. Динамическая пауза Let`s play, OK? (a ball-game) This station is called «Riddles». Read and guess, what are these people? Mr. Hopkins works out-of-doors almost the whole year. He works at the weekends. His family has some animals. His wife and two sons help him to take care of animals. Mr. Hopkins likes his job. What is Mr. Hopkins ? *** *** *** There are a lot of different books and magazines at her work place. Mrs. Clifford works both with people and books. She helps people to find necessary books and magazines, tells them about writers and their novels. She thinks her job is very important. What is Mrs. Clifford ? *** *** *** « I want to be a lawyer » Я хочу стать юристом It is very important for everybody to make a right choice of profession. There are a lot of honorable professions today. Still, it is difficult for young people to choose. I changed my planes several times about what want to be. I have decided yet that I want to be a lawyer. It is important to understand that law is not only necessary just because there are bad people in the world. If we were all as good as we ought to be, laws would still be necessary. If we never lied, never took anything that didn't belong to us, never omitted to do anything that we ought to do and never did anything that we ought not to do, we should still require a set of rules of behavior. In other words these are laws. They enable us to live in any kind of a state. Every lawyer is required to protect the law. The legal profession is very popular and highly paid today. He is responsible to use laws to help people live safely and comfortably. Still, it is not all an easy work to do. A lawyer gives you pieces of advice on legal problems or gives reasons for defending people in the court. Today a good lawyer is of great demand in our country. I want to become a lawyer devoted to my cause. I originally became interested in the law during my 9th form when I realized that my skills as a writer, speaker, and leader — as well as my powers of logic — would probably serve me well in a legal career. That is why I entered an optional class where I could have lessons on law twice a week. All that I have done and experienced in my studying of the basic aspects of the law has further stimulated and reinforced my interest in the law, especially international obligations and public law, and my determination to pursue a legal career. Studying to be a lawyer represents the fulfilment of one of my longest held dreams. Whatever I could do as a lawyer to help people who are victimised by unscrupulous businessmen, as well as their own ignorance of the law, would give me a great satisfaction. The duty of the lawyer is not only to punish people for various crimes: from espionage to serial murder and terrorism, but they must do their best to prevent crimes, to fight against evil in our society. The lawyers should help those people, who committed an error (broke the law) to find the right road in their life. Judges can hand down a death sentence for murder in our country. I feel strongly that the death sentence should be abolished. The lawyers protect the rights and legal interests of citizens, institutions and organisations. I want to help people, businesses to solve their problems, I want to help everybody to know the rules that we all have to get along. I think that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important in the law-governed state, which we are creating now. Questions 1. What kind of profession do you want to choose? 2. Why do we need laws? 3. Is the profession of a lawyer popular and highly paid today? 4. What is a lawyer responsible for? 5. Why is the profession of a lawyer of great demand today? Для каждого важно правильно выбрать профессию. Сейчас есть немало уважаемых профессий. Однако молодому человеку трудно сделать выбор. Я менял свои планы несколько раз относительно того, кем я хочу стать, и наконец решил стать юристом. Важно понимать, что закон нужен не только тогда, когда в мире есть плохие люди. Если бы мы были такими хорошими, какими мы должны быть, законы все же были бы нужны. Если бы мы никогда не обманывали, не принимали того, что нам не принадлежит, не избегали того, что должны выполнять, и не делали того, что не должны, нам все равно были бы нужны определенные правила поведения. Другими словами, это есть законы. Они дают нам возможность жить в любой стране. Каждый юрист призван защищать закон. На сегодняшний день профессия юриста очень популярна и высоко оплачивается. Юрист отвечает за то, чтобы помочь людям жить безопасно и комфортно. Однако это нелегкая работа. Юрист предоставляет юридические консультации и выступает на защиту людей в суде. Сегодня в нашей стране есть большой спрос на хороших юристов. Я намерен стать юристом и быть преданным своему делу. Будучи в 9-м классе, я вначале заинтересовался правом, когда понял, что мои навыки, оратора и лидера, а так же сила моей логики, будут хорошо служить мне в юридической карьере. Именно поэтому я поступил в специализированный класс, где два раза в неделю у меня были уроки по праву. Все, что я сделал и постиг в изучении основных аспектов закона, далее стимулировало и укрепило мой интерес к праву, особенно международные обязательства и публичное право, и мое решение сделать юридическую карьеру. Стать адвокатом — это исполнение моей самой давней мечты. Чтобы я ни сделал как адвокат, чтобы помочь людям, которые являются жертвами недобросовестных бизнесменов, а также собственного незнания закона, это принесет мне большое удовлетворение. Обязанностью адвоката является не только наказание людей за различные преступления: от шпионажа до серийного убийства и терроризма, но он также должен приложить все усилия, чтобы предотвратить преступления, бороться против зла в нашем обществе. Адвокаты должны помочь тем людям, которые совершили ошибку (нарушили закон) найти правильную дорогу в жизни. В нашей стране судьи могут отменить смертный приговор за убийство. Адвокаты защищают права и юридические интересы граждан, учреждений и организаций. Я хочу помогать людям и фирмам решать проблемы, я хочу помогать всем узнать законы, по которым должны жить все. Я думаю, что профессия адвоката — одна из самых важных в правовом государстве, которое мы создаем сейчас. 3. You`ve met a lot of different jobs. Imagine that you have «a time machine. Tell me please: «What are you going to be»? «I’m going to be a/an ______ ». Well, you know a poem about your future professions. Who can recite it? What Are You Going to Be? What Are You Going to Be? What Are You Going to Be? I`ll be a lawyer, That`s the life for me. What Are You Going to Be? What Are You Going to Be? I shall be a lawyer, That`s the life for me. Thank you. Now write your own poem about your future profession. What Are You Going to Be? What Are You Going to Be? I`ll be a …, That`s the life for me. 4. This station is called « the station of advertisements». Work with your partner. Make up the advertisement. Use the plan: We need a good ________. You should be _______, _________, _________. You will ______, _______, ___________. t. _____________. We are waiting for you! 5. The first station is «Scrambled word». Unscramble them, please: • corodt • marnfie • nesur • fmerar • liponceman • heecatr • ctabaro • noclw • rakbe • refmar 6. Thanks for a good job. And the next station is «Broken bridges». Build them up. Use the forms of the verb «to be» and fill in the blanks. My sister ___ a doctor. You ____ a driver. I ____ a lawyer. We ____ students. His father ___ a policeman 7. Look we are in the «Magic forest». Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. A sportsman ………. fast His father ………. a car. A housewife………. well. Students ………. poems . A postman……. …letters. Вставьте формы am, is или are. В случае необходимости пользуйтесь словарем. 1. I ___________ a doctor. 2. My brother ____________ a manager. 3. Ann __________ at school. 4. His children ____________ in kindergarten (садик). 5. This chair ___________ red. 6. John ____________ angry. 7. My sister and I ___________ good friends. 8. These books ___________ heavy (heavy – тяжелый). 9. Andrew ___________ rich (rich – богатый). 10. The boys ___________ afraid of dogs (to be afraid of – бояться). 11. I ____________ tired. 12. Your keys _____________ on the table. 13. It _________ sunny today. 14. Those people ___________ Canadians. 15. She __________ a student. 16. We __________ interested in music (to be interested in – быть заинтересованным в ч-л). 17. Mary ___________ interested in politics. 18. I _________ cold. Could you close the window, please (Could you – не мог бы ты)? 19. This sofa ___________ comfortable (comfortable – удобный). 20. My favourite colour (любимый цвет) __________orange. 21. Parents ___________ very caring (caring – заботливый). 22. My boss __________ a good manager. 23. I ____________ 32 years old. 24. Helga ____________ very creative (creative – творческий). 25. You ___________ late (to be late – опаздывать). 26. Catherine ____________ at work. 27. The brothers __________ good swimmers. 28. The weather (погода) ___________ nice today. 29. The pain ____________ almost unbearable (almost – почти, unbearable – невыносимый). 30. They ___________ so cruel (cruel - жестокий)! Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя: • What is your father (mother)? • Is your mother a doctor (nurse)? • Where does your mother work? • Does your father work in a hospital? • What do you want to be? • Do you want to be a dentist? • Was your grandmother a teacher or a doctor? etc. 4. проверка понимания, оценки. Task 1.(повторение форм глагола to be в Present Simple) Fill in the blanks. 1. My sister … a nurse. 2. You … a baker. 3. They … engineers. 4. I … a fireman. 5. My parents … doctors. 6. Tom and John … pilots. 7. He … a good farmer. 8. We … students. 9. His father … a policeman. 10. I … a clown. Match the words and the sentences a teacher a doctor apoliceman a clown a postman a dancer a fireman a baker a dentist a pupil a) He bakes bread. b) He works in a circus. c) He takes care of our teeth. d) He fights fires. e) She studies at school. f) He delivers letters. g) She gives pupils homework. h) He helps sick people. i) He protects people. j) She works in a theatre. Correct the sentences. 1. Doctors teach children. 2. A nurse helps doctors. 3. A pilot drives a car. 4. A farmer works on a farm. 5. Teachers work at school. 6. A fireman brings letters. 7. Workers bake bread. 8. A programmer fights fires. 9. Dancers work in the hospital. 10. Clowns work in the circus. 5. Заключительный этап. Now, children, I want you to tell me about your parents’ professions. I‘d like to know what your grandparents were when they were young. Примерные высказывания учащихся по данной теме: P1: My mother is a nurse. She works in the hospital. My dad is a driver. He drives a bus. My granny was a baker and my granddad was a worker. P2: My father is a programmer. My mother is a teacher. My grandmother was a doctor. My grandfather was a fireman. I want to be a pilot. Etc. Fill in the gaps with words in the box. fights, drives, work, helps, bakes, brings, flies, protects, play, take care of 1. A postman … letters. 2. Clowns … tricks in the circus. 3. A policeman … people. 4. A fireman … fires. 5. My mother … cakes well. 6. His father … a car. 7. I … my teeth. 8. An astronaut … in a spaceship. 9. Teachers … at school. 10. A vet … sick animals. Подведение итогов. Организованный конец урока. Thank you very much for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye. Источник: http://collegy.ucoz.ru | |
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