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Шкарлатова Л.А., учитель английского языка международной школы «Мирас», высшая категория Кузнецов А.В., учитель английского языка международной школы «Мирас», высшая категория Музыкальное представление « Гамельнский крысолов»/ «The Pied Piper» Предлагаем Вашему вниманию сценарий музыкального спектакля «The Pied Piper», который проходил в международной школе «Мирас» в рамках Недели английского языка. Сценарий музыкального спектакля «The Pied Piper» написан по мотивам рассказа «Гамельнский крысолов». Сценарий написан учителями английского языка Шкарлатовой Людмилой Анатольевной и Кузнецовым Анатолием Владимировичем при участии учащихся 10 класса. Данная разработка способствует активизации умственной и творческой деятельности студентов, эффективному формированию познавательных интересов. Гармоничное сочетание индивидуальной и групповой форм работы позволяет привлечь учащихся с различным уровнем языковой подготовки и творческих способностей. К постановке спектакля могут быть привлечены студенты разных классов, что способствует общению учащихся разного возраста. В данном спектакле роль детей города Хамелин исполняли учащиеся первого класса. Музыкальный спектакль может быть представлен в рамках Недели английского языка или Недели театра в школе. Цель: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков, сплочение детского коллектива, развитие творческих способностей учащихся. The Pied piper Cast the Pied piper, fellow travelers as storytellers 1& 2, Gangster rats ,chief rat, the bartender, the Mayor, Girls Band, random people in the club, frightened by Gangster rats, Man from the crowd ,crowd (about 10 or more students) Background decoration for stage. You can use any image of the old European town and streets as a background to create an atmosphere of old times. Music. Ask a group of students to compose a rap song for the rats’dance. Video (and music) that support the narrator’s description. You can use www.youtube.com site. Supporting effects. Use the episodes from «YouTube» projecting them on the screen if it’s possible. Act I Scene 1 Curtains open. City silhouette on the background. A gang of rats is coming in. The music “Big rats popping” starts to play. The rats sing. During their performance, they smash some decorations on the stage, and then rename the label with the name of the town “Hamelin” with their own name. Music off. Rats run away. Curtains close. Scene 2 Screen down. Curtains open. Video (and music) that support the narrator’s description. Storyteller I: Once upon a time there was a town called Hamelin. Among the hills of it lays a wonderful nature scene; rivers were flowing, buildings stood nice and neat, showing peace and beauty. There was only one problem in this city: its citizens never saw their life without the destructing power of rats. They were all over the place, biting babies in the cradles, stealing food and other precious things from the people of Hamelin. The chaos deepened, as no one saw the way out of the problem. Until there happened to be a story that changed the life of Hamelin people forever. Curtains close. Screen up. Act 2 Scene 1 Curtains open. The stage shows the inside of the club with a bar to the left. A bartender is standing alongside of it, along with a stranger sitting on one of its chairs. The music is playing at the moment the narrator ends his speech. On the right side of the stage there is a platform for the girls’ band singing. Music: Fergie – Big girls don’t cry In the center stand the tables with random visitors. Some of them dance to the music. After a while, rats come in, girls-singers then scream and run away. Music changes the moment they come in (People in Planes – Light for the dead vine). Rats start to go around the tables, hit the visitors to free the table and sit down. The stranger at the bar looks at them at that time. Bartender (looking towards the stranger): Hey there, it’s the first time I see you here. Piper: My name is Pied Piper. I’m new to this town. These rats, are they doing this all the time? Bartender: Actually it’s a pretty good day. It’s getting worse every now and then… Piper: And how are you dealing with this problem? Bartender: The mayor is proposing a reward for anyone who will free this town from rats. Piper: I have an idea about this… I am really sure I can help you get rid of the rats. Curtain close as Storyteller 1 starts to say. Storyteller 1: The bartender then thought who the stranger was, what the secret he was carrying and what he was planning to do with the rats. He did not know then of the great history of the famous pied piper, who had already saved a lot of cities with the magic music of his pipe… Music: Background Scene 2 Curtains open. Screen down. Video: The scene from the cartoon where the mayor meets the Hamelin folk.Screen up. Storyteller 2: And when the Mayor was informed about the stranger who had promised to help the people of Hamelin to get rid of the rats he asked to arrange a meeting with him. Mayor’s office. Pied piper and Mayor are having a talk. Pied piper: You called and I came. My name is Pied piper and I’ll free this town from rats. All you have to do is promise to give me a reward afterwards. Mayor: But how are you going to do this? No one has succeeded in this yet. Pied piper: It doesn’t matter how I am going to do it. Trust me. You only need to agree. Mayor: I hope you will succeed, because there’s simply no life with these rats all over the place… I promise to pay this reward to you. Pied piper: Thank you, sir. Good day to you. The mayor nods as the Piper goes out. Curtains close. Music: background. Scene 3 City silhouette is on the background. The piper meets his fellow traveler and starts to tell him about his method. Pied piper: Listen, all I have to do is get the right melody, hit the right strings for these rats… Make them follow me, as they never followed anyone before. I bet you haven’t heard a word about my methods, haven’t you? Fellow traveler: You are absolutely right. Indeed, I haven’t heard anything about it. What is the secret of your success? Piper: That is the problem. It is a secret even for me. But I possess this secret and as long as it’s with me, I shall keep it to myself and not to take it for granted. Fellow traveler: But what exactly do you do? Piper: What happens is, when I start to play this pipe of mine, all of the creatures nearby that I chose to call, suddenly start to follow me. Fellow traveler: Okay, I get it – your music is the main tool. So, I have figured out that my aim is to lead your way straight to the place where the rats are and where you can force them to get away from this town once and for all. Piper: Thank you so much, my friend. I would not forgive myself if I don’t share the reward with you. Fellow traveler: Okay,let’s get going. The rats are waiting. Curtains close. Music sounds. Background Scene 4 Curtains open. City background. Rats are performing their dance (3 at the fore and 7-8 at the back) Music sounds. After a while, the dancing stops and the music ends. Piper and the fellow traveler come in. Piper: Hay, rats, how are you doing? You seem to have a pretty good life here. Chief rat: Well said, dude. Who are you anyway? Piper: I am new to this town, my name is Pied piper. Why are you doing all this stuff to this city? There is a risk of being caught, while here you have all you need, don’t you? Chief rat: You’re wrong! It’s the people, who have ruined our lives here. We are just trying to ruin their life, so that they would leave this town all to ourselves, as we are its true owners. Other rats repeat: We are the owners! Off with people! One of the rats: That’s true! These people, they have won over this city just like that and never thought that this would influence our life also. All we’re trying to do is regain our power. Other rats repeat: Off with people! Rats the power! Piper: I suppose there has to be some truths in your words. However, wouldn’t it be better to find a place, a lot better than that? Chief rat: Are you kidding? There’s no better place than this, the one we initially had all the time until humans came. Other rats repeat: Hamelin is the best place! We’ll never go away! Piper: You have just never been anywhere else and haven’t even been interested in it… But don’t worry; I am going to show you something you’ve never seen or heard before. Piper takes out his pipe and a beautiful melody playing Music: Kenny G – Crystal Mountain The rats (the gang and the random people, dressed like them) follow the Piper and the fellow traveler, as the two of them leave the stage as the music continues. Curtains close. At that time, Storyteller 2 says Storyteller 2: Rats, charmed by the music Piper was playing, followed him, until they reached the river, where Piper stopped and the rats were drown in. Never did they come back to Hamelin again. Curtains close. Music off Act 3 Scene 1 Curtains open. City background. An atmosphere of celebrations. Everyone is happy, a lot of people around. Music sounds. Crowd is on the stage.Pied Piper and Fellow Traveler enter the stage. Pied Piper: Look at this. There are so many people outside. It seems as if the whole town is on the street celebrating! Fellow Traveler: I wonder what they are celebrating. There must be a good reason for a gathering like that! It is the most joyful celebration I have ever been to in my life! Pied Piper: Let’s ask them what caused the joy! Addressing a man from the crowd who is clearly enjoying himself Hey, man, what is happening? Why are there so many people and so much noise? 1st man from the crowd: Ah, you don’t know? (addressing others) Look, he doesn’t know what is happening! 2nd man from the crowd: This is the most important event in the history of our city! 3rd man from the crowd: We have finally, once and for all the times, got rid of the lousy rats! 4th man from the crowd: And we would be very surprised if there had ever been people happier than us now! Pied Piper: But do you know who has done this incomparably noble favour to you? 2nd man from the crowd: Our prayers to the Lord! 1st man from the crowd: Yes, we were persistent in repeating, (kneeling and demonstrating a prayer) “Oh, Lord, we beseech your worship’s pardon for the sins we have made and kindly ask to be merciful and help us get rid of these rats”! 3rd man from the crowd: And it has worked! Pied Piper: No, no you are woefully mistaken! It was me who helped you! It was my music and my skills as a musician, which made the rats follow me and get sunk in the river! 4th man from the crowd: Oh, man, you are a liar! Pied Piper: No, I am not! I’ m telling you the truth! And there is a person, who can affirm that my words are truth! The crowd at these words is around the performers 5th man from the crowd: Oh, can he? Let’s ask him! He might be a liar too! All people in the crowd: A liar! Fellow Traveler (clearly very embarrassed and scared): I… I did not see it with my own eyes. I… I just heard the rumours around. It… it is my second time when I see this man. I… even do not know his name. I am not with him. Voices from the crowd: Oh, he IS a liar! Take him to the mayor! The 1st man from the crowd grabs the pied piper and drags him to the Mayor under the loud applauses and cheerful words of support from the crowd. Mayor (who certainly recognized the piper but doesn’t want to give the money he promised): Who are you and why are you stirring up a rebellion here? Pied Piper: You ask me? Ask yourself why you refuse to be as good as your words! You promised a good reward for me as a person who has helped you to get rid of the rats! And here I am. With no money being charged with telling a lie! And what… Mayor: Stop talking now, you troublemaker! And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll get lost now or I will order to kill you! Pied Piper (leaving the place under the roars of laughter): All right, I’ll teach you a good lesson! Curtains close.Music sounds. Background Act 3 Scene 2 Curtains open. Music sounds. The Pied Piper enters an empty stage accompanied by children (Grade 6 students) dancing to the music he is playing. The children repeat everything he is doing. The music becomes quieter as the Pied Piper and the children leave the stage. Storyteller 2: The Pied Piper then took away every child of the Hamelin townspeople by luring them with the magic music of his pipe to follow him; by doing this he wanted to punish the people of Hamelin. Curtains close. Music continues until curtains open. Scene 3 Curtains open. Setting: the Mayor’s office The crowd of angry people outside shouting. Voices from the crowd: Reward to the Pied Piper! Return our kids! The crowd repeats it 3 times The Pied Piper comes along with the children Pied Piper: Here are you children, safe and sound! Have your changed your mind now, people? The Mayor comes to the Pied Piper and gives him a reward. Mayor: I just would like to apologize. I have realized the importance of being honest and reliable! People hug their children. All of the participants pile up to form a choir on the stage. Music: “Season of love” by “Shining toy guns”. Joined by the rest of the cast, everyone is singing. Dance group: circle holding their hands. Curtain fall. THE END. The final stage Pied Piper and the rat Bibliography: www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/etext/piper/ By Robert Browning (1888), illustrated by Kate Greenaway; e-text at Indiana University Libraries. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied_Piper_of_Hamelin Walt Disney's Fables - Pied Piper - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXOCHn7Vfec Источник: http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/etext/piper/ | |
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